You may share, quote, and link back with proper attribution. Be absolutely certain before accusing or confronting the person. Don’t forget to also check out these animal quotes celebrating their role in our lives. Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, Ph.D., N.C.C., D.C.M.H.S., L.M.H.C., is the author of Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulative and Emotionally Abusive People—and Break Free. He has made them all, every one, his enemies, thereupon he is so overwhelmed with guilt that he will deny it until his grave.” ~ Criss Jami, “Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.” ~ Marie Curie, “Often those that criticize others reveal what he himself lacks.” ~ Shannon L. Alder, How would your life be different if…You walked away from gossip and verbal defamation? Now. Fire Slow Tongue. Backbiting is a sin that increases the number of good deeds for the victim. Attitude Negative Criticism. They point out flaws in other people to make them feel good about themselves.” ~ Blake Lively, “Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles.“ ~ Korean Proverb, “Your dignity can be mocked, abused, compromised, toyed with, lowered and even badmouthed, but it can never be taken from you. ~James Lendall Basford (1845–1915), Seven Seventy Seven Sensations, 1897 What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth. Flattery is saying to their face what you would not say behind their back.” ~ Unknown, “It is just as cowardly to judge an absent person as it is wicked to strike a defenseless one. Here is a look at some incredible quotes about gossip and jealousy that remind us of the power of talk. Richard Steele. —Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth. —Will Rogers, It’s not technically gossip if you start your sentence with “I’m really concerned about __________________ ,” (fill in the name of the person you’re not gossiping about). I have to go out every night. 14. Why Would a Serial Killer Appear on a Game Show? The Power of Superbowl Ads? Bad gossip is stuff that is salacious, mean, and bitchy; the kind most people really enjoy. Not me. Snake quotes to inspire and teach. It’s the biggest thing that keeps the entertainment industry going.” ~ Ellen DeGeneres, “No one gossips about other people’s secret virtues.” ~ Bertrand Russell, “People will question all the good things they hear about you but believe all the bad without a second thought.” ~ Unknown, “If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.”  ~ Aesop (c.620-560 BC), “Whoever gossips to you, will gossip about you.” ~ Spanish Proverb, “What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t witness with your mouth.”  ~ Jewish Proverb, “Gossip is saying behind their back what you would not say to their face. By the 1500s, the word was … As a reader of The Positive Mom blog, I highly doubt that you are a gossiper. 2 Corinthians 12:20. I wish they’d get a life so they can stop talking about mine! This was all spot on with what i am dealing with now. One of the sites we suggest for our visitors. If you listen to gossip - you need to stop. Now. —Truman Capote, Ah, well, the truth is always one thing, but in a way it's the other thing, the gossip, that counts. It is usually people who know the least or care the least about a situation that somehow “have the most to say.” It would be great if we all focused on mastering ourselves, rather than wasting time gossiping, passing judgment, and betraying people behind their backs. Josiah Gilbert Holland Wise ; Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. I recently had a hurtful event happen in my life that reminded me what I already knew: gossip is a nasty disease, a poison that kills relationships. And … (10) Guilt by association. Sometimes we hear about gossip through gossip, and it might not be true. —Richard Steele, Good gossip is just what's going on. Don't just think, ponder. Full or partial reproduction or duplication without the author's express written consent is strictly prohibited and will be considered copyright infringement. Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude. Gossip is always a personal confession either of malice or imbecility. Whatever you do, it has some purpose. Don't just relate, advocate. Change Language. —George Harrison, Gossip is the opiate of the oppressed. I have to be a little careful about what I tell guys who I don't consider close friends, because even though they might not spread it to other players, they'll usually tell their wives. Gossip Quotes, Sayings about Rumors. The power of gossip is always strengthen / When it finds a respected ear / If you listen the chances are greater / That a thread of doubt may appear / Evil tongues in town continue / Evil tongues in town / Continue to prat aloud / Their evil news / You'll have to take my word / When I tell you I love you / I love you I love you / Take my word I love you All content on this site (written, visual, audio, video) is the sole intellectual property of Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM. The word gossip is rooted in the Old English term, godsibb, recorded sometime around 1014, meaning "a child’s godparent or sponsor at a baptism. Meanwhile, keep avoiding gossip and corrupt communication. #Teenager #Thinking #Gossip | Trellis Framework by Mediavine. Via ↓23 – How To Treat Backbiters. I would love to hear it! “Sometimes people start saying something benign, and someone makes a comment that initiates a full-blown gossip session,” says Schweitzer. Confront the people who gossip about you and set boundaries. Islam is a religion of peace and forgiveness, it teaches us to always remain pious. Quotes tagged as "listening" Showing 1-30 of 795 “Don't Just Don't just learn, experience. Take time to understand someone's TRUTH, before you start forming your own opinions. There are many places of the Bible dedicated to warn us against “malicious gossips, busybodies, slanderers, talebearers, whisperers, false witnesses, quarrelers, meddlers, deceivers, backbiters.”  