La nostra Ditta, fondata da ormai un decennio, dai Fratelli Rocco e Vito Di Salvatore è divenuta, grazie alla serietà, professionalità e competenza di chi ne fa parte, il principale punto di riferimento di tutti i musicisti. HOHNER Blues Bender C . In fact, it is the mouth harp that most other mouth harps are compared to. Ha un suono ottimo grazie al corpo in legno. FROM BEGINNER TO ADVANCED PLAYER, THERE’S ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW TO LEARN. Armoniche a bocca. Le véritable harmonica original de blues au son légendaire. contactez nos spécialistes ! Today it is still manufactured in much the same way as when it was first introduced in 1896. C $100.60. The Marine Band 1896 has a long storied history and was the choice of harps from Lennon to Dylan. Strumenti musicali dei migliori marchi. Les musiciens ont acheté en même temps ces accessoires, vous en avez sûrement besoin ! Hand made harps for professionals and amateurs alike! M. Hohner Marine Band Harmonica No. Hohner. The affordable price and small size made it the perfect travelling companion, while the unique wailing sound of note bending opened up a whole new world of creative expression to the player. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez leur utilisation. See all Hohner. Fabriqué depuis 1896 avec un sommier en bois de poirier et des capots dotés d'ouvertures latérales, le Marine Band Classic demeure l'harmonica le plus populaire au monde et l'instrument de choix pour n Buy It Now +C $20.90 shipping estimate *Lot of 3* M.Hohner Old Standby Harmonica 440C + Marine Band 1896 A440F Germany . Hohner Marine Band 1896 - FA. J'aime; Tweet; Note moyenne : 4.6 ( 4.6/5 sur 16 avis ) 10 avis: 63 % : 5 avis: 31 % : 1 avis: 6 %: Acheter ce produit neuf. The Marine Band 1896 has a long storied history and was the choice of harps from Lennon to Dylan. … 1896/20 MARINE BAND IN RE La più antica e la più usata armonica diatonica della storia, la sua prima realizzazione risale all'anno 1896. Fiche technique : Tuning: F # modèle "1896 Classic" modèle Richter 20 Reeds plaques Reed: 0,9 mm d'épaisseur Grazie per la rapidità e la serietà con la quale avete gestito il mio ordine in piena emergenza Covid-19! Ancora oggi è prodotto in più o meno allo stesso modo di quando è stato introdotto nel 1896. From Japan. Tous les avis sur Hohner Marine Band 1896 Classic. Pour honorer sa mémoire,Hohner … Il suo suono unico autentico ha definito il ruolo del armonica nella tradizione del blues e ne ha fatto il punto di Conseils d’achat Comparatifs Avis & Tests produits HOHNER Melody Star C (Do) Il a peu varié depuis son introduction en 1896. When you discover this piece of living musical history, you won’t just play the blues. or Best Offer. C $45.85. Descrizione Hohner 1896 20 Armonica Marine Band in DO Adatta per entrambi gli stili (tradizionale e moderno) Armonica diatonica di 20 voci. GET TO KNOW THE ARTISTS, TEACHERS, AND CUSTOMIZERS WE LOVE TO WORK WITH. Produites depuis 1896, ces harmonicas classiques ont été utilisées par de grands noms tels que Little Walter, Bruce Springstien et Neil Young, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns. Acquista l'articolo Marine Band 1896 Classic G Armonica A Bocca (sol) ad un prezzo imbattibile. The Hohner Marine Band is a number-one choice among top professionals and one of the most recognizable harmonicas all over the world. Brand New. HOHNER Remaster Volume III (Red) €22,00. Tutte le offerte online per Hohner Armonica a bocca Marine Band Do 1896/20 in una sola pagina! Its uniquely authentic sound has defined the role of the harmonica in the blues tradition and made it the benchmark by which all others are judged. Ultimo disponibile. Hohner Marine Band 1896/20 C: Strumenti musicali e DJ Selezione delle preferenze relative ai cookie Utilizziamo cookie e altre tecnologie simili per migliorare la tua esperienza di acquisto, per fornire i nostri servizi, per capire come i nostri clienti li utilizzano in modo da poterli migliorare e per visualizzare annunci pubblicitari. Ouverts du mardi au vendredi de 10h à 12h30 et de 14h à 19h. Ideal for blues with a warm sound the Hohner Marine Band Classic 1896 is the most played harmonica by Hohner. HOHNER Marine Band Classic 1896 Eb (MIb) €36,00 €32,90 Disponibilità immediata. Hai qualche domanda? 1896 A440 Key of C made in Germany. Almost unchanged since it was patented in 1896, this iconic instrument embodies the real deep blues like no other and is the benchmark against which all others are judged. From United States +C $15.28 shipping. €27,00 €22,90-15%. That explains why the Hohner 1896 Marine Band is probably the most popular harmonica in the world. W tym filmie przedstawiam mój najnowszy instrument, tj. 1999-2021 - RCS Nantes 422 128 298 Déclaration CNIL : 1286486. 1896 USED in Original Case. Le Marine Band 1896 est l’archétype de l’harmonica blues. ARMONICA A BOCCA DIATONICA TONALITA' G=SOL La più antica e la più usata armonica diatonica della storia, la sua prima realizzazione risale all'anno 1896. The Hohner Marine Band 1896, or Classic Marine Band, has been around for years. HOHNER Special 20 Classic D (RE) €34,00 €29,90-12% Disponibilità immediata. Hohner Marine Band 1896-20 en Do. Pre-Owned. Quick review of the Marine Band - spoiler alert: cool "old-school" harmonica that started it all, but SUPER uncomfortable to play. Par contre il est du coup un peu plus polyvalent. vous souhaitez un conseil, plus d'informations ? Le Marine Band avec son corps en poirier et son capot au design unique est fabriqué depuis plus de 100 ans et demeure toujours l'instrument de choix pour nombre d'harmonicistes professionnels. The Hohner 1896 Marine Band Harmonica follows in has been played by world-famous musicians like John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, Little Walter, and Paul Butterfield. S p 4 o R X J n s o I Y r e d H V B D 7. Initially designed for European folk music, it quickly became a prominent voice of American blues of the early 20th century, played by all harmonica players of this era. Nº1 Français des ventes en. Franco ha scritto il 18 maggio 2020 alle ore 15:02. Hohner Marine Band 1896 - FA. HarmonicaTraditionell Richter-Harmonica with a 110 year history. HOHNER MARINE BAND 1896 AB-MAJOR hohner marine band 1896 ab-major A causa della situazione COVID-19 e delle festività, le spedizioni potrebbero subire dei ritardi. Hohner Marine Band 1896 Classic - