5-6(1925)Google Scholar; vol. 003-07-24. Nathaniel Uring, Historie ofte Iaerlijck Verhael van de Verrichtinghen der Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie, Repertorium van 0vd-Nederlandse Landmeters, 14e tot 18e ee uw, Les Hollandais sur la Côte de Guinée à l'époque de l'essor de l'Ashanti et du Dahomey 1680-1740, Trade and Polities on the Gold Coast, 1600 to 1702, L'Atlas curieux: ou le Monde, Seconde partie, Historische Beschryving der Beizen… Vyfde Deel … Negende Boek, Caspar Barlaeus, Nederlandsch Brazilië onder het bewind van Johan Mautits van Nassau, 1637 - 1644, Religion, moeurs et coutumes des Agnis de la Côte d'Ivoire (Indénié et Sanwi), Zeewezen en wetensahap: De wetensohap en de ontwikkeling van de navigatietechniek in Nederland tussen 1585 en 1815, Relative Ortsbezeichnung: zum geographischen Sprachgebrauch der Griechen und Romer, Indicators of Unacknowledged Assimilations from Amerindian Maps on Euro-American Maps of North America: Some General Principles Arising from a Study of La Vérendrye's Composite Map, 1728-29, Relatione del Reame di Congo et delle circonvicine contrade tratta della Scritti & ragionamenti di Odoardo Lopez Portoghese, Settlements, Trade, and Polities in the Seventeenth-Century Gold Coast, het Goudriviertje drie mijlen bewesten Assiné, Trade and Politics Behind the Slave Coast: The Lagoon Traffic and the Rise of Lagos, 1500 - 180, Africa and the Indian Ocean in Chinese Maps of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der niederländischen Seekartografie im 18. 109. Present political divions of Africa. 145. “Map of coastal area between Assini and Beyin, showing regions and the name of the king of each region. As a reminants of Biafra, we are saying that Biafra as a Country is over due, now that Nigeria’s 100 year amalgamation has EXPIRED 1914-2013, therefore… WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK! 587, English translation in van Dantzig, A., The Dutch and the Guinea Coast, 1674-1742 Accra 1978, p. 18.Google Scholar. Batmerry Map Tapestry, Map Africa Made Wood Wooden Abstract Art Black Blue Picnic Mat Beach Towel Wall Art Decoration for Bedroom Living Room Dorm, 51.2 x 59.1 Inches, Wood Black Blue 4.5 out of 5 … But the text on the map may be read as follows: “In soco, is geen gout noch handel daervan, maer hebben geestijmeerde kleeden, tapijts gewijs gewrocht die seer onder de aca-nisten geacht sijn, hebben oock paerden, woonen op fortij-fijcatien doch en hebben geen vier geweer” (In soco, there is no gold nor trade thereof, but they have esteemed cloth made in the same way as carpets, which are highly appreciated by the acanists, they have horses too and live in fortifications but they have no fire arms). 9. As soon as this Canoe returns to Corbi Lahou, the merchants sail with their cloth to the Gold Coast in order to trade there. Zandvliet, Kees, “Overzeese militaire kartografie na het echec van 1780-'82: de West en de Kust van Guinea,” Caert-Thresoor 4(1985), 46–53.Google Scholar, 134. The head of this settlement was a cousin of Amakye, the chief of Beyin, who claimed to command the whole of Apollonia or Nzema. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. From the journals of Elmina castle it appears that in 1645 a considerable part of the gold conveyed to the Dutch fort at Axim came from “Achinee” and “Abbine,” places from which the quaquacloth was also shipped: Ratelband, , Dagregisters, 53, 80.Google Scholar, 94. See, for instance, Samuel Brun's Schiffarten of 1624 in Jones, , German Sources, 64.Google Scholar The term “kouakouas” is still used as a collective noun referring to the different peoples living around the lagoons in southeast Ivory Coast; see Atger, Paul, La France en Côte d'Ivoire de 1843 à 1893 (Dakar 1962) 30–32.Google Scholar. . The Buache Map is an 18th century map commonly claimed to accurately depict the continent of Antarctica before it was buried by ice. For a succinct survey see de Vrij, Marijke, The World on Paper; a Descriptive Catalogue of Cartographical Material Published in Amsterdam During the Seventeenth Century (Amsterdam, 1967).Google Scholar, 11. Dessinée en 1699 - 1700 - 1701 et 1702” in BN Paris, Cartes et Plans, SH port. The kingdom of biafra must be restored at all costs. Bodell. Bodell. to X, dated 23 Nov. 1679, ARA, Archief Rademacher no. 182, No. Roussier, , Etablissement, 188.Google Scholar, 76. For as soon as Zion travailed she brought her children.” (Isaiah 66:8) I will continue to travail in unity with all believers of our God chosen people of Biafra for our Nation’s restoration in our lifetime. D'Anville's map of April 1729 (see note 35) had “Vieux Issini ravagé par les Dinkirases et abandoné” as situated to the east of Tabo and close to Cap de Ste Apollonie. Barbot, , Description Seconde partie, f° 3.Google Scholar These observations were more extensive and different from those made by Barbot ten years earlier in his journal of 1678/79, MS in British Museum, Add. Ancient empires and peoples of Africa Signed J.S. I will continue to pray as God Amighty has won the battle in spirit realm so it stand…Be encouraged ye sons of our father land the Republic & kingdom of Biafra, never give up Our God is with us cheers all. It can be added that the members of the “dog clan” do not trace their descent from a communal ancestress; that intermarriage between clan members seems to be allowed but is forbidden between persons of the same lineage; and that it is even possible to change clans; see Ackah, , “Kaku Ackah,” pp. Kl., 118 (1981), 252–57.Google Scholar. However, they go off in turns, which they strictly maintain, so that no one would set sail before the first trading party has returned in order to prevent them from hindering each other, which would be the case if they all together were going off at the same time. 3 in the sea atlas De Niewe Groote Lightende Zee-Fakkel, Verthoonende de Zee-kusten van Guinea, Angola, der Caffers en Brazilien … Door Claes Jansz. MAP of NIGERIA – This is Why we Fight and the More Reason, WHY WE MUST WIN! This spelling occurs in the journal, which was kept in the chief castle of the WIC, Elmina; see entries for 2 June and 10 October 1645, in Ratelband, K., ed., Vijf dagregisters van het Kasteel Sao Jorge de Mina (Hague, 1953) 53, 80.Google Scholar Also in a letter dated 25 May 1690 by Johan Nieman director general of the Brandenburg Company at Gross-Friedrichsburg, to Joel Smits, director general at Elmina: document 72 in Jones, Adam, Brandenburg Sources for West African History, 1680-1700 (Wiesbaden, 1985) 170.Google Scholar Another Dutch source, the attestation by Charles le Petit, dated 18 Dec. 1690, mentioned Abbiné, in Hazewinkel, H. C., “Twee attestaties over de Nederlandsche kolonisatie aan de Goudkust,” Bijdragen en Mededeelingen van het Historisch Genootschap, 53 (1931), 250.Google Scholar, 31. 64. Silk Road Map 2021 - useful maps of Silk Road routes The Silk Road stretches more than 7,000 kilometers, connecting most lands of Asia and Europe. Elmina, dated 10 February 1830, ARA, NBKG 514. Africa, Journal d'un voyage de traite en Guinée, à Cayenne et aux Antilles fait par Jean Barbot en 1678-1679, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Semper aliquid veteris: Printed Sources for the History of the Ivory and Gold Coasts, 1500-1750, La France en Côte d'Ivoire de 1843 à 1893, Croyances religieuses et coutumes juridiques des Agni de la Côte d'Ivoire, Mythe Sanwi de l'origine des clans; essai d'interprétation sociologique, La langie mandingue et ses dialects II, Dictionnaire Mandingue-Français, La ‘juridiction’ du Fort Saint Antoine d'Axim, Le sol, la parole et l'écrit. Kee preaching the gospel of the restoration of the kingdom of God on earth! 