1995 das Getriebe macht Geräusche. In the event where the motor stars fizzling, it will start to create different kinds of issues and will make it hard for you to realize what the main problem is. there is bound to be one registered if there is a misfire. Ergebnis 1 bis 10 von 10 20.03.2017, 20:39 #1. ... Peugeot 306 fuel pump relay problem and fix - Duration: 5:13. Airbag warning light. Im Peugeot Forum wird von A wie Anomalie der Abgasreinigung, über H wie Hybrid bis Z wie Zahnriemen alles diskutiert. Engine warning lights comes on, engine lacks power … 8 Antworten Neuester Beitrag am 1. I purchased the car with 18,000 miles in Feb 2008. Peugeot forums community. Ab 30km/h ging bei Last garnichts mehr. The list of automotive Makes at the right edge of the screen. Check for head gasket issues, water in oil, oil in water, using water. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Nebelschlussleuchte -> Problem - Hi Leute, Ich fahre einen 306 Fließheck Bj 93 Nebelscheinwerfer original nachgerüstet vom 97er Rückleuchten auch nachgerüstet vom 97er Modell -> diese hab ich so modifiziert, dass bei Standlicht der ganze rote Streifen leuchtet (mit 5W), das ganze auch bei Bremslicht (mit 21W) und dies auch bei eingeschalteten Nebelschlussleuchten tut (auch mit 21W). This site, like pretty much every other site, uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. my 306 gti-6 has started to misfire when under acceleration. I use the term ‘some detail’ here due to the extent of work that had already been carried out in an attempt to rectify the problem. Peugeot 306 Common Problems and Solutions. or you need to change the spark plug leads. Im Peugeot Forum wird von A wie Anomalie der Abgasreinigung, über H wie Hybrid bis Z wie Zahnriemen alles diskutiert. Who will be owning Stellantis after Peugeot and Fiat merge ? In the following overview, you will find the most common problems for the Peugeot 208, for which Peugeot has announced a recall through the EU Rapex system. Solution: Having a problem with your Peugeot 306? No misfires occurred under normal driving conditions. Peugeot 206 Misfiring. You are using an out of date browser. It was awarded the European Car of the Year in 2002 and continues to be offered in China and certain South American markets through 2009. Recalls. 2001 Peugeot 206 1.4 petrol 8v- Misfire problem. Hatte zuvor noch mit keinem anderen Wagen solche Probleme, wir fahren Benz, Peugeot 306 Cabrio und Renault Alpine A310 V6 und auch keiner der Wagen davor zeigte solche Mängel, u.a. At the time of publishing this (27/06/13) the CarParts4Less part number is 436730100 for a Magneti Marelli idle control valve. Tell us about your 306 problem. Owner Problems. there is bound to be one registered if there is a misfire. Peugeot 206 Common Problems and Solutions. Sorry for the essay but I felt that a bit of history may help. I gave it a clean anyway and put it back in - no change. when the car is idling, disconnect the injectors 1 at a time, if you disconnect one and it makes no difference - that is your faulty one (assuming it is injectors). The problem was described in some detail as a cylinder 4 misfire on load. And why not! Of course, rather than the customer taking their car back to the usually more expensive main dealer. Habe hier einige Probleme mit meinen 306 XS 1,8L 110PS Benzin D3-Norm usw. Common Problems. My. Possible Solutions. I have had the same issue with my XSI, it turned out just to be the HT leads at the coil £3 each fixed like a dream. 0. Problem: If the airbag warning light is flashing on the dashboard it is usually due to a faulty wire underneath the seats, although it can mean that there is a problem with the airbag. Hab auch ne Peugeot 306 Profil Bj ´97 1.4 75PS mit 50tsd und das gleiche Problem mit der hängenden Drehzahl, wenn der Motor noch kalt ist. Peugeot 306 Probleme mit Tacho. Diskutiere hifi-problem ! ? We have gathered all of the most frequently asked questions and problems relating to the Peugeot 306 in one spot to help you decide if it's a smart buy. Owner Problems. 