In Coolidge's Tavern (still standing) Washington was entertained on his New England tour in 1789; and in a house recently moved from Mt Auburn Street to Marshall Street the Committee of Safety met in 1775. He helped to found the University of the City of New York, and from 1834 to 1837 was professor of pastoral theology at Auburn. Brush ringed with auburn and black on a paler auburn and brown ground. AUBURN, a city and the county-seat of Androscoggin county, Maine, U.S.A., on the Androscoggin river, opposite Lewiston (with which it practically forms an industrial unit), in the S.W. Auburn in a sentence. HiS Son, Frederick William Seward, was born in Auburn, New York, on the 8th of July 1830, graduated at Union College in 1849 and was admitted to the bar at Rochester, N.Y., in 185x. Auburn locks may benefit from fiery red streaks. Cambridge Dictionary … In 1896 McCormick Theological Seminary (which in 1858 as New Albany Theological Seminary had come under the control of the assembly) and Auburn Seminary refused to make the changes desired by the General Assembly; a satisfactory arrangement with McCormick was made. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "AUBURN" - italian-english translations … More example sentences. 6. auburn. Her auburn curls lay in no particular style – so much like her father. AUBURN, a city and the county-seat of Cayuga county, New York, U.S.A., 25 m. Auburn has a city hall, the large Burtis Auditorium, the Auburn hospital, two orphan asylums, and the Seymour library in the Case Memorial building. If you are interested in the specific degree programs that they offer, Auburn University might be a good fit for you and your educational needs. Rumors have swirled around the creation of this movie for quite a while, spurring on fan-created trailers that are sometimes quite believable. (of hair) reddish-brown in colour: 2. Auburn sentence examples. Another woman lay on the ground near the youth named Damian, her shapely figure, porcelain complexion, and auburn hair indicating her beauty even in her sleep. Red is an especially tricky shade to get right if it's not a natural shade, but dark-haired individuals will likely pull off an auburn tone with ease. An Auburn man was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole on Monday after being convicted of capital murder in the 2015 death of his 5-year-old stepdaughter late last week, Some relaxation of the disastrous severity seemed desirable, and out of this grew the second great system, which was presently introduced at Auburn and afterwards at the no less renowned prison of Sing Sing. 8. (15) She ran her hand approvingly through her wavy, (19) She was fine-boned and delicate, with, (20) Larger and larger she loomed, with a strand of, (21) Round in childhood, she became stout in middle age and the, (22) The center handling air traffic in Washington and Oregon, near, (23) They had selected a full-skirted velvet frock in a deep royal blue which set off her, (24) The event has been staged at the Palace of, (25) The 62 points were the most the Gators had allowed since, (26) Her soft brown wool suit and velvet Vandyke cap perfectly complemented her, (27) She finally made her return by jumping the 760-foot, (28) She shook her head, tugging the hairbrush vigorously through her tangled, (29) When she tossed her head her hair fell around her shoulders and upper arms in a lovely, (30) So I want you to enrol for the winter term at. Auburn hues Soaked saffron strands and its soaking liquid lend delicate streaks of color and flavor to fluffy boiled rice. (3) Her auburn curls tumbled about her face. The mascara duo comes in a unique auburn color perfect for light eyed girls and rarely found in other brands, while also available in traditional black. How to use auburn in a sentence. Besides rich, brown waves, she's also been known to sport red, blonde, and even auburn highlights in her hair. 4. Her auburn curls lay in no particular style – so much like her father. The New Side men met in convention at Auburn, N.Y., in August 1837, and adopted measures for resisting the wrong, but in the General Assembly of 1838 the moderator refused to recognize their commissioners. George Edward Hernandez, Jr, 33, was charged federally in November 2015, following court authorized searches of his … All shades of green and aqua bikini swimwear flatters fair skin and auburn locks. (4) She had a mass of auburn hair. Use auburn in a sentence. If you are interested in Auburn University distance learning, you might be surprised by the flexibility and variety that the program can offer you. (1900), 50,145; Lewiston, 23,761; Bangor, 21,850; Biddeford, 16,145; Auburn, 12,951; Augusta, 11,683; Bath, 10,477; Waterville, 9,477; and Rockland, 8,150. Montgomery's Life (Auburn, 1850) and John Frost's Life (New York and Philadelphia, 1847) are almost wholly devoted to President Taylor's military career, and are excessively laudatory in character. That of New York built the great Auburn penitentiary in 1816 to carry out the new principles. 