147. Vossius, Isaacus, De Nili et aliorun fluminum origine (Hagae Comitis, 1666)Google Scholar; J. A map indicating the major ancient and medieval states in sub-Saharan Africa. A recent African study is Fall, Yoro K., L'Afrique à la naissance de la cartogarphie noderne: les cartes majorquines XIV-XV siècles (Paris, 1982).Google Scholar. Vertoonende de Zeecust van Cabo Verde tot Caap de bonne Espérance,” on which Abianij is marked. Areas and dates relate to a state at its peak. A fanciful rendition of the "T and O" map developed by Isidor of Sevilla in the 7th century. Desde o Cabo Bojador ao Cabo de Sont Caterina (Bissau, 1950).Google Scholar, 10. On G. van Keulen's MS chart “Van Costa La Hou tot Cabo Trespuntas” (see note 24) was marked “Gout Riviertie of Rio de suemo de costa of R. de Sueiro de Costa.” Director-general Willem de la Palma wrote “'t Gout rieviertie da Costa genoemt” in his report on the Dutch attempt to capture Assini, dated 4 November 1702: ARA, WIC 98, f° 67. 61. 50. 124. See, e.g. European historians had made this discovery way back in time but kept them a guarded secret so that it would serve their aim of keeping the black race in perpetual exploitation. See Van Dantzig, Albert, Les Hollandais sur la Côte de Guinée à l'époque de l'essor de l'Ashanti et du Dahomey 1680-1740 (Paris, 1980), 38–42.Google Scholar, 105. This etymology matches excellently with the nineteenth-century form of the toponym Eviano. For Elandt, who on the margin of his map styled himself as “Ingenieur en Peterdier der generaliteyt” (Engineer and fire worker in service of the States General), see Teeling, P. S., Repertorium van 0vd-Nederlandse Landmeters, 14e tot 18e ee uw (Hague, 1981), 3, 89, 200, 245.Google Scholar, 103. Thank you for the observation, that 400 was only before the first map was created, leading to amalgamation of 1914. See Davids, C. 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A., “Maps of Africa 1500 - 1800: A Bibliographical Survey,” Nigerian Geographical Journal, 7 (1964).Google Scholar, 60. According to the chart by Van Keulen, the chief towns of the kingdom of “Asiante” were Xabanda and Uxoo, both of which places already figured on Teixeira's map as situated near to sites where gold was mined. The same spelling as Dapper's - Albine - was shown on maps as well as in rutters of the several eighteenth-century editions of The English Pilot; see Seller, Jer. All Biafrans need to read recent archaeological discoveries about Biafra published in the book “They Lived Before Adam” by Prof. Catherine Acholonu; the book can be read online. 70. In “Vertoog of Deductie, opgesteld … door den Directeur-Generaal J. Valckenburgh … Anno 1656 [= 1659[” the spellings Abbinie and Abinie appear side by side: de Jonge, J. K. J., De oorsprong van Neerland's bezittingen op de kust van Guinea (Hague, 1871), 54, 55.CrossRefGoogle Scholar, 32. von der Groeben, Otto Friedrich, Guineische Reisebeachreibung (1682–1683)Google Scholar, in Jones, , Brandenburg Sources, 37, 39.Google Scholar, 33. D'Anville, Bourguignon,“Mémoire concernant les rivières de l'intérieur de l'Afrique, sur les notions tirées des anciens et des modernes,” Recueil de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Paris, 1759).Google Scholar, 15. Between 1501 and 1867, the transatlantic slave trade claimed an estimated 12.5 million Africans and involved almost every country with an Atlantic Coastline. 153. This process probably also included the formation of a distinct language, Nzeme. The Tabernacle of Ancient Israel - Brief Overview of the Tabernacle of Moses in the Wilderness and the Ark of the Covenant. Based upon maps from: The Penguin Atlas of African History See D'Anville's Guinea map of April 1729, which mentioned Odenna and George de la Mine, prinoipale place de la Côte as two distinct places. Copyright © African Studies Association 1988, Hostname: page-component-665c8dd9bd-lm4gv Total loading time: 0.73 Render date: ( Log Out /  The Dutch fleet sent out in 1637 from Pernambuco in Brazil in order to conquer Elmina from the Portuguese had orders to wait stealthily at the roads of Abiani until it received the signal for the attack from