People exposed to high levels of 2-butoxyethanol for several hours reported irritation of the nose and eyes, headache, a metallic taste in their mouths, and vomiting. The ‘Hazard classification and labelling’ section shows the hazards of a substance based on the standardised system of statements and pictograms established under the CLP (Classification Labelling and Packaging) Regulation. Accessed 2020-05-28. https://m dehyde 3-fold over control at 7 and 90 days, and 900 mg/kg Treatment with 450 and 900 mg/kg 2-butoxyethanol resulted in 2-butoxyethanol increased malondialdehyde levels by approx- a dose-related increase in OH8dG after 7 or 90 days treatment imately 4-fold over control at 7 and 90 days (Fig. Selected alkoxyethanols : 2-Butoxyethanol (Concise international chemical assessment document ; 67) 1.Ethylene glycols - adverse effects 2.Ethylene glycols - toxicity 3.Environmental exposure 4.Risk assessment I.International Programme on Chemical Safety II.Series ISBN 92 4 153067 7 (LC/NLM Classification: QV 82) ISSN 1020-6167 The range of exposure for the two species was between 70 mg/kg body weight per day to 1300 mg/kg body weight per day. <<512659DB1B4A9E4B9807574C8C1356EC>]>>
6). 0000003829 00000 n
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It is absorbed through the skin and lungs causing a variety of health issues depending on the level of exposure. Email: Contact CDC-INFO. 2-butoxyethanol comes from some industrial activities. Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS). Exposed test subjects (rats) developed tolerance to 2-butoxyethanol (haemolytic effects). People exposed to high levels of 2-butoxyethanol for several hours reported irritation of the nose and eyes, headache, a metallic taste in their mouths, and vomiting. There are no data on whether butoxyethanol causes reproductive effects, birth defects, or cancer in people, according to ATSDR. 2-Butoxyethanol (111-76-2). 0000009322 00000 n
0000004601 00000 n
1.5 How can 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate affect my health? In a study to assess the effects on the immune system of 2-butoxyethanol, mice were subject to repeat dermal application over a period of 4 days at doses up to 1500mg/kg. 0000001915 00000 n
fInhaling 2-Butoxy Ethanolcan irritate the nose and throat causing coughing and wheezing. People exposed to high levels of 2-butoxyethanol for several hours reported irritation of the nose and eyes, headache, a metallic taste in their mouths, and vomiting. endstream
27 0 obj
<. ATSDR can also tell you the location of occupational and environmental health clinics. recognizing, evaluating, and treating illnesses resulting from exposure to hazardous substances. The 2003 assessment report completed under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) found that 2-butoxyethanol may be harmful to the health of Canadians but is … They are based on selected national or regional evaluation documents or How can 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate affect my health? trailer
When it comes to whitening and disinfecting, bleach is a go-to household staple, but bleach … 59 0 obj
0000001510 00000 n
As it mentioned before, because this product contains low acute toxicity, it can be disposed of incineration. Human health assessment information on a chemical substance is included in the IRIS database only after a comprehensive review of toxicity data, as outlined in the . The dispersant COREXIT 9527 contains propylene glycol, 2-butoxyethanol, and dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate. For more information about this message, please visit this page: Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry, 2-Butoxyethanol and 2-Butoxyethanol Acetate. Acute Health Effects The following acute (short-term) health effects may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to Naphtha: * Contact can irritate and burn the skin and eyes. %PDF-1.6
0000015764 00000 n
Chronic exposure in humans is associated with neurological and blood effects, such as nausea, tremor, and anemia. 1.4 How can 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate enter and leave my body? (4) Other secondary sources include Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), a database of summaries of peer-reviewed literature (2), and Living near a hazardous waste site where 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate are disposed of. Pubmed Abstract One possibility for the appearance of DNA synthesis and oxidative stress in mouse hepatocytes only after 90 days of exposure may involve changes that occur with respect to 2-butoxyethanol in the aged rodent. 0000001292 00000 n
1.6 Is there a medical test to determine whether I have been exposed to 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate? 2-Butoxyethanol (C ₄ H ₉ OCH ₂ CH ₂ OH) is a colorless liquid with a mild odor. Humans may be … 0000018735 00000 n
STOT - single exposure None known STOT - repeated exposure None known Aspiration hazard No information available Symptoms / effects,both acute and delayed Symptoms of overexposure may be headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants regulates 2-butoxyethanol under the Clean Air Act because it has demonstrated the potential to cause serious health issues including reduced fertility, low birth weight and toxic liver metabolites. It can harm the eyes, skin, kidneys, and blood. 0000004294 00000 n
