), ebooks, and streaming media owned by the library. To prepare for your appointment, you may want to list the courses you've already taken and review your major/minor requirements in the University Bulletin. We reached out to Madeline for the inside scoop, here’s what she told us: Yes, all students seeking to declare a major (BA or BS) or minor in HSSP must complete the HSSP Declaration Form and meet with Prof. Curi. Once you have reviewed and completed the form, please make an appointment with Professor Curi to review your form and declare your HSSP degree. Major: Neuroscience. Non-majors may be dropped. By undertaking this broad, interdisciplinary study of health, students prepare themselves for a variety of educational and professional opportunities. Nov 14, 2016 - Explore Hiatt Career Center's board "Brandeis Class of 2016 Spotlights" on Pinterest. 1. About Rising Sophomore pursuing a dual major in Health: Science, Society, and Policy (HSSP) and in Biology with a minor in English from Brandeis University. Brandeis Biology Major Info. This is the HSSP Capstone Course and is intended for Senior HSSP majors only. Undergraduate Degree Programs Explore the intersection of social justice and social policy in a collaborative, non-competitive academic environment. Favorite meal: Stir Fry . Major: Politics and International & Global Studies ... Caroline Shlager graduated in 2009 with majors in HSSP and Psychology and a minor in Education Studies. This is the HSSP Capstone Course and is intended for senior HSSP majors only. Research Opportunities. Block 1F Declaring a Biology Major. To change to a different HSSP degree? Yes, you may request either Senior Reduced Status and Extended Credit approval once determining that you meet all requirements. Getting to know Daria . Apparently, he despises cheese and refuses to consume anything related except pizza. FAQs. Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships The Heller School is pleased to award ten 100% tuition Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships to incoming full-time master’s degree applicants who demonstrate commitment to the advancement of diversity and inclusion through their academic, professional, and/or personal lived experience. HSSP/MPP. Leave Feedback. FAQs. Signature of HSSP administrator, Ms. Kathryn Howell (kathryn@brandeis.edu), required. A nine-month accelerated master’s program focused on health systems strengthening and global health policy . Having thought about what classes you might want to take before you log in will be helpful and you will definitely need your Sage ID number (20*****), a list of the major requirements (the current checklist is here), and list of classes in the University Bulletin. Due to the pre-requisite, non-HSSP students may need to send Ms Howell a copy of their unofficial transcript to their request for a permission code. OneSearch can be useful for this purpose at two levels of your research. About Rising Sophomore pursuing a dual major in Health: Science, Society, and Policy (HSSP) and in Biology with a minor in English from Brandeis University. Out of respect, please be on-time for your appointment. The online petition to request a substitution for a major/minor requirement (UNet login required) can be used by undergraduate students who have already declared the major or minor and would like to request any of the following: Monday, Jan. 18 — closedMonday, Feb. 15 — closedFriday, April 2 — 9 a.m. to noonMonday, May 31 — closed, Office of the University Registrar Kutz 121, MS 068 Brandeis University 415 South Street Waltham, MA 02453, 781-736-2010781-736-3485 (fax) registrar@brandeis.edu, Schedule an appointment with the undergraduate advising head (UAH) for the major or minor that you wish to add, drop or change. Dr. Zinner is also a senior member of Brandeis University’s Health Industry Forum, a policy consortium of major health insurers, delivery system managers, and biopharmaceutical and medical device firms. Appointments often fill up several weeks in advance during busy parts of the semester. Exploring and Declaring Majors. Although the sense of community here was what convinced me to attend, I was initially drawn in by the fantastic academics. On this HSSP Declaration Form, you will find instructions on: To declare an HSSP major or minor? To declare an HSSP major or minor? Before arriving, I thought I solely wanted to study the biological sciences. The challenge is what makes the journey more exciting. If you have already identified the book(s) you need through other research aids, search OneSearch Library Catalog by Title or by Author to locate the item(s) in the library. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET). The diversity of faculty interests — from the sociology of disability to epigenetics to health law — reflects this interdisciplinary approach. Any additional courses taken during Study Abroad may count toward graduation credit but not for HSSP major requirements). Contact HSSP Administrator (kathryn@brandeis.edu) for a consent code if seats become available. He/him/his. Professor Curi is the HSSP Undergraduate Advising Head and the HSSP Study Abroad Liaison. For more details, see Office of Study Abroad. If you are declaring your major or minor, Prof. Curi will assign you to an HSSP advisor with whom you should contact to discuss your degree plans. HSSP MPP Advancement Program; ... Phyllis N. Segal Citizen Leadership Program, which funded their summer internships at the Economic Mobility Lab at the Mayor's Office in Boston in summer 2019. This course must already have