the Dutch commander at Mori, see Casparis Barlaei Rerum per octennium in Brasilia, et alibi nuper gestarum, sub praefectura Illustrissimi Comitis I Mauritii, Nassoviae, & c. Comitis … Historia, Amstelodami, Ex typographeio Ioannis Blaev 1647, f 55. Biasutti, R., “La carta dell'Africa di G. Gastaldi (1545-1564) e lo sviluppo della cartografia nei secoli XVIe XVII,” Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana 5/9(1920), 327-46, 387–436.Google Scholar The geographical work by the Venetian Sanuto was an improtant source in the seventeenth century for the knowledge of Africa. The Kingdom was then spelt as “Biafara”. The date is derived from a Dutch source: Missive from E. L. van Ingen, Axim, to Cmdt. 21. Barbot's map and description of 1688 are preserved in PRO, Kew. Africa (London, 1982).Google Scholar, 77. 53. 98. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 2, opp. 172.Google Scholar Copy of the map in University Library, Leiden, Mus. For instance, the linguist Pierre Alexandre noticed that on the official map of Cameroun made before independence a certain “Ambababoum” is shown as an important village on the road from Yaoundé to Bafia. 3, bearbeitet von E. Domann,” map no. Tutankhamen & Akhenaton. The 2.5km wide and kilometer-deep artery that was first mapped in 2003 terminates off the Mauritanian coast. This collection, containing maps from the secret archive of the VOC, was bound in 48 costly bindings. 156. Jan 26, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Hugo Ahlenius. Reproductions of Unique and Rare Maps, Plans, and Views in the Actual Size of the Originals; Accompanied by Cartographical Monographs (Hague 1933), 5:182–84.Google Scholar. See Levtzion, Nehemia, Ancient Ghana and Mali (London, 1973) 167–68.Google Scholar Cf. Well known are a number of villages along the coast all named Akyenim (Atjenim, Adjenim, etc.) A Dutch version of this work has been edited by Naber, S. P. L'HonoréCaspar Barlaeus, Nederlandsch Brazilië onder het bewind van Johan Mautits van Nassau, 1637 - 1644 (Hague, 1923).Google Scholar. These crosses, marked on the same spots as on Teixeira's map appeared on several seventeenth-century maps of Guinea, such as those by Willem Blaeu, Janssonius, Frederick de Wit in the Covens and Mortier edition, and that by Pieter Schenk and Gerard Valk. Recveil d'etudes (Brussels, 1976), 33–56.Google Scholar, 17. Ancient Africa history is much more than Egyptian pyramids and Nile civilization. 122. Exploration Methods of David Livingstone on Lake ‘Nyassa’: Hydrographie Survey and International Boundaries; Geographical, Environmental and Land Registration Data in Central Africa (Rotterdam, 1980)Google Scholar; Merret, C. E., A Selected Bibliography of Natal Maps, 1800-1977 (Boston, 1979)Google Scholar; Mitchell, P. K., “Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Printed Maps of Sierra Leone: A Preliminary Listing,” Sierra Leone Studies 22, (1968), 60–83Google Scholar; and Pullan, R. A., A First Check-List of the Published Maps of Northern Rhodesia, 1890-1949 (Lusaka, 1978).Google Scholar. note 142. Possibly Teixeira's Cacers Anguines were identical to Incassa Iggyna of the Gold Coast map of 1629, ARA, VEL 743. “Nieuwe en Naauwkeurige Paskaert van de Guineese Goud, Tand en Slave Kust Strekkende van Sierra Liones tot aan Caap Formosa … te Amsterdam door Joannes van Keulen …” Title also in French. Van C. tres Puntas tot Acara, daermede in verthoont word, alle binnenslands Proventien, wat aldaer voor Coopmanschappen verhandelt wort, alsmede de zeden en manieren der Inwoonders. We want to answer the name of our ancestors and have the right to occupy our ancestral habitation whose maps and identity were in the ancient Map of Africa about 400 years before Captain Lugard and Rev C.H Robinson created Nigeria in 1914. 