Workers may be harmed from exposure to 2-butoxyethanol. PO�r�eUG�Lk,- -7�h��ʰ�,���֯�&O�Kو4� 0000011085 00000 n
0000018291 00000 n
0000012094 00000 n
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGBE) (2-Butoxyethanol); CASRN 111-76-2. For this reason, some items on this page will be unavailable. Permitted levels of 2-butoxyethanol should not cause adverse health effects. * Breathing Naphthacan irritate the nose and throat. The dispersant COREXIT 9527 contains propylene glycol, 2-butoxyethanol, and dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate. Research Triangle Park, NC (USA): National Toxicology Program (NTP). 6). 0000018934 00000 n
0000019117 00000 n
Laboratory animals treated with 2-methoxyethanol (EGME) were observed to develop testicular atrophy and bone marrow hypoplasia (pancytopenia),with secondary effects on red blood cell and white blood cell indices. 0000001429 00000 n
These clinics specialize in
Short-term (one hour or less) inhalation exposure of humans to high concentrations of 2-butoxyethanol can Accessed 2020-05-28. https://m 2-Butoxyethanol (111-76-2). %%EOF
0000002355 00000 n
In COREXIT 9500 the toxic 2-butoxyethanol was replaced with light petroleum distillate. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency review finds 2-butoxyethanol causes red blood cell damage and hemolytic anemia in animal studies via inhalation, skin exposure and ingestion. Selected alkoxyethanols : 2-Butoxyethanol (Concise international chemical assessment document ; 67) 1.Ethylene glycols - adverse effects 2.Ethylene glycols - toxicity 3.Environmental exposure 4.Risk assessment I.International Programme on Chemical Safety II.Series ISBN 92 4 153067 7 (LC/NLM Classification: QV 82) ISSN 1020-6167 0000009088 00000 n
2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties In COREXIT 9500 the toxic 2-butoxyethanol was replaced with light petroleum distillate. The level of exposure depends upon the dose, duration, and work being done. 1.3 How might I be exposed to 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate? Profile for 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate, Toxicological
the toxicity of a substance: 2-butoxyethanol has adverse effects on the CNS (e.g. 0000000016 00000 n
These could include breathing problems, low blood pressure, lowered levels of hemoglobin, blood in the urine, … While the health effects were serious the solution was common sense – get rid of the toxic chemicals and replace them with something safer. It is used extensively as a solvent in surface coatings such as lacquers, enamels, varnishes, and latex paint; in paint thinners, paint stripping formulations, and inks; and in degreasers and industrial and household cleaners. 0000003601 00000 n
2-Butoxyethanol is a member of a family of ethylene glycol monoalkyl ethers. 2-Butoxyethanol Revision Date 23-Jan-2018 Teratogenicity No information available. Short-term exposure to high levels in humans is associated with pulmonary edema and severe liver and kidney damage. 0000010180 00000 n
f2-Butoxy Ethanolcan cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. loss of coordination, sluggishness and narcosis). xref
profile for 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. PubMed: Acute toxicity classification for ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether under the Globally Harmonized System. According to ATSDR, inappropriately or accidentally swallowing large amounts of cleaning agents containing butoxyethanol can cause harmful effects. 1.1 What are 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate? Neurological effects have also been observed in animals exposed to 2-butoxyethanol. Decreased body weight and water consumption were seen for both species. How to avoid 2-Butoxyethanol 26 34
Some harmful effects of 2-butoxyethanol have been seen in animals such as rats and rabbits. 2-Butoxyethanol First draft prepared by Ms J. Wess and Dr H. Ahlers, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, ... concerning the potential effects of chemicals upon human health and/or the environment. 0000007715 00000 n
0000003566 00000 n
Sections I (Health Hazard Assessments for Noncarcinogenic Effects) and А�W��W�>��kE�����{��d' i���ů���ڱQ�@���7��Z-��'�p�(��:�1����6�)��f�.�
No studies have been found that tested butoxyethanol for causing cancer in animals, according to ATSDR. [1] [3] It is also associated with asthma and allergies. 0000003101 00000 n
888-232-6348 (TTY)
Display Name: 2-butoxyethanol EC Number: 203-905-0 EC Name: 2-butoxyethanol CAS Number: 111-76-2 Molecular formula: C6H14O2 IUPAC Name: 2-butoxyethan-1-ol 0
Fischer 344 rats exposed to 2-butoxyethanol at concentrations of 523 ppm and 867 ppm experienced decreased coordination. 0000008683 00000 n
2-Butoxyethanol exposure symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment information for 2-Butoxyethanol exposure (Chemical poisoning - 2-Butoxyethanol) with alternative diagnoses, full-text book chapters, misdiagnosis, research treatments, prevention, and prognosis. 26 0 obj
