But any other plan, such as that of Abbé St. Pierre, who in laudable delirium conceived the idea of assembling a European congress to decide the fate and interests of those nations, would be meaningless (BOLÍVAR, 1964, v. II, p. 215-235). La formación del Bolívar: estudios y lecturas. Download. Analysis. Here, it should be admitted that both documents, the Carta of Mier and The Federalist, are insufficient to fully define amphictyony and that we must turn to Bolivar’s classical readings. Príncipe de… [Letters to S.A. Mgr. “Ordonnance du roi”, Paris, 1 April 17, 1825 (WALLEZ, 1826, p. 442-443). 10, the countries commit to make common cause against foreign enemies; and Art. [ Links ], VOLTAIRE, François-Marie Arouet. Ginebra: Compagnie des libraires, 1749. Observations sur l’histoire de la Grèce. But there are various hypotheses We have been edified to see that our dear cousin the empress for all Russia was similarly required to furnish her contingent. In fact, there are several indications that point to the contrary. La trinidad como problema filosófico : una bibliografia ... La Carta de Jamaica. The analysis of 126 data sets is presented along with emerging trends and results. ISBN 9789588850665 Clearly, it must be said that he did not lack opportunities to consult the original. Simon Bolivar wrote this letter from Jamaica, where was exiled after Spanish forces crushed his army in Caracas He wrote this letter to an English correspondent, believed to be the Duke of Manchester, and the governor of Jamaica at the time. Cartas del Libertador. By yuli condori mamani. Caracas: Ministerio de la Defensa de Venezuela, 1981. However, there is no evidence to support this hypothesis. In a conceptual sense, the amphictyonic plan represents the common thread that binds the Letter of Jamaica to the creation of Colombia, the Colombian Constitution of 1821 to the bilateral treaties of confederation and them to the Congress of Panama. The inquisitorial interdictions were not rhetorical; they led to the imprisonment of some of its readers, as was the case with Camilo Henriquez during its formative stage in Lima (SILVA CASTRO, 1960, p. 60). 17, which establishes that the perpetual confederation pact “shall not interrupt in any manner the exercise of national sovereignty” (REZA, 2010, p. 32). View Notes - The_Carta_de_Jamaica_1815._Simon_Bolivar (1) from HISTORY h3wx at The City College of New York, CUNY. ANALISIS CARTA DE JAMAICA. The preceding sections have aided in the justification of the hypothesis that Bolívar knew from good sources the history of the Greek League and was aware of Saint-Pierre’s project, particularly owing to Rousseau’s Extract. Abstract: This paper presents a thematic comparative linguistic analysis between José Martí's "Nuestra América" and Simón Bolívar's "La carta de Jamaica". Bolívar refers to the Greek amphictyony and to the project of the abbot Saint-Pierre in the same paragraph of the Letter:2. Many of the 21st-century trends towards regional integration – evident in regional organizations Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, Union of South American Nations and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States – were expressed in Bolivar’s vision of creating a unified Latin America based on the tenets of sovereignty and anti-colonialism. The "Letter of Jamaica" is counted as one of the greatest documents from the pen of Bolivar. We knew that the monarchy of France, which is the foremost of monarchies; the anarchy of Germany, which is the foremost of anarchies; Spain, England, Poland, Sweden, which are, according to their historians, each in its kind, the foremost power of the universe, are all required to accede to the treaty of Jean-Jacques. In: ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques. 1Vicente Lecuna lists the following versions: Austria, Larrazábal, Blanco and Azpurua, O’Leary, and Mendoza and Yanes. Realizado por: Juan Carlos Castejon, Eliana Aranguren y Victor Reyes, y la majestuosa voz del señor Joel Bartu. Escritos políticos de Camilo Henríquez. ”As soon as we are strong and under the guidance of a liberal nation which will lend us her protection, we will achieve accord in cultivating the virtues and talents that lead to glory. His celebrated Le Siècle de Louis XIV [The Age of Louis XIV] of 1751, exempts the absolutist monarch from Saint-Pierre’s recommendation (included in Discours sur la Polysynodie from 1719), according to which kings must make their decisions based on the advice of a group of experts and not on their sole discretion. IOM seeks to recruit a qualified consultant to lead data management and revision for the creation of an online … Doutor em História e Filosofia pela Université de Toulouse - Le Mirail e Doutor em Ciências Econômicas pela Université Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne. Appendix, Caracas: Imprenta de Damirón y Dupuy, 1833. v. XXI. Simon Bolivar was born today, July 24, 1783, the Latin American independence leader led the anti-colonial forces that liberated much of the Americas and its people from Spanish rule. It is reasoned that, as these parts pave a common origin, language, customs, and religion, the ought to have a single government to permit the newly formed states to unite in a confederation. Between 1822 and 1825, four treaties of confederal union were signed with Peru, Chile, Mexico, and Central America. May 20, 2017; Accepted: La Carta de Jamaica es un texto de referencia en el programa bolivariano de emancipación de América. Publication date 2015 Title Variation Carta de Jamaica doscientos años después Note "Carta de Jamaica de Simón Bolívar": pages 228-250. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971. [ Links ], MIER, Fray Servando Teresa de. One of the fundamental objectives of The Jamaica Letter is the reflection on the features that should have the international order after the fall of the Spanish Empire. Reason: Service Unavailable . Plutarch’s Lives. Dreams of an Honest Man, an anthology of the work of Saint-Pierre (1775, p. 171-194) does not mention the Project of Perpetual Peace; rather, it publishes parts of the Extract with a footer. The Miscellaneous Works by Rousseau, published in Amsterdam in 1761, include the Extract without clarifying that it follows the work of another author (FERRARI, 1997, p. 28). From the island of Jamaica, he issued a letter analyzing the current and future perspectives of the independence struggle. Bolivar also holds an Ancient history in 13 volumes with no mention of the author (PÉREZ VILA, 1964), although by its subject matter and its dimensions, we can assume that it included a wealth of information regarding the Greek League. Cambridge: Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1949. This article traces the documentary sources from which Bolivar derives his notion of confederal union and inspires the unions treaties from 1822 to 1826. [ Links ], ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques. germandelareza@hotmail.com. 13In July of this year, Caterina II of Russia acquired the entire library of Voltaire. Prior to this finding, there were two older versions of the essay published in Kingston on September 6, 1815: an English draft, preserved in the General Archive of the Nation of Bogotá, and the Spanish text published in 1833 by Cristóbal de Mendoza and Francisco Yanes (1833).1 This discovery and the Letter’s bicentennial celebrations have renewed attention to the 17-page document, which is perhaps the most influential writing of the independence process, as reflected by an unusual number of studies. of academic studies and concrete textual analysis on Ospina´s essays and literary works, the recent Spanish American essay after 1989, and the study of the Spanish American ... independencia de comienzos del siglo XIX con la Carta de Jamaica escrita por Simón Bolívar en 1815. According to Lecuna, Briceño Méndez gave the original to Yanes at the time he was publishing the XXI volume. Then will we march majestically toward that great prosperity for which South America is destined,” Bolivar wrote. Pensamiento Bolivariano. Caracas: Banco de Venezuela and Fundación Vicente Lecuna, 1964-1970. Kehl: Société Typographique, 1784-1789. Documentos sobre el Congreso anfictiónico de Panamá. [ Links ], TACITUS, Publius Cornelius. The Political Thought of Bolivar: Selected Writings. Indianapolis: Liberty Found, 2001. The Best Kind of Orator. The circular accompanying the draft insists on this point and endows it with a Rousseauian quality by defining the Confederation as “the foundation of the social pact that should form a Nation of Republics of this world”.5. Observations sur l'histoire de la Grèce [Comments on the history of Greece] is significant for our analysis. He wrote the so-called “Jamaica Letter” in 1815, where he elaborates more broadly on his political theories to explain the causes for the fall of the Second Republic of Venezuela within the broader context of liberation struggles in the region. The criticism of Voltaire reached its peak after the publication of the abstract by Rousseau. RELATED: Simon Bolivar's Life to Be Depicted in an Animated Short. BOLIVAR, Simon. L’année 1795: Kant, essai sur la paix. Este artigo traça as fontes documentais que nutrem seu conceito confederal e os primeiros tratados da união hispano-americana de 1822 a 1826. Cf. América espera. In it, Bolívar began by analyzing what had been until that time had been considered the historical successes in the struggle for liberty in the Americas. Voltaire represents a problematic source. September 18, 2017. View full-text. “Here in Mexico, a document, a commitment, the creation of a Latin America and Caribbean body, it’s not the United States, it’s not Canada ... Now, from Mexico we can say that we have revived the dream and project of Bolivar,” President Chavez stated during the CELAC inauguration. Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 2010. Instead of a single work on the Projet, Rousseau writes first the summary (Extrait) in which he expresses Saint Pierre's ideas as if the abbot himself had defended them, and then a critical piece (Jugement), where he displays an opposite point of view. [ Links ], MIRANDA, Francisco de. ... Carta de Jamaica (1815) - Simón Bolívar - … Professor da Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAN), no México. Palavras-chave: Simon Bolívar; Independência da América; Confederação; Integração latino-americana; Liga anfictiônica. [ Links ], PLUTARCH, Lucius Mestrius. The Mexican Chancellor, Lucas Alaman, sends its representatives to Central and South America in order to reinstall the Congress of Tacubaya and continue the creation of the Confederation. This does not prevent him from praising Saint-Pierre’s critique of the superstitions of the time and his study of French tax revenue. In other words, the amphictyonic confederation represents a time, a programmatic component of the independence, and the source of viability for the Hispanic American republics. New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 2005. 