been transferred to your Brandeis undergraduate record before the petition can be submitted. He is also Associate Chair of the Health: Science, Society, and Policy program, an interdisciplinary undergraduate major in healthcare. The Health Sciences Scholars Program (HSSP) is a pre-professional Michigan Learning Community that introduces freshmen to key issues and the breadth of careers in the health care field by bringing together students and faculty from a broad range of backgrounds, interests, and experiences. Warning: If you don't declare a major by the time you complete 90 units, you won't be allowed to enroll in additional classes. Signature of Ms. Kathryn Howell (kathryn@brandeis.edu), HSSP administrator, Rabb 259, required. Hometown: Lynbrook, NY. Library Catalog: Use this option to search for physical items (books, print journals, DVDs, etc. Two different degrees are offered. Do not use this form to declare a major in Business, Biology, Computer Science, HSSP, Neuroscience or Independent Interdisciplinary Major (IIM). For students who matriculated earlier than Fall 2013 and who are pursuing the Biology major as described in the Bulletins prior to Fall 2013, this course may meet the requirements for the major in Biology. Fill out the Bio Major Worksheet found here. To declare a major or minor in HSSP, please contact the HSSP UAH, Professor Sarah Curi via [email protected]. The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University He is also Associate Chair of the Health: Science, Society, and Policy program, an interdisciplinary undergraduate major in healthcare. Brandeis Undergraduate Group Study (BUGS) Roosevelt Fellows; Graduation Requirements. Search this site. Departments electronically report the major/minor declarations and can change your faculty advisor. Many required courses are not offered every semester: e.g., SOC 191a - Health, Community & Society is only offered in the Fall. PSYC 51a. That a major or minor requirement be met by a course taken at Brandeis University. Signature of HSSP administrator, Ms. Kathryn Howell (kathryn@brandeis.edu), required. Guide to Selected Sources in Global Health. Click the button "find my SAGE id #" at the top of the page. Sang Min (Kevin) Lee '18, our Treasurer's Assistant, is from San Diego, CA. Spring 2020 Academic Policies in Response to COVID-19, Interactive Dashboards (Fall 2004 through Fall 2019), Senior Reduced Status and Extended Credit, New Undergraduate Registration Information, College Work Done While in High School/Gap Year/Health Deferral, Subscribing to the Academic Calendar on Google, Academic Coursework and Religious Observance Policy, Transcripts, Enrollment and Degree Verification Request Forms, Substitutions, Exemptions and Course Equivalency, Instructions for Submitting Course Schedules, Schedule for May Department and School Council Meetings, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Rabb School: Graduate Professional Studies, petition to request a substitution for a major/minor requirement. Home. The majority of master's degree recipients in this major at Brandeis are white. Transferring credit. Please see "Category 2" under the Requirements for the Major in Biology for further details or contact the Biology Department. The application fee will be waived for all Brandeis alumni. Waltham, MA 02453, How to Declare (or change) Your HSSP Major or Minor, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Health: Science, Society, and Policy (HSSP), Undergraduate Departmental Representatives (UDRs), Careers, Graduate and Professional School, and Alumni, Exploring Options for Graduate & Law School, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Rabb School: Graduate Professional Studies, Health: Science, Society, and Policy Program, Senior Reduced Status and Extended Credit, HSSP Declaration Form electronically in Google Docs, The Hiatt Center's Brandeis Internship Exchange, Petition to Request Substitution for a Requirement, how to propose a time for a 15-minute appointment during Prof. Curi’s office hours. This is the HSSP Capstone Course and is intended for senior HSSP majors only. Email Prof. Curi at scuri@brandeis.edu if you are running late as you may need to reschedule your appointment. Degree Requirements. Program Administrator Note: With few exceptions, transferred courses may only fulfill HSSP Electives and/or the Additional Basic Science Course requirements. Once you have reviewed and completed the form, please make an appointment with Prof. Sarah Curi to review your form and declare your HSSP … Planned major: HSSP My favorite pro or college team is: Blue Jays, because watching the game was time I got to spend with my dad My favorite non-Brandeis athletic moment was: In a tournament in Prague when I played for Team Canada, the Italian team intentionally walked me with loaded bases to avoid me getting a home run against them - on the next bat I got my second home run that game! Women's x-country finishes 6th, Emily Bryson 5th at NCAA Championships #12 women's cross country headed to NCAA Championships ... Emily Bryson and #22 Brandeis women stay unbeaten on the season. Declaring a Biology Major. Brief description for both events: These events will explore how Brandeis HSSP majors can and have put their knowledge and skills to work in professional settings, including internships and careers. If you are a newly declared majors/minors, then you should also make plans to connect with your HSSP advisor. Lauren’s education is listed on their profile. Dr. We noticed a new paper this week in Brain Research on chronic traumatic