Get the best of Sporcle when you Go Orange.This ad-free experience offers more features, more stats, and more fun while also helping to support Sporcle. Download bejeweled full version for free . Socom 2 Maps & Hints. Even if you have to pay (and then charge for the DLC) a lot of old Socom heads would stand in line to get them. Now that we got out the 4 that everybody picks, my wild card pick would be Night Stalker for pistols only and regular probably The Mixer. Your top 5 SOCOM 2 maps. nowadays they scam you with a ridicules overpriced map packs. Blizzard- Demolition- Alaska 3. Vigilance Crossroads Desert glory Fish hook Frostfire, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Learn all the SOCOM glitches. Established in 2002, the Sea Snipers® are a professional gaming team, currently competing on the Xbox One. If you ready to get started you can click here to go the setup guide, or click here if you like to just download, and install it. The weird thing is, that after posting the above comment I opened a PCGamer article that is linked on the GTA V discussion board and a Papa Johns pop up appeard. Blizzard I wish had more fog from S1 but it's still damn good by itself in S2 and one of the most balanced maps. Thanks. Bitter Jungle - Demolition - Congo 3. lol. Neither USSOCOM nor its contributors are responsible for the content of any off-site pages that are referenced by or that reference to USSOCOM's Home Page. How do I get the 3 down-loadable maps for socom2 on ps2? Laser Tag Arena is located in Atlanta, GA. Frostfire, Desert Glory, Crossroads and Fish Hook. SOCOM: Combined Assault DLC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Home: Videos: How To Uses Code 9: Downloads: Code Majic Codes: MSG/Colour Codes: Socom 2 Maps If crossroads isn't in the top 3 in anyones list idk. I've been playin SOCOM online since the first SOCOM came out for the PS2.. And, in my opinion at least, the best map has got to be. Abandoned - Suppression - Thailand 2. Up to 16 players in close proximity in Ad Hoc mode and online in Infrastructure mode can compete wirelessly through 3 new game types across all new multiplayer maps and original SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo maps. I would like to see some Socom and Socom 2 maps created for PS4 version. All the Socom 2 maps video 41 comments. Sort by. The first map pack features three remakes of the SOCOM 2 expansion maps: After Hours, Last Bastion and Liberation. by J2Hall02 Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . vigilance 2) frostfire 3) crossroads 4) desert glory 5) fish hook, DG, x-roads, frostfire, fish hook, nightstalker, Enowapi, blizzard, crossroads, sujo, shadow falls. Moderator: Dark =SA= 2: 36: SOCOM 2 Glitches . Desert Glory - Extraction - Turkmenistan 5. I would like to see some Socom and Socom 2 maps created for PS4 version. R. Razgriz-Specter Member. Rat's Nest - Suppression - Turkmenistan 6. What's your favorite map from S2? Thank you for becoming a member. Sujo, Enowapi, Fish Hook, Bitter Jungle, and Death Trap. Frostfire - Suppression - Alaska 8. level 1. Night Stalker - Demolition - Turkmenistan 4. For S1 maps, Abandoned Dark sucks. The only reason it isn't in my top list is because it was so commonly played. Which brings us to the final, and best, reason to play SOCOM II: its incredibly addictive online multiplayer game. Zipper Interactive's latest (and likely last) PlayStation 2 effort in its tactical shooter franchise is nearly upon us. Socom Navy Seals Ps2 Iso Socom 2 Ps2 Iso Download Pc Download and Install Winrar; Open Application and Select “Extract Here” or “Extract Files” If multiple parts e.g. Moderator: Dark =SA= 1: 2: SOCOM 2 Point System . 20. At some point don't they come into the public domain? Blizzard - Demolition - Alaska 4. Frostfire - Suppression - Alaska 2. Desert Glory - Extraction - Turkmenistan 7. Crossroads, Blizzard, Foxhunt, Guidance, The Mixer. Socom 2 Maps. Blizzard - Demolition - Alaska 3. SOCOM U.S. NAVY SEALS. Also, might want to consider adding a 3rd player option and player hosted custom matches. Abandoned - Suppression - Thailand 7. No particular order on those, they were all fun to me, especially as SEALs. The price for the first map pack is $5.99 (USD) and must be purchased through the SOCOM Store in the SOCOM community. Not to say I didn't like the popular maps, but I just got a bit tired of crossroads and desert glory being in every fucking list, and only seeing something like Shadow Falls once in a blue moon, ya know? - SOCOM 2 will auto-update when connecting to the server if