24 July 2017 - 08:30 AM. This conclusion overlaps his well-known fondness for the Swiss philosopher, preferred above all others of his time (MIRAMÓN, 1959, p. 14-16), and the similarities between the “five fundamental articles” that synthesize Saint-Pierre’s doctrine (ROUSSEAU, 1817, p. 416-418) and the Bolivarian confederal treaty: (1) According to the first article, the governments should institute a perpetual and irrevocable alliance, with an assembly in which plenipotentiaries would meet and conflicts among members would be solved by arbitration or trial. It was published in 1749 by Gabriel de Mably, the same person who later advised Rousseau on the suitability of synthesizing the works of Saint-Pierre. Hamilton, Madison and Jay (2001, p. 69-73) use this opinion to propose the reform of the first Constitution of the United States and the adoption of a federal system with a central administration and several state governments.8. The originality of the transfer to Hispanic America is reflected not only in the characteristics of the project but also in the consistency that it gives to the entire independence enterprise. Comparing its wording with the characteristics of the Greek amphictyony (described in the next sections of this paper), five common elements stand out: (1) Member states are obliged to resign extralegal recourses; (2) The defensive and offensive alliance will protect each member’s independence; (3) Disputes will be settled through arbitration; (4) The General Assembly will address the current affairs of the Confederation; and. “It is not a defensive and offensive alliance”, such as those organized in Europe at the time, but “a society of sister-nations”. After this effort, the confederate movement ceases when burst the first wars of conquest between Latin American countries: the War of the Triple Alliance and especially the War of the Pacific. DOSSIÊ: “Livros, bibliotecas e intelectuais no mundo ibero-americano (séculos XVI ao XX)", The Jamaica Letter and its intellectual genealogy, A Carta da Jamaica e sua genealogia intelectual, 1Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - UAN. The conditions imposed to Haiti by the Ordinance signed by King Chales X of France in the Castle of the Tuileries on April 17, 1825 include, in addition to the monetary compensation, the reduction by half of the tariffs charged to other foreign merchants. adriana-rivas.blogspot.com Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix and Traffic The latter involved the countries that had hosted three amphictyonic conferences (REZA, 2012). Chavez, one of the founders of ALBA, PetroCaribe and CELAC, relentlessly promoted regional unity and cooperation, even as these became objects of attacks from opposition groups at home, 'Venezuela, Heart of America' Social Media Campaign Launches, Simon Bolivar's Life to Be Depicted in an Animated Short. [ Links ], HAVENS, George R. Voltaire’s Marginalia on the Pages of Rousseau: A Comparative Study of Ideas. Table 1 Sources on the Amphictyonic league, and Saint Pierre’s Plan of confederacy (available before 1815), These references appear in his Extrait d'une lettre sur une coutume très utile établie aux Pays-Bas [Excerpt from a letter on a very useful custom established in the Netherlands], from 1739; the Réécrit de l’Empereur de la Chine à l’ocassion du projet de paix perpéuelle [Rescript of the Emperor of China on the Occasion of the Plan for Perpetual Peace], from 1761; the “Chinese Catechism” from the Philosophical Dictionary of 1764; the Lettres à S.A. Mgr. In this book (1749, p. 10-11 and 12-18), he defines Greek amphictyonies as a pact between “love for independence” of the city-states and the need to protect themselves through “a powerful and respected body”. After this publication, the historian Guillermo Hernández de Alba sent to Lecuna an older version. Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, Union of South American Nations and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States – were expressed in Bolivar’s vision of creating a unified Latin America based on the tenets of sovereignty and anti-colonialism. [ Links ], BOLIVAR, Simon. His first education (directed by Simón Rodríguez and, to a lesser extent, by Andrés Bello) includes the classics of antiquity, Spain, France, Italy, and England. [ Links ], SILVA CASTRO, Raúl. [ Links ], WALLEZ, Jean Baptiste. The second is its poor dissemination, due to several reasons: (1) Tts cumbersome and difficult-to-understand style; (2) The editorial strategy of Saint-Pierre, who used to send 30 copies to print and, after collecting readers’ views, proceeded to a new print; (3) The difficult travel to Hispanic America, where the works of the Enlightenment arrived through travelers who placed them in private libraries, thus limiting their dissemination; (4) The edicts from 1756 and 1764, which vetoed, in totum, the Discourse on Inequality and The Social Contract. 