encephalopathy (brain damage from repeated blows to the head, which has been all over the news this year) from a Brandeis author, Madeline Engeler ’16, a Biology/HSSP double major. Block 1F Yes, all students seeking to declare a major (BA or BS) or minor in HSSP must complete the HSSP Declaration Form and meet with Prof. Curi. This is the HSSP Capstone Course and is intended for senior HSSP majors … Signature of HSSP administrator, Ms. Kathryn Howell (kathryn@brandeis.edu), required. use this form to declare a major in Business, Biology, Computer Science, HSSP, Neuroscience or Independent Interdisciplinary Major (IIM). View Lauren Bertsch’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Having thought about what classes you might want to take before you log in will be helpful and you will definitely need your Sage ID number (20*****), a list of the major requirements (the current checklist is here), and list of classes in the University Bulletin. Transferring credit. Search Menu. 415 South Street Please note that this form will be accepted by the Office of the University Registrar only if signed by the department undergraduate advising head. HSSP 100B at Brandeis University (Brandeis) in Waltham, Massachusetts. Minor: HSSP, Anthropology fournier@brandeis.edu 781-736-3898 Heller-Brown 368 Anita Hill University Professor of Social Policy, Law, and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies To find out how to petition for a major / minor substitution, please see instructions below. Research Opportunities. Change Degree or Drop Major. Degree Requirements. See Course Catalog for prerequisites. Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives, 1960-1974 Includes diaries, letters, autobiographies and other memoirs, written and oral histories, manifestos, government documents, memorabilia, newspapers, press, underground press, alternative publications, and … And, join other HSSP alums, students, staff, and faculty on HSSP's Facebook page and/or on HSSP's LinkedIn page. Favorite meal: Stir Fry . The Heller MPP is a two-year master’s program with a 96% employment rate at a top-ten school of social policy. Signature of HSSP administrator, Ms. Kathryn Howell (kathryn@brandeis.edu), … The majority of master's degree recipients in this major at Brandeis are white. In addition to the FAQs about HSSP, here you will find answers to many common questions as well as a link to the HSSP Declaration Form (Google Doc). Brandeis has got you covered with 43 majors and 46 minors ranging from the traditional, such as Biology and English, to the newer interdisciplinary majors, such as Health: Science, Society, and Policy (yes that is one major, also known as HSSP). Home. See Course Catalog for prerequisites. I am a double major in HSSP and Psychology graduating in December of 2014. We will have several “seasoned” professionals and HSSP alumni from the health and health care industry who will discuss how majors can make the most of their degree beyond Brandeis. Study Abroad: If you are considering the Study Abroad option for your HOE, contact our SAL well before making your final study abroad course decisions. Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Brandeis Biology Major Info. Darren Zinner is a Associate Dean for Academic Personnel at the Heller School of Social Policy & Management, both at Brandeis University. No. Senior Research. She is a Brandeis senior studying Health: Science, Society, and Policy, with a minor in African and Afro-American Studies. Core course for the HSSP major and minor. HSSP majors must complete two additional core courses. My major is: IGS and HSSP . Graduates of HSSP go on to careers in the fields of medicine, dentistry, public health, clinical therapy, social work, genetic counseling, biomedical research, law, social policy, and public service, among many others. MS 055 You can find a list of undergraduate advising heads on the. The Heller School is pleased to award ten 100% tuition Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships to incoming full-time master’s degree applicants who demonstrate commitment to the advancement of diversity and inclusion through their academic, professional, and/or personal lived experience. Of the 105 students who graduated with a Master’s in computer and information sciences from Brandeis in 2019, 55% were men and 45% were women. However, a course may fulfill an HSSP requirement while also fulfilling a requirement towards a degree in another department or program:  e.g., LGLS 114a  - American Health Care: Law & Policy could fulfill both a degree requirement in your HSSP major/minor and towards your Legal Studies minor. Major: HSSP. A number of these programs are interdisciplinary by design and draw faculty from several different departments. Again, to chose a Study Abroad program as your HOE option, you must meet with and receive written pre-approval from our SAL. Change Degree or Drop Major. You may also want to brainstorm with one of our HSSP UDRs. Minor: HSSP, Anthropology Contact List. Favorite place to travel: Spain . Declare a major in Biology or Neuroscience. The deadline to declare additional majors and/or minors is the last day of the Add/Drop period of your final semester at Brandeis. It really depends on what majors you do. May 8, 2017 - Ashley Jean Major: HSSP & Anthropology Hometown: Norwood, MA Company/Role: City Year / Corp Member Best Advice: It will get tough but don't give up! You can’t double count within the HSSP program (i.e., you cannot use one course to meet two different HSSP degree requirements): e.g., LGLS 114a - American Health Care: Law & Policy can only fulfill either the Core “Policy” Course requirement or a Focal Area C requirement; not both. Instead, you may send an email request with your Sage ID # to Kathryn Howell, HSSP Program administrator, at kathryn@brandeis.edu. Yes, to change to a different HSSP degree (i.e., from a BS to a BA or from a minor to a major) you must complete the HSSP Declaration Form and meet with Prof. Curi. ... HSSP 100b. Complete the HSSP Declaration Form electronically in Google Docs. Your HOE internships must be “health-related”, for examples of health-related internships look at what past HSSPers have done via at The Hiatt Center's Brandeis Internship Exchange. appointment with Professor Sarah Curi to review your form and declare your HSSP degree. Declaring a Biology Major. Omitting or providing an incorrect SAGE ID can cause delays or errors in processing your request. Search this site. All HSSP Majors and Minors must complete four core courses. To request these credits to count for your HSSP requirements, you must submit a Petition to Request Substitution for a Requirement for any Brandeis Summer School course and an HSSP HOE Substitution Form for a health-related Summer JBS. This event will explore how Brandeis HSSP majors can and have put their knowledge and skills to work in professional settings, including internships and careers. Women's x-country finishes 6th, Emily Bryson 5th at NCAA Championships #12 women's cross country headed to NCAA Championships ... Emily Bryson and #22 Brandeis women stay unbeaten on the season. We reached out to Madeline for the inside scoop, here’s what she told us: The thing that attracted me to Brandeis was: The competitive learning environment in academics and athletics. This is the HSSP Capstone Course and is intended for senior HSSP majors only. Class of 2022. Change Degree or Drop Major. Declare a major or minor in Health: Science, Society and Policy. Brandeis has got you covered with 43 majors and 46 minors ranging from the traditional, such as Biology and English, to the newer interdisciplinary majors, such as Health: Science, Society, and Policy (yes that is one major, also known as HSSP). Brandeis Computer & Information Sciences Master’s Program. Note:  If you Study Abroad and complete your HOE while abroad, your HOE would count as one of the two courses that can, with “written pre-approval”, be taken outside of Brandeis and count toward HSSP major requirements. In addition, two HSSP courses (American Health Care and Introduction to Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Population Health) will be applied toward the MPP degree. Majors Offered at Brandeis ; Declaring a Major ; Independent Interdisciplinary Major; Honors Thesis ; Tutoring and Peer Advising. Resources and Links. The Library Catalog tab is the principal means for locating books, journals, and videos in the library's collections. Tour Guide at Brandeis University. If applicable, bring syllabi for courses taken outside of Brandeis University to the appointment. Brandeis University Major: Health: Science, Society, Policy College/Employer: Brandeis University Year of Graduation: 2023 Brief Biographical Sketch: My name is Ayush Thacker, I am from Sharon, Massachusetts, and I am a current freshman at Brandeis University studying Health: Science, Society, Policy and Biology. Declare or change your major First, select your major. Brandeis Computer & Information Sciences Master’s Program. Leave Feedback. Meeting with the HSSP Undergraduate Advising Head. moment” and realized that what I would truly like to do is become a health educator at the high school level. Block V T,Th 5:00 PM–6:20 PM Favorite place to travel: Spain . Resources and Links. Resources and Links. The HSSP Declaration Form is intended to help you plan how to complete your HSSP major/minor. You may still submit the substitution request before receiving a final grade in a course. Navigation. See more ideas about Class of 2016, Class, Hometown. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET). We will have 5 speakers, both HSSP alumni and not, with a variety of experiences within the health professions. Search Brandeis.edu. Courses 1) from outside of Brandeis or 2) taken at Brandeis during the Summer: Majors may transfer up to two courses (8 credits) and minors may transfer one course (4 credits) taken from outside of Brandeis with written pre-approval from UAH or SAL upon completion of the course(s), you must submit a Petition to Request Substitution for a Requirement to request these credits to count for your HSSP requirements. Signature of HSSP administrator, Ms. Kathryn Howell (kathryn@brandeis.edu), … My major is: IGS and HSSP . Class of 2022. Students may also choose to minor in HSSP. Once you have reviewed and completed the form, please make an appointment with Prof. Sarah Curi to review your form and declare your HSSP … This is the HSSP Capstone Course and is intended for senior HSSP majors only. Search this site. That a General University Requirement be met by a course taken during a program approved by the Brandeis Study Abroad Office. You must declare a major before you complete 90 units. Find primary and secondary sources on major human rights violations and atrocity crimes worldwide from 1900 to 2010. To change to a different HSSP degree? You can find your SAGE ID by logging into your Student Center in SAGE. Of the 105 students who graduated with a Master’s in computer and information sciences from Brandeis in 2019, 55% were men and 45% were women. 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