an update exists - Custom rules in briefing rooms (ie: No death camera in CLAN GAMES) - Anti-Cheat - Custom CIRCLE-Menu options in game (Includes: Map Render Fix, Controller presets, Host Options, etc) Close. Cookies help us deliver our Services. If you want to create a backup of socom 2 to an ISO image and use that instead then I suggest downloading DVD Decrypter which I provided to where you can get that software. Can you name the Socom 2 Maps? share. WELCOME TO THE [SOFO] SOCOM FANS FORUM. Total Users on SVDL: 37 Total Users In LAN Lobby: 3 Total Users In Game: 22 List of games up on S.V.D.L! Go. fish hook fish hook fish hook fish hook and fish hook, FrostFire (My absolute favorite, just the right size, and so fun to play), Shadow Falls, Blizzard, Nightstalker, Fox Hunt, The Ruins. 3. best. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. hide. 1. Favorite Socom 2 Map? All rights reserved. Night Stalker - Demolition - Turkmenistan 9. 1. 1. Archived. The new, bigger maps do a fantastic job of combining in- and outdoor environments and the game's overall focus on teamwork. Learn how the SOCOM point system works I could go on. Choosing your Socom 2 media. © Valve Corporation. Now here we have map pack 3 for free. Tons of crisscrossing paths, hiding spots, and ambush points add layers of strategy to the action. These map packs allow for multiple game modes just like the normal 3/CA. Left 4 Dead 2 is a cooperative first-person shooter video game, the sequel to Valve Corporation's Left 4 Dead. IMO, this is the best tactical shooter out there and the closest thing to Socom I have seen. X-roads, Nightstalker, blizz, ruins, guidance. I'm talking about last bastion, after hours and liberation. Frostfire - Suppression - Alaska 2. Rats Nest - Suppression - Turkmenistan 10. I liked weird maps nobody else enjoyed like death trap, blood lake, and sandstorm. Blood Lake they got rid of a lot of the fog from S1, so it isn't as charming of a long distance map since it's much clearer to see. S.V.D.L (SOCOM Virtual Dedicated LAN) is fan made LAN tunneling program that allows people to play SOCOM2, SOCOM3, and SOCOM Combined Assault thru the internet using LAN mode. Posted by 7 years ago. And, perhaps you can license them if someone is still claiming ownership, stealing is not the only way to get those maps into your game. And now I miss SOCOM. Rats Nets sucks not because it's dark, but because they changed the dynamic of the map with all the new barriers and such. report. You guys should aggressively try to close the gap. Discussions. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Also the reason why a lot of people skipped Abandoned on SOCOM 2 was because they made it a night map & you usually couldn't see shit. This should allow for simpler and quicker downloading of the map pack. SOCOM II U.S. Navy SEALs is a tactical shooter video game developed by Zipper Interactive and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for PlayStation 2.It's the sequel to SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs.. Maps from SOCOM 2. Want to be awesome at SOCOM 2, then check out this guide. Death Trap - Extraction - Congo 6. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Thread starter Omega; Start date Oct 9, 2013; 103 Forums. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. i wished they put socom 2 back on the ps 3. with some hd grapics mebe. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Blood Lake - Extraction - Congo 5. Death Trap I don't like how they changed the bunkers underground. Host your own server and run them there. SOCOM: Combined Assault Map Pack To speed up the process for our fans who intend to play the final month of the original SOCOM games’ lives out in style, we have posted the map pack here on our site. Desert Glory is roughly the same from S1 minus the ability to breach through the hostage wall. The best SOCOM maps were the ones no one ever played. look all of the levels you got back in the day. I would like a Xtra Large Pepperoni Pizza. Abandoned - Suppression - Thailand 7. Since I rarely got to play them, I enjoyed them much more. Prev. . i still play a lot of socom 2 and would like to get these maps so me and my friends could play them. NightStalker- Demolition- Turkmenistan 4. Close. Posted by 5 months ago. 100% Upvoted. Abandoned, Enowopi, Bitter Jungle, Shadow Falls, Last Bastion, Blood Lake, Sujo etc. Your top 5 SOCOM 2 maps. Nice. If you want to use your socom 2 disk then no further steps are needed other than a plugin change for pcsx2 which will be covered later on.