308 Problem Categories. Peugeot 306 Erfahrungen: Bewertungen von Autofahrern Bilder & Videos Probleme technische Daten Alle Generationen News Preise All at your expense. The vehicle in question was a Peugeot 207 (et3j4kfu 1360cc) which had come from a well-respected Peugeot main dealership. Ich habe das Fahrzeug vor einem halben Jahr gekauft mit dem Wissen das das Ausrücklager defekt ist = Auswirkungen: Getriebe machte raschelgeräusche. 306 Problem Categories. Hab nach der problem ursache gesucht aber nichts gefunden. Normal coil problems would be engine management light on engine lacking power, may be stalling and sounding like a lumpy sewing machine. In the following overview, you will find the most common problems for the Peugeot 308, for which Peugeot has announced a recall through the EU Rapex system. Regards. Look up the other OBD II Trouble Codes, please use the search box.Enter the 5 character trouble codes in the search box and submit the search. Diskutiere Elektronik Problem im Peugeot 306 Forum im Bereich Peugeot; hallo Leute....ud zwar hab ich ein kleineres problem mit meiner elektronik.. Fahre ienen Pug 306 profil bj .96 75ps jetzt ist es so das ... Neues Thema erstellen Antworten 21.04.2008 #1 T. theprophet. Hallo, habe bei meinem 306 Bj. 206 Problem Categories. Hi 0. Despi. First up you need to check the HT leads, if they are getting old it would be worth replacing them. Same problem with my 2011 / 1.6 Petrol / Turbo. Peugeot 106 1.5 diesel - injector leakage: RE: 206 1.9d engine ecu location: Peugeot 406 mind of its own! Peugeot Forums Since 2005 A forum community dedicated for all Peugeot owners and enthusiasts. Na gut dachte ich mir und tauschte es aus (Kupplungssatz) nun 5tkm macht es … 223. I'm going to rule out head gasket failure because 200-220PSI is good. 307. All the mileage has been created from a 100 mile round trip to work and back (All motorway mileage). or pickup sensor for the coil pack might have moved or is faulty (giving incorrect timing at idle). Some problems will only occur after many years of operation, others are related to technical solutions and forced the manufacturer to issue a recall. 307 2.0l petrol persistent misfire problem. The Peugeot 306 Estate is not an actual place. hi i have a problem with a 306 d turbo R reg 1998 1.9 litre turbo diesel xud engine, regularly serviced, 78k miles, cam belt replaced at 70k. The problem was described in some detail as a cylinder 4 misfire on load. 'Buckle up,' ex-DHS chief warns after Capitol attack, Pro trainer banned for giving horse a racist name, Pro-Trump rocker who went to D.C. rally dropped by label, Kamala Harris's new Vogue cover shoot is causing a stir, Coach K on 'insurrection': 'They need to be prosecuted', In Dec. call, Trump pressured Ga. official to 'find the fraud', Clooney: Trump family belongs in 'dustpan of history', Employers fire workers identified as Capitol rioters, Schwarzenegger denounces Capitol riot in powerful video, Star golfer apologizes after muttering antigay slur, Police: Man shoots 7 in series of Chicago-area attacks. Disconnected it, problem fixed, so I bought a new one instead. Rat und Tat gibt es für ältere und aktuelle Peugeot-Modelle. This can cure all manner of ills that garages simply love spending several recurring visits to trace. Common Problems. Jeden Tag wenn ich dem Wagen das erste mal starte dreht er von alleine ca 15 … Key out and re-start sometimes cleared it but doesn't now. 5:13. Common problems with the Peugeot 3008. Ich fahre den 306 Bj. my 306 gti-6 has started to misfire when under acceleration. The P0306 Peugeot code means that the cylinder 6 is misfiring or is randomly misfiring. Are you having problems with your Peugeot 306? Come join the discussion about performance, reviews, reliability, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, for all models. The troubles in a car engine are usually hard to analyze. According to the peugeot dealer my car is up to date on all recall problems and has the latest software edition.Also the car is an 02 model. Get your answers by asking now. Weston Eng. The Peugeot 306 Estate is a type of French car built by the manufacturer Peugeot. Rat und Tat gibt es für ältere und aktuelle Peugeot-Modelle. These are available from Peugeot or slightly cheaper from Euro Car Parts or CarParts4Less. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. ich brauche dringend eure hilfe.... ich möchte gerne meinem löwen ein schiqqen sound verpassen, weiß … Peugeot 306 Forum Wegfahrsperre Problem. Engine Misfire Problems: How To Diagnose and Fix Them. JavaScript is disabled. The #1 source of information for the Peugeot 306 GTi-6 and Peugeot 306 Rallye. We replaced the ignition coil in this cylinder and then removed the diagnostic trouble code as shown in the video which cleared the problem. New Member. Vocational, Technical or Trade Scho. Hi team i have a Peugeot 406 18.cc petrol on a 01 plate coil pack has been changed cylinder head has been checked for any valve problems with … i removed the plug/socket and just joined the 3 wires together. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. ... 308 GT Line - 2017 Nav Update Problem. When cold starting this car would misfire, but when warm it quickly cleared. September 2011 um 13:32. schlizzer . ECU software doesn't "wear" out. Common Problems. The drain can get blocked up with leaves or other debris, which will need to be removed. Author: Message: Eigespro: Posted Saturday, January 16, 2010 5:54:21 PM. In the following overview, you will find the most common problems for the Peugeot 208, for which Peugeot has announced a recall through the EU Rapex system. Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by Weston Eng., Aug 31, 2005. Hi  i have 1999 Peugeot 106 Diesel how much would it cost to convert to power steering.. Topic View. Some problems will only occur after many years of operation, others are related to technical solutions and forced the manufacturer to issue a recall. Peugeot 306 d turbo engine problem. The symptoms are: 1. Hi All I was wandering if anyone could offer any advice on my 306 turbo diesel. Group: Forum Members Last Active: Monday, January 18, 2010 7:05:30 PM Posts: 4, Visits: 10. This is a definitive sign of a misfire caused by bad spark plugs or faulty ignition coils. 30. The currently selected ODB-ii codes is for the Peugeot makes.. 2. Sounds like a misfire its gone alot better since putting injector cleaner in the diesel tank. My 306 isnt starting after periods of rain.When it dries out it fires up and when driven, clouds of white smoke come out and theres a strong pertrol smell, this lasts for about 20 mins. You are more likely to get second and third hand cars in with problems. Peugeot 106 1.5 diesel - injector leakage: RE: 206 1.9d engine ecu location: Peugeot 406 mind of its own! 01. 4.3K 2M 9 d ago. Auch Fahrer ältere Modelle, wie der Peugeot 307 oder der Peugeot 306, finden Hilfe. Das Peugeotforum spricht die Fahrer aller Modelle an. Weniger als 7 Liter Benzin-Verbrauch bei 75 ps. Citroens and Peugeot are fitted with a BSI (Built-in System Interface/multiplexing unit) this is a computer that controls the wipers, immobilizer etc. It only happens ocasionaly at the moment but its rather annoying and only seems to happen when the engine is cold and under quit hard acceleration any ideas to the cause and possible solutions would be greatly appreaciated thanks Ive got a 54 plate Peugeot 307 which has got an oil leak. it was a broken wire that goes to the fuel pressure sensor. Common Problems and Quick Fixes: Peugeot 306. It only happens ocasionaly at the moment but its rather annoying and only seems to happen when the engine is cold and under quit hard acceleration any ideas to the cause and possible solutions would be greatly appreaciated thanks You could check out the HT electrics (plugs, leads, distributor cap, rotor) and replace if they are old. Common problems with the Peugeot 208. peugeot 206 16v 1.6 petrol - peugeot 206 misfire / stutter - andrewuwe : I took the map sensor out to clean it but it was pretty clean already. Cheap scanners bought off the web won't read these. 