2. AUBURN — After a man's sentencing for a child rape charge had been delayed two previous times, he was sentenced in Cayuga County Court Thursday. Sweet Auburn would become one of the premier predominantly African American urban settlements to the current day. 24 examples: She has long, straight auburn hair. FILE - In this July 25, 2011 file photo, Al Iacobelli, former Vice President Employee Relations, Chrysler Group LLC, speaks at Chrysler Group LLC headquarters in Auburn Hills, Mich. A judge on Monday, Jan. 4, 2021, cut 18 months off a 5 1/2-year prison sentence for the former Fiat Chrysler executive who with union members looted a training center for auto workers. Lists. An Auburn man was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole on Monday after being convicted of capital murder in the 2015 death of his 5-year-old stepdaughter on Friday. You can use half carrot and half beet juice to add red highlights to brown hair or to brighten up auburn shades. (of) a red-brown…. Settled soon after the close of the War of Independence, Auburn was laid out in 1793 by Captain John L. See C. Hawley, Early Chapters of Cayuga History (Auburn, 1879). Timothy Veilleux rented buildings in Lewiston to a tenant who purported to grow marijuana … Examples of auburn in a sentence: 1. The woman was beautiful, tall and shapely with auburn hair and deep blue eyes that made no attempt to hide her interest in the bare-chested man before her. The principal cities of the state are: Portland, pop. Examples of auburn hair in a sentence, how to use it. His first loss at Auburn, of course, will come. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Auburn Prison in … And I've noticed a couple of grey hairs in among the auburn. His auburn brows lifted in surprise as he whistled. Auburn hair - and you barely have enough freckles for anyone to notice. Bartlett's Franklin Pierce (Auburn, New York, 1852), and Nathaniel Hawthorne's Franklin Pierce (Boston, 1852), are two "campaign" biographies, and are very eulogistic. Author: Michael Crowe Published: 10:07 PM … I also noticed the comment about nwtmint-in auburn … Read more…. Impossible physics do n't trouble screenwriter David Auburn - he simply avoids any attempts at a rational explanation. 23. (32) Her auburn hair had been lifted from her shoulders and tied with a tortoiseshell slide. More or less closely connected with the Northern Church are the theological seminaries at Princeton, Auburn, Pittsburg (formerly Allegheny - the Western Seminary), Cincinnati (Lane), New York (Union) and Chicago (McCormick), already named, and San Francisco Seminary (1871) since 1892 at San Anselmo, Cal., a theological seminary (1891) at Omaha, Nebraska, a German theological seminary (1869) at Bloomfield, New Jersey, the German Presbyterian Theological School of the North-west (1852) at Dubuque, Iowa, and the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentucky, which is under the control and supervision of the northern and southern churches. J., founded in 1812 by the General Assembly; the Auburn Theological Seminary at Auburn, N.Y., founded in 1819 by the synod of Geneva, and afterwards associated with the New School; a school at Hampden Sidney, Virginia, founded by the synod of Virginia in 1824, named Union Theological Seminary in Virginia after 1826, supported after 1828 by the synods of Virginia and North Carolina, and in 1898 removed to Richmond, Va.; the Western Theological Seminary, founded at Allegheny (Pittsburg), Pa., in 1827 by the General Assembly; the Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Columbia, South Carolina, founded in 1828 by the synod of South Carolina; Lane Theological Seminary, founded independently in 1829 by the New School at Cincinnati, Ohio; and Union Theological Seminary, founded in 1836 by independent action of New School men, in New York City. Red is a perennial favorite for hair color, and the current "it" shade is auburn. In Mt Auburn Cemetery are buried many artists, poets, scholars and other men and women of fame. Don't … Skin coloring is typically in cream or peach shades, with hair color ranging from auburn shades to golden and strawberry blondes. I want to talk to him about more funding for marketing the ( Sweet Auburn Curb ) market, It's difficult to see sweet auburn in a sentence . Goldenrod: This highly saturated yellow is dark and bold, nice for brunettes or those with auburn hair. Auburn University states that their average student is older than the traditional college-aged student and that they manage work and care giving schedules as well. Non-player characters, NPCs, will play a major part in the game and are thus more believable. definitions. (of hair) reddish-brown in color: 3. Auburn man sentenced to more than 7 years for human trafficking. Featuring shades of auburn, blue, and understated ochre, these Kipling bags are the ideal accessories for nostalgic fashions and financially insolvent college students. ‘She was striking to look at - auburn hair, bright-blue eyes, high cheekbones and a great figure.’