1 – FULL RADIOBIAFRA BROADCAST, BIAFRA IPOB: SPEECH By MAZI NNAMDI KANU – 19th April 2015 Pt. Jahrhundert, Beiträge zur theoretischen Karto graphie-Festschrift fur Erik Amberger, Vingboons Atlas - Atlas van kaarten en aanzichten van de VOC en WIC, genoemd Vingboons-atlas in het Algemeen Rijksarchief te 's Gravenhage, Les planches sénégalaises et mauritaniennes des “Atlas Vingboons” (XVIIe siècle), Overzeese militaire kartografie na het echec van 1780-'82: de West en de Kust van Guinea, Die ältesten gedruckten modernen Karten Afrikas. See also De Marees, Besohryvinge, f° 42b. Slave Mortality, as percent of Slaves Leaving, and Voyage Length from Africa to Caribbean Regions, 1776–1830, SOME OF THE OLDEST KNOWN BIAFRAN KINGDOM MAP, our new nation biafra will come to pass one day,we are in tears in every instantenous giving t seconds, I wish to express my joy & gratitude to God Amighty for creating me a Biafran. Yet on the maps in Eugene's Atlas, 36, ff. In 1623 Dierick Ruyters gave that name to a more limited coastal tract, as is evident from his Toortse, f° 305 (see note 58): “Van die Sete Aldeas tot Rio de Sueyro is't land ghenaemt Alares” (From the S.A. up to R. de S. the country is named Alares). “Shall a nation be born at once? View all Google Scholar citations G. Child's engraving after this map had R. del Oro (see note 35). La Coste des Negres, et Guinee, &c. est apres les Observations de Samuel Blomart. According to tradition the coastal region between present Beyin and Half Assini was formerly called Gwomoro; see J. Ackah, “Kaku Ackah,” Appendices 4 and 6. “It’s a great geological detective story and it confirms more directly what we had expected. were expelled from the present region of Ahanta by the Inkassa (Cacares Dampago) and subsequently settled down near the Tano river behind Cape Apollonia. With Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s IPOB I stand both in truth and in spirit, if I die I die for the glory of Biafra. Marked, among others, on the 1629 map in ARA, VEL 743, and “Pascaert van de Gout Cust, Vertonende de Zeecust van Cabo de tres Pontes tot Rio Volta” in Eugene's Atlas, 36, f° 14. AND WE MUST GET IT BACK! The Report by J. G. Schnerr on his journey from Beyin to Assini in November 1869, (ARA, NBKG 1101) mentioned as consisting of 18 houses and having 100 inhabitants, who got their living by farming (Indian corn, banana), fishing (in the Tano-river), and making salt. 2500x2282 / 899 Kb Go to Map. 27. The History of Rome - Brief Overview Of Roman History from Her Dawn to the First Punic War. On “Pas Caarte Vande Gryen-Cust en Adaows Qua Quaas Tuhessen de Serraliones en C. de Tres Puntas” published as map no. 139. It was the same with the Israeli Diaspora when in 1897 Theodor Hertzl rose to fight for the creation of a state of Israel in Palestine. That’s why many of our compatriots have no motivation to partake in the struggle; they associate the Biafran struggle with one such evil winds that sometimes blow in history but soon fizzle away into nothingness. See Woldan, Erich, “Die ältesten gedruckten modernen Karten Afrikas,” Anzeiger der oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ph-hist. In the hinterland of Cape Apollonia Petirees destruidos pellos Caceres Dampago are marked. By extension, it has been claimed that this map is evidence that an ancient civilization had mapped Antarctica without ice, and the Buache Map was drawn based on this ancient source.. Other surveys are Cartwright, Margeret Findlay, Maos af Africa and Southern Africa in Printed Books, 1550-1750: A Bibliography (Cape Town, 1976)Google Scholar; Cartwright, Janet Findlay, Maps of Southern Africa in Printed Books, 1750-1856: A Bibliography (Cape Town, 1976)Google Scholar; Gamble, D. P., “Published Charts, Maps and Town Plans of the Gambia,” Sierra Leone Studies, 23(1968), 66–70Google Scholar; Martin, C. G. C., Maps and Surveys of Malawi: A History of Cartography and the Land Survey Profession. A substantial publication in the field of African historical cartography is Kamal, Youssouf, Monumenta Cartographica Africae et Aegypti, ed Wieder, F. C. (Cairo Leiden, 1926–1951), 16 vols.Google Scholar To this may be added the publications in the series Mémoires de la Société royale de Géographie d'Egypte by Roncière, Charles Bourel de la, La découverte de l'Afrique au Moyen Age vol. Par Guillaume De l'Isle de l'Académie Royale des Sciences.” De l'Isle (1675-1726) is considered to be the father of modern geography. 46. 13 May 2014. In the eighteenth century his Africa maps were published, among other places, in atlases produced by the Amsterdam firm Covens and Mortier; see Koeman, , Atlantes 2: 45–49.Google Scholar A copy of this map is in University Library, Leiden, Mus. The term “ethnonym” not only includes names of peoples, tribes, clans, etc., but can imply those of autochthonous polities, such as here, for instance, “kingdom of Issyny.” For the problematic of this term in the African context, see UNESCO, Ethnonymes et toponymes africaines (Paris, 1984), 146 ff.Google Scholar. See for particulars on this map published in de… Zee-Fakkel, 't Vy fde Deel of 1738, Koeman, , Atlantes, 4:382.Google Scholar Copies of this map in ARA, VEL 135, and University Library Leiden, Mus. Many names of places and watercourses mentioned by Schnerr cannot be traced on the Survey map of Ghana. The Historical Evidence in Old Maps and Charts of Africa... Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. 39, 113.Google Scholar The text on the backside of Janssonius's map of “Guinea,” published in 1638 at Amsterdam in his Niewen Atlas o fte Werelts Besckpyvinge stated that “the Coast from Cabo de Tres Puntas to the River Benin, or Rio de Lagos, is called the Gold Coast.” Ruyters, Yet Dierick, Toortse der Zee-Vaert (Vlissingen 1623), f° 306 (re-edited by S.P. 41. See “Deductie … J. Valckenburgh” in De Jonge, , De Oorsprong, 55–56Google Scholar; and Van Dantzig, Albert, “La ‘juridiction’ du Fort Saint Antoine d'Axim” in Le sol, la parole et l'écrit. “J. Etat des connaissances géographiques et cartographiques, La Conference de Géographie de 1876. Generally they are valued more for their decorative qualities than for their geographical content. Rio Soeiro da Costa has been identified as river Komoé by da Mota, Teixeira, Toponimos, 261–62Google Scholar; Debien, /Delafosse, /Thilmans, , “Journal,” 275Google Scholar; Kea, Ray A., Settlements, Trade, and Polities in the Seventeenth-Century Gold Coast (Baltimore, 1982) 24Google Scholar; and Jones, , Brandenburg Sources, 37Google Scholar; as “rivière Bia ou d'Assinie” by Reichenbach, J. C., “Etude sur le royaume d'Assinie,” Bulletin de la Société de Géographie, 7/11 (1890) 313Google Scholar; and as “fleuve Tanoé” by Mouëzy, , Assinie, 18.Google Scholar. If this could be added it would be very beneficial. More recent is the map engraved by J. van Schley “Suite de la Coste de Guinée. Africa political map. None of these names figure on the Survey map of Ghana. I still but wonder why Biafran youths of ‘now generations ‘ are so naive as to stand up for what os their right and truth? 113, Div. Keep marching on! See note 27. Almost identical with the Gold Coast map of 1629 in ARA, VEL 743, is Johannes van Keulen's “Pascaert vande Goutcust in Guinea. 185–86.Google Scholar, 79. Both places were mentioned twice in the margin of the MS map of 1629, under the entries “Igwyra” (see note 29) and “Great Inkassa,” from where its merchants go to Komenda in case no ship lies at the roads of “asijne” or “abenij.”. , have been published, e.g 1679, ARA, VEL 743 Albrecht, Ptolomaeus und Handelsstrassen! 653-54, book V of p. Bertij Tabularum Geographicarum contractarum Libri septem, Amsterodami Sumptibus. ( Gen 46:5-7 ) ) 2:685–98.Google Scholar, 12 Nili et aliorun fluminum (... Ghana and Mali ( London, Early maps and Plans in the latter is mainly from! 1981 ), 603.Google Scholar ( 1635 ) and janssonius ( 1636...., though it still bears the 1570 date the Ancient maps of the African Continent for sale on Etsy and. 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