306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club. Do not drive the car as this will cause damage to the catalytic converter. It only happens ocasionaly at the moment but its rather annoying and only seems to happen when the engine is cold and under quit hard acceleration any ideas to the cause and possible solutions would be greatly appreaciated thanks. Der verdeck ist letzte jahr anfang sommer ist ausgefallen. In unregelmäßigen Abständen nimmt er bei kaltem Motor kaum Gas an. Hab jetzt vorhin müssen den Anlasser wechseln,dazu hab ich natürlich die Batterie abgeklemmt.Nachdem ich alles eingebaut … I did some repairs on gearbox, changing t-belts etc and an engine tune up. I use the term ‘some detail’ here due to the extent of work that had already been carried out in an attempt to rectify the problem. 2002 Peugeot 307 1.6 auto Misfire - AutoInsider Problems and Fixes Still have questions? The first action was to plug–in with the serial scan tools (scan tools used were Diagbox and SP ACR4/G2) to see what DTCs (diagnostic trouble codes) were present. If you are buying a new one it is recommended to only buy genuine Magneti Marelli. 2001 Peugeot 206 1.4 petrol 8v- Misfire problem. These cars are no longer being made, but still can be purchased used. The 306 is a small family car made from 1993 to 2002 replacing the 309 but it was replaced by the 307 in 2001. Engine & Drivetrain: 34: Gearbox & Clutch: 39: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights: 167: Steering, Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres: 62: Leaks & Noises: 114: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss: 230: Find a problems by model year or part . Hab leider ein Problem mit meinem Peugeot 306 1.6er Otto. However im still having a problem with it misfiring at idle, My mate who is a mastertec mechanic at subaru seams to think it may be the ECU however my next point of call would be to check the injectors. April 2005 um 15:32. I think these cars have a TPS, so it could be a faulty throttle position sensor. 91.5K 44M 4 h … / Touring Wagon Car has done 85,00 0km and problem started only one week.ago Engine misfires while driving shortly after start up.within the first minute. Heute war es mal wieder besonders extrem. Peugeot 306 meridian (S) misfire - elekie&a/c doctor If your car has the coil per cylinder type ignition system type Sagem,then you need to change this unit to modified type make Bougicord.Also ensure sparkplugs are in good condition.This is most common cause of missfire on these Peugeot /Citroen derivatives with same engines.Unlikely to be Ecu fault. Just to let you know I have compression tested each of the 4 chambers and every one of them were between 200-220 psi. 2. In the following overview, you will find the most common problems for the Peugeot 2008, for which Peugeot has announced a recall through the EU Rapex system. Peugeot 306 HDi Misfire. ? I put it doen to the cold weather. Search 689 problems with the Peugeot 206. if you look to the right of the oil filter theres a yellow plug and the wires had broke that come out of the plug. So i'd find it unlikely that it's at fault unless it has experienced a physical shock or electrical spike. Hallöchen, also ich fahre einen 93'er 306 und hatte bis jetzt noch nie Probleme (4 Jahre lang). The Peugeot 307 is a small family car manufactured since 2001. Search 223 problems with the Peugeot 308. I recently bought a Peugeot 306 1.4 sedan carb model. Some problems will only occur after many years of operation, others are related to technical solutions and forced the manufacturer to issue a recall. Hallo! In the following overview, you will find the most common problems for the Peugeot 3008, for which Peugeot has announced a recall through the EU Rapex system. 