11However, it does not specify the works consulted. I-VII. [ Links ]. The impact and importance of the Jamaica Charter has been evident in a number of areas, including: 1- It was the first expression of the purpose of liberation of the American continent . Paris: Imprimerie de P. Didot l’Ainé, 1817. v. II, p. 48-62. 7The confederal project reborn in January 1831, weeks after the death of Bolivar. “The bonds,” … Now more than ever — as a right-wing political shift in the region tries to do away with the leftist gains of the last years — the content of the Jamaica Letter, the calls toward a common identity which paves the way to regional unity and independence, is more urgent than ever to uphold and defend. The comments and opinions of Voltaire concerning the abbot have been studied by Perkins (1960, p. 152-163). Paris: Librairie J. Vrin, 1997. p. 25-40. [ Links ], SAINT PIERRE, Charles Irénée Castel de. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, UNESP, Campus de Assis, Sources on the Amphictyonic league, and Saint Pierre’s Plan of confederacy (available before 1815), https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-436920170000000026, ­ Saint Pierre, Projet de paix perpétuelle, Simon Bolivar’s readings on both subjects. My dear Sir: ... Mr. de Pradt has wisely divided America into fifteen or seventeen mutually independent states, governed by as many monarchs. [ Links ], MABLY, Gabriel Bonnot de. L’abbé de Saint Pierre, Rousseau et Kant. Position Title: Data Analyst . (2) The second relates to the functioning conditions of the diet, which determine which countries would be invited to join the confederation and which would be common expense contributions. Although he refrains from adjectivizing the work of chimeric, it is not far from doing so: Thus, although the project was very wise, the means of executing it were influenced by the simplicity of the author. The Federalist is an interesting source due to its criticism of the laxity of the confederal regime, favoring a more centralist positions. Caracas: Sociedad Bolivariana de Venezuela, 1964. In the article published in 1810 in the Morning Chronicle of London, where he goes in search for help for the young Venezuelan Revolution, Bolívar predicts that after independence, the government of Venezuela will invite all American governments to unite under a confederal system and that they, “already prepared for such a project, will hastily follow the example of Caracas”.3 The prolongation of the War of Independence postpones the ecumenical plan until 1818, when Bolivar writes to the Director of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, Juan Martín Pueyrredón, to propose the formation of a “political body” comprising the states of the former Spanish America.4 In 1821, after the approval of the Constitution of Colombia, Bolívar and Pedro Gual draft the treaty through which the Hispanic Americans will integrate. The amphictyonic model is endorsed by Art. Cambridge: Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1937. Estás reportando este comentario a la redacción. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2012. Polybius (2010, II 2-4, 45; IV 6, 9, 16, 25, 26, 27, 30, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65; V 5, 6, 14, 26, 27, 96, 97, 102, 107; IX 32-40, 41-42; XI 5, 4, 7; XIII 3; XVI 24; XVIII 2, 3, 10, 38, 46, 47; XX 4, 5, 9-11; XXI 25, 32; XXIII 18; XXVII 15; XXVIII 4; and XXXIX 1). The Jugement was published after Rousseau’s and Voltaire’s death in 1778.13 His main criticism points to “the principle of perfected reason” that underlies the Saint Pierre's proposal, which he considers false. 12Voltaire (1784-1789). As we all know, the best references on the amphictyonic leagues are the works by Polybius, Thucydides, Herodotus, Aeschines, Aristophanes, Strabo and Demosthenes. Prime Minister Simpson Miller added that the anniversary of the ‘Carta de Jamaica’ was a reminder that the road to regional integration has been a long one and remains a work in progress. 9However, this absence does not imply that he did not know about them. Debes completar todos los campos obligatorios para poder continuar. Um dos objetivos da Carta da Jamaica é a reflexão sobre as características da ordem americana e internacional, após a desaparição do Império espanhol. Evidently inspired by the political developments in “enlightened Europe,” the general nonetheless argued that European – namely Spanish – colonialism fundamentally deprived the peoples of the Americas of economic opportunity and equality, whose ideas would eventually prompt independence movements across the region. For its organization, Simon Bolívar appeals to the amphictyonic assemblies of classical Greece and invokes the Pan-European project of the Abbe Saint Pierre. The next unionist initiative, seeks to respond to the expansionist policy of United States. Some historians consider that the Charter of Jamaica was one of the documents on which the independence of the Spanish colonies in Latin America was founded. 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