. 1. — Akili … She ran her hand approvingly through her wavy auburn hair: 15. The result is a rich auburn tint. For information about Auburn University distance learning, read the article below to find out more. Just a few of those programs offered are outlined below, giving you insights to what kind of learning you might do through Auburn University. (31) Next to him was a compact woman with straight auburn hair. auburn in a sentence - Use "auburn" in a sentence 1. Cool reds include burgundy, violet and purple, while warm reds include copper, bronze, and auburn. auburn and/or black with no tabby markings. And I've noticed a couple of grey hairs in among the auburn. The total factory product in 1905 was valued at $13,420,863; of this $2,890,301 was the value of agricultural implements, in the manufacture of which Auburn ranked fifth among the cities of the United States. All Rights Reserved. The distance education website at Auburn University can be a helpful resource to find a program advisor. A South Sound resident with four drug stash houses in Tacoma, Auburn and Federal Way was sentenced Friday in U.S. District Court in Tacoma to 11 years in prison and five years of supervised release, announced U.S. attorney Annette L. Hayes. Douglas J. Lewis, 36, 17055 290th Ave., pleaded no contest in May in Chippewa County Court to fourth-degree sexual assault, criminal damage to property and taking a vehicle without consent. Boots and shoes are the principal products; in 1905 seven-tenths of the city's wage-earners were engaged in their manufacture, and Auburn's output ($4,263,162 = 66.5% of the total factory product of the city) was one-third of that of the whole state. Ice blue and crystalline white are great choices for winter wedding favors, for example, while a fall wedding may use rich orange, auburn, and deep browns. They do not represent the opinions of Need to translate "IM AUBURN" from german and use correctly in a sentence? Remember to keep these messages specific (shoes, eyes, hair) and believable. Her auburn curls were drawn up into a decorative band at the side of her head. 2. 10. A 33-year-old Auburn man was sentenced today in U.S. District Court in Seattle to 92 months in prison for two counts of human trafficking, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Annette L. Hayes. Examples of 'auburn' in a sentenceauburn. 8. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Probably the auburn tresses of Elizabeth had made blonde wigs fashionable. Overall, distance learning at Auburn University will allow you to explore undergraduate coursework as well as let you take the next steps towards a higher paying job and a more fulfilling career. ‘The middle daughter had rich auburn hair and green eyes like sparkling emeralds.’. Opt for one of the year's hottest shades - auburn. Her auburn curls lay in no particular style – so much like her father. Auburn University offers several programs for distance learning. AUBURN — An Auburn woman received prison time Tuesday after she was sentenced for selling drugs in Cayuga County. (1) She shook her mane of auburn hair. auburn and dark blue honey and blood mixed together: the colour of a bruise: 14. Here are many translated example sentences containing "IM AUBURN" - german-english translations and search engine for german translations. Auburn curls formed a halo around her pale face. Examples of auburn in a Sentence. He died at Auburn, New York, on the 12th of September 1830. Until 1836 he was occupied in active pastoral work, and was then appointed professor of theology at the Western Reserve College, Ohio, and later (1844-1852) at the Auburn (N.Y.) Theological Seminary. The hair is long, black or very dark auburn, wavy and sometimes curly, but never woolly, and the men have luxuriant beards and whiskers, often of an auburn tint, while the whole body inclines to hairiness. Auburn was first settled in 1786, and was incorporated in 1842, but the present charter dates only from 1869. OPELIKA, Ala. -- A jury has recommended life without parole for an Alabama convicted of murdering two former Auburn football players and third man at an off-campus party. Lewiston leads in the manufacture of cotton goods; Auburn, Bangor and Augusta, in the manufacture of boots and shoes; Bath, in ship and boat building; Eastport and Lubec, in canning " sardines.". Long, auburn hair was loose around her shoulders, and her face glowed. Her long auburn hair, while looking like a magazine ad, was not enough to elevate her that step above ordinary. Most people chose this as the best definition of auburn: A moderate reddish brown... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Val McDermid KICK BACK (2002) Of medium height, with a decent head of hair, colour auburn, possibly with traces of dye. In 25 Auburn seasons, Ralph ‘Shug’ Jordan won 60.5 percent of the SEC games his teams played. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. examples "Her auburn hair, tinted gold, gleamed in the fluorescent light" "She had short, feathered, auburn hair with black streaks" "Her auburn hair was swept up in elegant curls" "there's a facility in Auburn i … These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Impossible physics don't trouble screenwriter David Auburn - he simply avoids any attempts at a rational explanation. That of New York built the great Auburn penitentiary in 1816 to carry out the new principles. auburn / examples. 2. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. A New Auburn man was sentenced Monday to serve 12 months in jail after he broke into a home in May 2017, ransacked it and sexually assaulted a 29-year-old woman there. auburn meaning: 1. ‘It was the image of a man with blue eyes, receding auburn hair above the temples and small, thin lips.’. 2. Despite that rarity, however, red hair can be found in a wide range of shades, including russet, auburn, copper, ginger, rust, and blended colors that may include brunette or blonde highlights. After returning to private life, Seward spent two years and a half in travel and died at Auburn on the 10th of October 1872. Hazel eyes held a hint of humor all the time, and his auburn hair had a stylish cut. Sentence with the word Auburn. The cities having a population of 15,000 or more in 1905 were: New York City, 4,013,781; Buffalo, 376,587; Rochester, 181,666; Syracuse, 117,503; Albany, 98,374; Troy, 76,910; Utica, 62,934; Yonkers, 61,716; Schenectady, 58,387; Binghamton, 42,036; Elmira, 34,687; Auburn, 31,422; Niagara Falls, 26,560; Newburgh, 26,498; Jamestown, 26,160; Kingston, 25,556; Watertown, 2 5,447; Poughkeepsie, 25,379; Mt. Translations in context of "AUBURN" in italian-english. A BOOK OF THE PLAY DUTTON COOK A huge agave, or century plant, is now blooming at Auburn, N.Y. Auburn man sentenced for hate crime after baseball bat attack. The state commission of prisons consists of seven members appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate for a term of four years, and the institutions under its supervision in 1910 were the Sing Sing State Prison,' at Ossining, the Auburn State Prison at Auburn, the Clinton State Prison at Dannemora, the New York State Reformatory at Elmira, the Eastern New York Reformatory at Napanoch, five county penitentiaries, and all other institutions for the detention of sane adults charged with or convicted of crime, or retained as witnesses or debtors. 10. 2. 2. auburn definition: reddish brownOrigin of auburnmiddle English auburne from Old French auborne from Medieval Latin alburnus from Classical Latin albus, white (see elf); meaning influenced, influence by Middle English brun, brown: 2. auburn in a sentence - 15. Long, auburn hair was loose around her shoulders, and her face glowed. In Auburn are the Auburn (State) prison (1816), in connexion with which there is a women's prison; the Auburn Theological Seminary (Presbyterian), founded in 1819, chartered in 1820, and opened for students in 1821; the Robinson school for girls; and the Women's Educational and Industrial Union, for the education of working girls, with a building erected in 1907. - Auburn hair ranges in shades from medium… J. Portland, Lewiston, Biddeford, and Auburn are the leading manufacturing cities, and in 1905 the total value of their manufactures was 21.5% of those of the entire state. Auburn in a sentence. Val McDermid KICK BACK (2002) Of medium height, with a decent head of hair, colour auburn, … (34) She also features special eye colors: sky blue, violet, moss green, and auburn. Sweet Auburn may have been the sweetest stop yet for Bill Clinton's troubled ex-presidency. Auburn University is committed to helping you determine whether online learning is the right choice for you. (5) Beautiful auburn glitter at the bottom of the glass. The state commission of … 7. synonyms. AUBURN — Judge Kevin Wallace imposed these sentences during hearings Dec. 2-14 in DeKalb Superior Court I. Auburn named a stadium after him. In 1805, when it was made the county-seat, it was renamed Auburn. Information regarding the resources, climate, population and industries of Alabama may be found in the reports of the United States Census, and in the publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, the United States Geological Survey, the Bulletins of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (published at Auburn, from 1888), the Bulletins and Reports of the Alabama Geological Survey (published at Tuscaloosa and Montgomery), and in the following works: - B. The coursework offered by Auburn University is not as comprehensive as other programs, but is certainly flexible if you can find the time and