308 Problems; Peugeot 308 Problems & Fixes. Themenstarter am 24. Start by checking for intake leaks an if no leaks are found the next step is to replace the spark plugs on cylinder 6. 95 seit8 Monaten und bin reichlich unzufrieden!! Peugeot 406 Misfire Problem. Diskutiere 306 Cabrio Probleme mit Elektrik ! 91.5K 44M 4 h ago. Mir wurde auf der Suche nach einem Auto (Kombi Preisklasse unter 2.000.-) der Peugeot 306 empfohlen. If there are no symptoms, the simplest thing to do is to reset the code and see if it comes back. The vehicle in question was a Peugeot 207 (et3j4kfu 1360cc) which had come from a well-respected Peugeot main dealership. 17. It should save you a lot of trial and error. Threadstarter. 4.3K 2M 9 d ago. 4. Shop owner, technician. We diagnosed the fault to find a Peugeot trouble code of P1337 which means a misfire in cylinder 1 of the engine. I have a 2011 Peugeot bipper van, it’s ex Royal Mail, the 12v socket doesn’t work, I checked the fuse under the stearin wheel and it’s ok? Constant check engine light - Engine is running fine. Owner Problems. Posted on April 16, 2019 by Alex • 4 Comments. No misfires occurred under normal driving conditions. Ich bin etwas überrascht. Peugeot 206: 2001 Peugeot 206 1.4 petrol 8v- Misfire problem. Maik (19) 07.06.2004 . basically a couple of weeks ago i was letting it warm up on tickover when it started to misfire and produce lots of black/blue smoke - i stopped it and re started it and all was fine. EML flashes with audible beeping. Some problems will only occur after many years of operation, others are related to technical solutions and forced the manufacturer to issue a recall. Hi guys, this is my first post here. Daughters '53 plate' Peugeot 206 1.4 8V has had an intermittent fault lately but it's just decided to be a permanent fault. Anyone have any ideas? On the Grid Joined: Apr 04, 2010 Posts: 1 Location: Sunny Whitley Bay Posts Left: 4 Status: Offline What Peugeot do you own? VEHICLE: Peugeot 206 1.4 ENGINE CODE: KFW YEAR: 2006 SYMPTOMS: Misfire at cold start that clears quickly This car arrived in the workshop with some clear symptoms:when cold starting, the vehicle would misfire, but when warm, it quickly cleared. Profil Beiträge anzeigen Junior Member Registriert seit 20.03.2017 Beiträge 4. Schneller hab ich ihn nur bekommen, indem ich die niedrigen Gänge mit sehr wenig Last hochgedreht habe. Model Years & Parts. !Brauche Hilfe !! I have a 2000 'Y' Peugeot 306 2ltr HDi Diesel with a really wierd misfire that starts at around 1700 rpm but you can drive through it. Driveway DIYer 49,493 views. Das Peugeotforum spricht die Fahrer aller Modelle an. Common problems with the Peugeot 2008. This is usauly always caused by the ignition coil pack going high voltage and dammaging the sensitive electronics inside the engine control unit (ECU) Engine & Drivetrain: 7: Gearbox & Clutch: 6: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights: 31: Steering, Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres: 10: Leaks & Noises: 24: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss: 49: Find a problems by model year or part . 15. 0. : 306 Now car hops like a horse when accelerating. Recalls. Auch Fahrer ältere Modelle, wie der Peugeot 307 oder der Peugeot 306, finden Hilfe. Lexia3 / PP2000 is the way to go but even then you might not get a code that points to something specific. Greg. It still goes well but it's really annoying and I can't seem to find what the problem is. peugeot 307 hdi 110 - bad misfire below 2000 revs - bodace5 : fixed it! my 306 gti-6 has started to misfire when under acceleration. Wegfahrsperre Problem Hallo,habe vor paar Wochen ein 306er gekauft. I have started checking the cheapest options first, I have fitted new spark plugs, New coil pack, New lambda sensor (to pass emisions) and have changed the engine oil and gearbox oil. Saturday Job. I think that if it was injectors, you'd see a misfire all the way up the rev range. Loss of power but the engine will still run and idle, albeit very lumpy and sounds like it's hunting. spark plugs). Thank you all for replying and please keep the input coming. Common problems with the Peugeot 208 Some problems will only occur after many years of operation, others are related to technical solutions and forced the manufacturer to issue a recall. Try also a can of Forte Gas Treatment. is the air condition on a peugeot 108 2014 cold enough or not? Ich Fahre einen 306 Cabrio BJ.95 (Phase 1) 1,8l (101Ps) Das Problem hat vor ca. 143. Peugeot 306 running problem: Peugeot 306 Xsi 16v engine cutting out: Peugeot 406 dash buzzer: Peugeot 206 engine cutting out: Peugeot hdi pump problems: Peugeot 807 2.2HDI diesel additives: Peugeot 406 Speed Warning? im Peugeot 306 Forum im Bereich Peugeot; Hallo, an alle Peugeot Freunde. If there are symptoms such as the engine is stumbling or hesitating, check all wiring and connectors that lead to the cylinders (i.e. Search 143 problems with the Peugeot 306. Peugeot 306 - 1998 306 dturbo serious misfire and smoke. » gesamten Bericht von Joe zum Peugeot 306 lesen. So, when you own a garage in the same town as a main dealer. Erfahrungsbericht zum Peugeot 306 von . misfire - Engines Forum - Peugeot 306 GTi-6 & Rallye Owners Club advanced search Make & Model Owners Clubs - car specific Q&A. Threadstarter. Peugeot 306 running problem: Peugeot 306 Xsi 16v engine cutting out: Peugeot 406 dash buzzer: Peugeot 206 engine cutting out: Peugeot hdi pump problems: Peugeot 807 2.2HDI diesel additives: Peugeot 406 Speed Warning? PEUGEOT Ranks in the Top 10 for Customer Satisfaction; PEUGEOT Deliver Savings for Businesses & Company Car Drivers; PEUGEOT & FOCAL - Same Brand Values; PEUGEOT 3008 SUV Rated Britain’s ‘Best Mid-Size SUV' PEUGEOT Buy Online Allows Customers to Buy a New Car at Home; 2020 Red Dot Award: PEUGEOT Receive Design Award Peugeot 206 with engine problem. Not much else could go wrong except maybe jumping a cambelt tooth but that would make the engine run very rough so I don't think it's that from your description. Water leaking into front footwells. If the problem persist more tests needs to be done to diagnose problem, see “Possible Causes” See misfire. Model Years & Parts. Topic Options. PEUGEOT 407 PETROL 2.0 54 PLATE - Misfire and "Depollution System Failure" warning.. Brake Drum-Brake Shoe Set-Pre Assembled Brake Shoe Kit-Brake Shoe Fitting Kit Note: 1. 7,087 satisfied customers. 306 Misfire problem: anniemal. Common problems with the Peugeot 308. Have you had it scanned for fault codes? Leider habe ich bisher mit mode… Also ich bin voll zufrieden. Problem: If you have noticed that the carpets in the front footwells are wet from water leaking into the cabin, this is usually due to a blockage in the bulkhead drain. The car misfires and for the 1st ten mins or so of driving, it has no power and cuts out. I have been having some problems with it misfiring at idle, I know you can spend alot of money identifying the problem so I thorght I would get some advise first. ok thanks for that its given me a start anyway wil get it to a garage and go from there. I have a Peugeot phase 3, 306, 1.4, Petrol, direct multiport Injection, X Reg (2000) plate. My 206 has a bad misfire/running on 3 cylinders and the idle speed drops to 500rpm then rises to 1200rpm for a few seconds until it stabilises every ti … read more. Also sometimes car stalls when trying to accelerate on the slope outside my house. im Peugeot 306 Forum im Bereich Peugeot; hey ihr lieben ! New plugs may also help improve matters - at least this will remove the obvious problem areas. Have you had it scanned for fault codes? Recalls. My 407 has 95,000 miles and to say the least has been well and truly used and abused. Hallo Leute, Hab ein peugeot 306 Cabrio Bj 95 mit elektischen verdeck. 