My 3 favorite verses about this topic are: One of my sassiest good friends always says “I wish they’d get a life so they can stop talking about mine!” I see her point; most productive people have no time to spare complaining, comparing, competing, condemning, and criticizing others. Moms, Learn How to Spot Frenemies and Fair-weather Friends! Secrets... Everyone has a say.Â, Anyone who has obeyed nature by transmitting a piece of gossip experiences the explosive relief that accompanies the satisfying of a primary need. People are insecure, so they talk about other people so that they won’t be talked about. “Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude.”  ~ Joyce Meyer, “Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.” ~ Unknown, “Gossiping and lying go hand in hand.” ~ Proverb, “Gossip is when you have a malice of intent or mindless, third-party conversation to someone about someone, something you haven’t said to that someone.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant, “Words spoken can never be recalled.” ~ Wentworth Dillon, “People gossip. Listening Quotes. —Liz Smith, Gossip is more popular than literature. What the Bible says about Listening to Gossip (From Forerunner Commentary) Proverbs 29:12 This proverb is the first of a set of three that runs through verse 14. Know their story before you gossip about their name. There is a certain contribution to society that gossip offers. Refusing to gossip is a beautiful decision to make. —Oscar Wilde, Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear. It’s gossip.” ~ Erma Bombeck, “People love gossip. Only the ignorant and narrow-minded gossip, for they speak of persons instead of things.“ ~ Lawrence G. Lovasik, “Gossip needn’t be false to be evil – there’s a lot of truth that shouldn’t be passed around.” ~ Frank A. Clark, “Great minds discuss ideas. “Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have rather talked.” Mark Twain. Proverbs 11:13 says, “A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.” The one thing we can know for sure about an … Don't just criticize, encourage. I invite you to spread kindness and compassion, rather than gossip and judgment. Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid. —Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers, Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. Origin story. —Douglas Malloch, If I maintain my silence about my secret it is my prisoner... if I let it slip from my tongue, I am its prisoner. Let today be the day…You speak only the good you know of other people and encourage others to do the same.” ~ Steve Maraboli, “Isn’t it kind of silly to think that tearing someone else down builds you up?” ~ Sean Covey, “It’s not technically gossip if you start your sentence with “I’m really concerned about __________________ ,” (fill in the name of the person you’re not gossiping about).” ~ Brian P. Cleary, “Some say our national pastime is baseball. (9) Listening to the gossip gives approval. ↓25 – Gossip In Islam Quotes. Average minds discuss events. Don't just promise, prove. —Sholom Aleichem, Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid. Posted on Last updated: July 14, 2015 Categories #Mindset, By: Author Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM, Main Page » Articles About Motivation » 35 Powerful Quotes That Will Make You Rethink Gossip. Copyright Elayna Fernández ~ The Positive MOM 2005-Current | All Rights Reserved. Robert Baden-Powell. Average minds discuss events. Refusing may stop the gossiper from his behavior or at least repeating that particular story. Home » Browse Quotes By Subject » Gossip Quotes. “Just the act of listening means more than you can imagine.” Bob Nelson. 2. “A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it. [ela]. Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys. The Positive MOM may be a proud affiliate of trusted, tried providers mentioned on this site, and may be compensated for your purchase(s). 2. You don't know how far they've come, nor what they've been through so stop judging like you do “Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.”. 20 For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to … If you can't say something good about someone, sit right here by me. But first, while moving in a circle, it hits its target. 31 Quotes About Gossip Update on December 28, 2015 by Pastor Jack Wellman Notice, we never pray for folks we gossip about, and we never gossip about the folk for whom we pray! Gossip, as usual, was one-third right and two-thirds wrong.-- Lucy Maud Montgomery . I think the hardest part about being a teenager is dealing with other teenagers - the criticism and the ridicule, the gossip and rumors.-- Beverley Mitchell . —Sholom Aleichem. Joyce Meyer. Quotations about Gossip Related Quotes Exaggeration Speaking Honesty Friendship. What If You Achieved Your Wildest Dreams But Felt Miserable? – Khushwant Singh. It doesn't pay to go barging in angry only to discover you've gotten the wrong idea about what was said. It is not so much a feeling of slander as it is that of a massive lie, a misdeed not only to the slandered but also to those manipulated in the process. —Justin Timberlake, Gossip is just news running ahead of itself in a red satin dress. Yes, I would like to receive emails from The Positive MOM. Via ↓24 – Imam Ali (RA) Quotes On Backbiting. Don Miguel Ruiz, in his book “The Four Agreements,” which just happens to be one of my favorite books in the planet, says this: “Be Impeccable With your Word. “Great minds discuss ideas. That awkward moment when you are sitting next to people who gossip too much that you are even scared of leaving them cause you know that you are next. —Walter Winchell. —Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. —Douglas Adams, Show me someone who never gossips, and I'll show you someone who isn't interested in people. I know gossip, slander, and false accusations can be hurtful and are completely unnecessary; however, the most important fact to remember is that it really doesn’t matter what other people think you are, it’s who you really are that truly matters. FOX | NBC | CBS | ABC | Univision | The CW | Telemundo | Market Watch | CNN | Latina | Huffington Post | Reader’s Digest … and more! ~Alice Roosevelt Longworth Small tongues gossip and large ears magnify. Quote of the Week. Know their path before you criticize their walk. - Blair … People who gossip … “Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. In fact, it’s even more important than the truth of the statement. For prayer is a great deterrent. —Paul Scott, Fire and swords are slow engines of destruction, compared to the tongue of a Gossip. View the list If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk. Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. Don't just change, transform. —Walter Winchell, Gossip is the Devil's radio. Gossip is putting two and two together, and making it five. Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don’t. Rumors, secrets, lies, comments and whispers behind your back… Do they sting you as much as they do me? —Arthur Schopenhauer, my friend n i were best friend, we adores each other nw whn i face her i jst see a lier and an enemy 2 me...wth God dis cn pass n learn to love again. —L.M. Don’t listen to gossip, slander, etc. “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”. Like Dr. Seuss always says: Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind, don’t matter. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. … Speak with integrity. “People will question all the good things they hear about you but believe all the bad without a second thought.” ~ Unknown. 11. #Two #Gossip #Usual. Listening Quotes. Most people never listen.” Ernest Hemingway. The last to learn of gossip are the parties concerned. Fire and swords are slow engines of destruction, compared to the tongue of a Gossip. I'm 90% performer, 10% musician. Thank you! Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”. —Socrates, There is no friendship that cares about an overheard secret. Gossip is search a disgrace ?? —Primo LeviAll literature is gossip. The Part of the Brain That Stops Anxiety and How to Use It, Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Fend Off the February Blues With Your Kids, How to Make a Great Impression on a Date: Wear a Mask, Cultivate Key Character Strengths to Combat Chronic Pain, New AI Tool May Speed Up Drug Discovery Using Images, Consider Skipping New Year's Resolutions in 2021, Gossip in Your Workplace Probably Does More Good Than Harm, To Gossip or Not to Gossip: That Is the Question. Small minds discuss people.”. 1 Samuel 24:9 He said to Saul, “ Why do you listen when men say, ‘David is bent on harming you ’? —Erica Jong, If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody come sit next to me. Discover and share Quotes Dont Listen To Gossip. It not only creates richer friendships but, more importantly, it makes our relationship with the Lord more authentic and believable. @Linda, I love this article as well ❤️, Am bright am really going through the most difficult moment of my life ..has life ever brought you from a mansion to a single thatched toom dear depression is so real, Slum Vision   |   Dysfunction   |    My Dad Issues |  Abduction   |  In A Coma   |  Abandonment    | Epic Battle |  Knocked Down    |   Broken     |   Betrayed   | Knocked Up   |  Birth Story. Your Will Observation. Gossip is nature's telephone. – Earl Wilson. It shows where people's hearts lie. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. —Andy Warhol, Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. There is a lot of listening quotes to sift through, but the following 50 speak of what happens when you listen: to others, to yourself, and even to nature. The general theme concerns the integrity of government, while the middle proverb, verse 13, deals with the obvious fact that both ruler and ruled are equal in the sight of God. Listening Quotes. "Over time, and after a number of spelling changes, gossip came to mean "a good friend, usually a woman." —Dolley MadisonThe biggest liar in the world is They Say. Quotes tagged as "gossip" Showing 1-30 of 520. Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots. What is your favorite gossip quote? What’s the purpose of Gossip Quotes. Dreams have been described as dress rehearsals for real life, opportunities to gratify wishes, and a form of nocturnal therapy. “A snake knows more about what is happening around than any other creature, because it has no ears to listen to gossip only direct perception.”-Jaggi Vasudev. Spanish Proverb Motivational ; The biggest liar in the world is They Say. —Marie Curie, I have Social Disease. Thank you! —Liz Smith, Gossip is called gossip because it's not always the truth. —Hugh Leonard, Gossip is nature's telephone. Douglas Malloch Attitude ; If you gossip - you need to hush. Jul 19, 2020 - Explore Debra Ralston's board "quotes about gossip" on Pinterest. Listening is an integral part of every relationship, including the one with ourselves. If I stay home one night I start spreading rumours to my dogs. ―Brian P. Cleary, You Oughta Know By Now, Doesn't matter what you do, or how you do it, your neighbors are gonna talk about you anyway.” —Felder Rushing, Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people. Montgomery, Chronicles of Avonlea, How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbour says or does or thinks, but only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy. People will question all the good things they hear about you but believe all the bad without a second thought. —Barbara Walters, Gossip needn't be false to be evil—there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around. We honor God when we honor each other.-- Lysa TerKeurst Say only what you mean. When I thought about putting together a list of quotes that will make you rethink gossip, I was thinking more about the fact that we sometimes get unwillingly involved in gossip because we don’t want to hurt feelings, say no, and decline the unsolicited information. 1. #Gossip #Musician #Band. Quotes. – Ivan Panin. Furthermore, many talk about others because they are lacking or hiding something in their own personal lives. 17. It’s the biggest thing that keeps the entertainment industry going. Gossip Quotes - BrainyQuote. Gossip is so […]. See more ideas about quotes, life quotes, me quotes. 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