This is how my switch works exactly. Cant find any troubleshooting info to hel Copyright 2019 Merkury Innovations. What does it mean when a light turns on by itself at night? For the light switch, you can either press the light button to turn on/off, or else you can keep your finger on the light button to have it go from dim to bright and vice-versa. My DirecTV receiver turns on by itself in the middle of the night, usually between 12:00 am and 3:00 am. Lv 6. Updates can take up to 30 minutes depending on network speed, so if the TV is not turning off too frequently, try updating the software. I just finished installing the smart switch and have it connected to my wifi network. Relevance. There is a risk, however. It's not consistent, and … The red curve in the upper part - the light (IR diode in the Samsung TV remote control) is on, the red line in the lower part - the light is off. Disable the Power On with Mobile option. Unplugging the TV entirely. If the TV turns off during the software update, it could damage the TV. @jayeff model # is "Samsung UA55MU8000WXXY" We have a surround speaker with AV reciever which is connected to the TV. All of a sudden while I'm updating the driver the TV turns off and then starts turning on and off repeatedly. 25 Answers. When it turns itself on it goes straight on and stays there - the brightness isn’t adjusted in any way. You TV may be turning on because someone on your home network is (unintentionally) casting contant from an app. I normally turn off both tv and the receiver before we go to bed.then later at night the tv will turn on by itself.same in the morning we turn it off then if i get home from work its On again From smart LED light bulbs to smart light switches to smart plugs, you've got options for controlling and automating your lights. Please help. Ardnaid Janus: Foosball Empress. Unplugging the HDMI. My mother was lying in bed and it was dark, her dog growled and right after a light turned on in the room by itself, what could this mean? I cannot interrupt the process by using the remote at all. Answer Save. Turn the CEC setting to off. The problem I have: there's one light (a hallway light that's got 3 switches controlling it) that turns on at random times. I turn it off manually because the blue lights are bright, and it turns itself back on several hours later. There is an option in your VIZIO TV to power on when given specific network commands (like casting an app). Pic 1: This is how the signal to turn on Samsung TV looks like on the graph. Most computing devices operate 1 and 0. 4. When I turn on the light via the switch or the app, it comes on for a brief second and turns itself off right away. I've tried everything: 1. 3. Most often when I notice it's the middle of the night (10pm or 2am or ...), but it also turns itself on during the day. TV Powers On By Itself. Molly Price June 11, 2019 1:27 p.m. PT Why is my Hampton bay light turn on by itself I have a Hampton bay ceiling fan/light that has a remote; I turn the fan on at night and after a couple of hours the light turns itself on. This becomes a nuisance as it wakes me up. Schedule a Callback 2. For more information, visit I have the same problem. Trying to turn the TV off and on again manually by holding down the button (nothing happens!)