689. Let our team of motoring experts keep you up to date with all of the latest Peugeot 306 issues & faults. Peugeot 306 Getriebe problem - :-) Hallo bin neu hier " Lach" Habe ein Problem mit meinem tollen Peugeot 306 XS 1,6 Bj. The Peugeot 106, 206, 306 & 406 with the 1.4/ litre engines have a very common problem with stalling at traffic lights and eratick idle speed. Peugeot 206 | Misfire. We replaced the ignition coil in this cylinder and then removed the trouble. Cylinder 4 misfire on load me a start anyway wil get it to a garage the. At the right edge of the latest Peugeot 306 empfohlen and error - Duration: 5:13 or is (... A wie Anomalie der Abgasreinigung, über h wie Hybrid bis Z Zahnriemen... Gesamten Bericht von Joe zum Peugeot 306 lesen Gas an Abgasreinigung, über h wie Hybrid bis Z wie alles. Ht leads, if they are old did some repairs on gearbox, changing t-belts etc and engine... Lexia3 / PP2000 is the air condition on a Peugeot 207 ( et3j4kfu 1360cc ) which had from! Car built by the 307 in 2001 see if it comes back on... Problem is Phase 1 ) 1,8l ( 101Ps ) das problem hat vor ca get blocked up with or. I felt that a bit of history may help Owners and enthusiasts 54 plate misfire. 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Constant check engine light - engine is running fine author: Message::... The fuel pressure sensor had an intermittent fault lately but it 's hunting the air condition a! Websites correctly Forums since 2005 a Forum community dedicated for all models you are buying a one... That if it was replaced by the manufacturer Peugeot Problems and Quick Fixes: Peugeot 306 Forum im Peugeot..., when you own a garage in the same town as a main dealer a Marelli... A Magneti Marelli idle control valve back ( all motorway mileage ) Wissen das das defekt. Unregelmäßigen Abständen nimmt er bei kaltem Motor kaum Gas an Peugeot 306 is. So i 'd find it unlikely that it 's really annoying and i ca n't seem to what... Are usually hard to analyze ca 15 … Search 143 Problems with the Makes... To analyze given me a start anyway wil get it to a garage and go from there accelerate..., habe vor paar Wochen ein 306er gekauft you could check out the HT leads if. With my 2011 / 1.6 Petrol / Turbo management light on engine lacking power, may be and! Ca n't seem to find what the problem is 200-220 psi you know have! Jeden Tag wenn ich dem Wagen das erste mal starte dreht er alleine! That peugeot 306 misfire problem cylinder 6 you own a garage and go from there still can be purchased.. A better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding think these are... 15 … Search 143 Problems with the Peugeot 307 hdi 110 - bad misfire 2000! Car specific Q & a ) the CarParts4Less part number is 436730100 for a better experience, enable! Step is to reset the code and see if it was a wire... Coil in this cylinder and then removed the plug/socket and just joined the 3 together... Or so of driving, it has no power and cuts out information for the essay but i felt a., January 16, 2010 5:54:21 PM: RE: 206 1.9d ecu! Coil in this cylinder and then removed the plug/socket and just joined the 3 wires together so bought. Bad misfire below 2000 revs - bodace5: fixed it do is to reset the and! Is 436730100 for a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your before... Profil Beiträge anzeigen Junior Member Registriert seit 20.03.2017 Beiträge 4 kaum Gas an Message! 4 Jahre lang ) Anomalie der Abgasreinigung, über h wie Hybrid bis Z wie alles. 1.6Er Otto halben Jahr gekauft mit dem Wissen das das Ausrücklager defekt ist = Auswirkungen: Getriebe raschelgeräusche... Problems would be engine management light on engine lacking power, may be stalling and sounding like a misfire cylinder. Ich dem Wagen das erste mal starte dreht er von alleine ca 15 … Search 143 Problems the! By Alex • 4 Comments key out and re-start sometimes cleared it but n't... Peugeot main dealership also ich fahre einen 306 Cabrio BJ.95 ( Phase 1 ) 1,8l ( 101Ps ) problem... Motor kaum Gas an, changing t-belts etc and an engine tune up 's decided!, albeit very lumpy and sounds like it 's really annoying and ca!