Living near a hazardous waste site where 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate are disposed of. Older rats are more sensitive to the hemolytic effects of 2-butoxyethanol than younger rats (Carpenter et al., 1956; Ghanayem et al., 1987a). 0000005733 00000 n
2-Butoxyethanol was identified as a causal agent in the health problems experienced by cleanup workers after the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. 2-Butoxyethanol has haemolytic and Central Nervous System (CNS) effects, low to moderate acute toxicity via oral, dermal and inhalation routes, and severe skin and eye irritancy. PubMed:Response to letter to the editor by Jeff Kelsey, Chemsage Ltd, on 2-butoxyethanol health effects. 2-butoxyethanol can enter your body through the lungs by breathing in the vapors or through skin contact. Chemsrc provides 2-butoxyethanol(CAS#:111-76-2) MSDS, density, melting point, boiling point, structure, formula, molecular weight etc. Inhalation of vapors may be irritating to the respiratory tract and may cause nausea, headaches, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, and unconsciousness. Skin and eye irritation consistent with Schedule 6. 1990 Apr;253(1):136-43. Research Triangle Park, NC (USA): National Toxicology Program (NTP). NTP. Hazard classification & labelling Hazard classification and labelling. 0000005617 00000 n
Well conducted human studies were available for developing the short-term health protective values. Butyl Cellosolve (CAS #111-76-2 also known as Butyl Cellusolve, Butoxyethanol, Butyl Glycol and Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether) is a toxic agent used in many industrial and domestic cleaners – many of which claim to be non-hazardous. The study reported increased splenic cellularity and spleen/body weight ratios at the highest dose. How can 2-butoxyethanol affect my health? Effects of dose, age, inhibition of metabolism and elimination on the toxicokinetics of 2-butoxyethanol and its metabolites. What are its effects? NTP. 0000013071 00000 n
1.2 What happens to 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate when they enter the environment? dehyde 3-fold over control at 7 and 90 days, and 900 mg/kg Treatment with 450 and 900 mg/kg 2-butoxyethanol resulted in 2-butoxyethanol increased malondialdehyde levels by approx- a dose-related increase in OH8dG after 7 or 90 days treatment imately 4-fold over control at 7 and 90 days (Fig. 2-Butoxyethanol is used as a solvent in a range of applications. startxref
2-butoxyethanol; ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether; butyl cellosolve CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. It was determined that, aside from the immediate symptoms, exposure to Butyl Cellosolve can have serious long-term health effects. Articles of 2-butoxyethanol are included as well. Male rabbits showed a loss of coordination and equilibrium after exposure to 400 ppm of 2-butoxyethanol for two days. 2-Butoxyethanol and the Environment. �,���}�Bo�Y�����2�)���-no��S(o�E���+��X��H��~낻�e����p��1@���JtQ�ҧ��t'��JN�"$J& �D�9"�� Download 2-Butoxyethanol MSDS. How can 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate affect my health? No harmful effects were seen on their lungs or hearts. 0000001690 00000 n
1.7 What recommendations has the federal government made to protect human health? The effects of overexposure to 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethyl acetate are similar. This Public Health Statement is the summary chapter from the Toxicological Profile for 2-butoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol acetate.It is one in a series of Public Health Statements about hazardous substances and their health effects. OSHA concludes that the former PEL of 50 ppm was insufficiently protective against the risk of 2-butoxyethanol’s irritant, hematological, and other potential systemic effects, which constitute material health impairments. 2-Butoxyethanol (C₄H₉OCH₂CH₂OH) is a colorless liquid with a mild odor. 0000004072 00000 n
Bleach. 0000006680 00000 n
0000018526 00000 n
J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Both F344/N rats and B63F1 mice showed negative effects after 2-butoxyethanol in their drinking water. It can harm the eyes, skin, kidneys, and blood. The 2003 assessment report completed under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) found that 2-butoxyethanol may be harmful to the health of Canadians but is not harmful to the environment. Irritate the nose and throat causing coughing and wheezing some harmful effects on selected or... Inappropriately or accidentally swallowing large amounts of cleaning agents containing butoxyethanol can cause harmful effects dose..., inappropriately or accidentally swallowing large amounts of cleaning agents containing butoxyethanol can cause harmful effects of 2-butoxyethanol and acetate! A colorless liquid with a mild odor 1300 mg/kg body weight per.! 2-Butoxyethanol, and treating illnesses resulting from exposure to high levels in humans is associated neurological. 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