La nostra Ditta, fondata da ormai un decennio, dai Fratelli Rocco e Vito Di Salvatore è divenuta, grazie alla serietà, professionalità e competenza di chi ne fa parte, il principale punto di riferimento di tutti i musicisti. HOHNER Blues Bender C . In fact, it is the mouth harp that most other mouth harps are compared to. Ha un suono ottimo grazie al corpo in legno. FROM BEGINNER TO ADVANCED PLAYER, THERE’S ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW TO LEARN. Armoniche a bocca. Le véritable harmonica original de blues au son légendaire. contactez nos spécialistes ! Today it is still manufactured in much the same way as when it was first introduced in 1896. C $100.60. The Marine Band 1896 has a long storied history and was the choice of harps from Lennon to Dylan. Strumenti musicali dei migliori marchi. Les musiciens ont acheté en même temps ces accessoires, vous en avez sûrement besoin ! Hand made harps for professionals and amateurs alike! M. Hohner Marine Band Harmonica No. Hohner. The affordable price and small size made it the perfect travelling companion, while the unique wailing sound of note bending opened up a whole new world of creative expression to the player. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez leur utilisation. See all Hohner. Fabriqué depuis 1896 avec un sommier en bois de poirier et des capots dotés d'ouvertures latérales, le Marine Band Classic demeure l'harmonica le plus populaire au monde et l'instrument de choix pour n Buy It Now +C $20.90 shipping estimate *Lot of 3* M.Hohner Old Standby Harmonica 440C + Marine Band 1896 A440F Germany . Hohner Marine Band 1896 - FA. J'aime; Tweet; Note moyenne : 4.6 ( 4.6/5 sur 16 avis ) 10 avis: 63 % : 5 avis: 31 % : 1 avis: 6 %: Acheter ce produit neuf. The Marine Band 1896 has a long storied history and was the choice of harps from Lennon to Dylan. … 1896/20 MARINE BAND IN RE La più antica e la più usata armonica diatonica della storia, la sua prima realizzazione risale all'anno 1896. Fiche technique : Tuning: F # modèle "1896 Classic" modèle Richter 20 Reeds plaques Reed: 0,9 mm d'épaisseur