money. He is described as "tall, with brown hair and auburn beard.". After a short pastorate at Brandon, Vermont, he was successively professor of English literature in the University of Vermont (1845-1852), professor of sacred rhetoric in Auburn Theological Seminary (1852-1854), professor of church history in Andover Theological Seminary (1854-1862), and, after one year (1862-1863) as associate pastor of the Brick Church of New York City, of sacred literature (1863-1874) and of systematic theology (1874-1890) in Union Theological Seminary. Claire's auburn hair was tied back in a ponytail, her shapely body clad in a black cat-suit. The auburn list of example sentences with auburn. Auburn in a sentence. Use auburn in a sentence. She had pulled her long auburn hair high on her head, making her appear taller and almost regal in spite of the simple lines of the garment, and the plainness of her features. AUBURN | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary. She brushed an auburn curl from her face and sighed. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. In one of his final acts as president, Donald Trump commuted the federal prison sentence of a man connected to the 1990 murder of a Syracuse police officer. The college's primary service area includes Auburn, Kent, Enumclaw, Renton, and Maple Valley. 3. He graduated from Union College in 1820, having taught school for a short time at Savannah, Georgia, to help pay his expenses; was admitted to the bar at Utica, N.Y., in 1822, and in the following year began the practice of law at Auburn, N.Y., which was his home for the rest of his life. (2) She had beautiful auburn hair. (Concord, 1906); and Journals of the Military Expedition of Major-General John Sullivan against the Six Nations of Indians (Auburn, N. Auburn, Clifton, Price Hill, Walnut Hills and Mt. Jaime A. January 29, 2020 Sentence Dictionary. auburn. Auburn man sentenced to probation in 2018 federal pot raid. Some of the hottest fall color trends are purple, magenta, auburn, and burgundy. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Auburn Prison sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Lenses are also available in a large variety, including grey, green, amber, purple, green and auburn. reddish brown. Examples of 'auburn' in a sentenceauburn. ), then the effects guys could surely make a believable lion. Read more…. Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective Model-artist Torin Ashtun debuted an auburn-dyed Afro just in time to close out the autumnal season. For more information about Auburn University distance learning and to see if the program is right for you, you can contact them to learn about what programs of study might fit your needs and schedule best. A judge delivered the maximum sentence to a man convicted of a brutal attack in Auburn. This is doubly true of auburn curls. This is doubly true of auburn curls. Being able to indulge in the insignia of wealth, even without being the good fellow he is, Ernest finds it is of little significance that his hair is "what fond mothers term auburn," while Dawn's triumphs were assured from the outset. Wet auburn curls were plastered around her pale face and the back of her neck. 3. He died at Auburn, New York, on the 12th of September 1830. (33) Clyde was removed to Auburn. Jenkins, James Knox Polk (Auburn and Buffalo, 1850), and L. I thought they might be auburn, like mine. Learn more. (6) Auburn offensive coordinator Rodney Allison said. Jenkins, Lives of the Governors of New York (Auburn, New York, 1851), and for his work as secretary of state, see James Ford Rhodes, History of the United States (vols. auburn. antonyms. … Brush solid auburn or ringed with dark auburn on a paler auburn ground. reddish brown. Her hair was of a bright auburn color. The poet was buried two days afterwards near his "three friends" in Mount Auburn cemetery. Lane and Auburn remained practically independent. On March 9, Lafler pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree criminal possession of narcotics and one count of third-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance, both felonies, and second-degree criminal use of drug paraphernalia and endangering the … The coaches do not rank Auburn because of its NCAA probation. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. , while warm reds include copper, bronze, and her face, N.Y couple of grey in! Auburn locks committed to helping you determine whether online learning is the right choice for you red is perennial. Auburn glitter at the side of her head to a man convicted of a brutal attack in auburn in... Warm reds include burgundy, violet, moss green, and was incorporated in 1842, but present... And aqua bikini swimwear flatters fair skin and auburn beard. `` auburn brows lifted surprise!, high cheekbones and a great figure. ’ three friends '' in sentence! 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