All machines have been rigorously tested by our own R&D team, and also by World Champion Racing and Rally Drivers, who are unanimous in offering their praise and approval of the performance and handling of our Rage Buggies on both tarmac and loose surfaces. We've been playing Sujo a lot on xlink lately, which has been a really enjoyable challenge, but I think my favorite map from S2 is either Requiem or the Mixer. Socom Glitches and Codes. The Ruins - Demolition - Thailand 8. SOCOM 2 Abanoned map. Was there ever any map harder for SEALs than Enowapi? I will say this, it is better to go back to Socom 2 and play. Favorite Socom 2 Map? since 2004, written 10 officially published strategy guides, illustrated every Call of Duty multiplayer map from COD4 to COD Ghosts, and consulted for Infinity Ward on COD MW3 and COD Ghosts. Blizzard - Demolition - Alaska 3. 1; 2; 3; First Prev 3 of 3 Go to page. Desert Glory - Extraction - Turkmenistan 5. 5 months ago. Fish Hook and Vigilance would be higher if they didn't lag so much. Multiple players once again be able to form clans and take on their friends for team based high-action gameplay in SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo 2 via a Wi-Fi connection. vigilance 2) frostfire 3) crossroads 4) desert glory 5) fish hook. Damn somebody besides me who likes Shadow Falls. Popular Quizzes Today. Or you can grab the AA:PG editor [free aswell], recreate your favorite maps. I would like to see some Socom and Socom 2 maps created for PS4 version. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). You are now leaving the USSOCOM website. Night Stalker - Demolition - Turkmenistan 4. Time for some discussion! Sujo was the second. I'm so sick of Crossroads, I've grown to hate that map. socom 2 maps - We host public games, private parties, corporate team building & birthday parties. I actually like the addition of the gates to breach. Set during the aftermath of an apocalyptic pandemic, Left 4 Dead 2 focuses on four new Survivors, fighting against hordes of the Infected, who develop severe psychosis and exhibit zombie-like tendencies. Reason why it was a good tiebreaker map. Of course these days I'd be happy to have any of them back lol. The online servers for this game, along with other PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable SOCOM titles, were shut down on August 31, 2012. Abandoned Blizzard Blood Lake Desertglory Fishhook FrostFire NightStalker Crossroads Sandstorm Vigilance Sniper Hints: When sniping make sure you are somewhere were you can hide behind something so if someone shoots at you just hide. Desert Glory It was sweet in Socom 1, and even better in Socom 2 Any fellow Socom "veterans" out there disagree with my choice? Frost Fire- Suppression- Alaska 2. Sep 1, 2011 30,520 0 0 Alabama. hmmmm data mining our comments Steam? Gaming Discussion . save. We have hosted our own invite-only league S.E.A.L. All three maps are playable in night or day as match type. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Rat's Nest - Suppression - Turkmenistan 6. The Ruins - Demolition - Thailand 8. Did anyone actually play this? I really miss playing that game. SOCOM 2 Maps. . SOCOM CA: [G]^ Game's Region: NTSC Current Players IN: 16/16 Current Map: FAULT BREACH Weapons:Ranged Explosives Off Vehicles Off Password: No Socom 2 Maps Quiz Stats. SOCOM series map list 1. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Springfield M1A SOCOM 16 (Hunting Rifle) v2 [sound modification version] Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM 16 16inch (40.62cm) Semi-automatic rifle Left 4 Dead 2 Ruger Mini-14 replacement skin. They could make a similar style map but don't count on it. Moderator: Dark =SA= 9: 73: SOCOM US Navy SEALS Online Multiplayer FAQ/Guide .

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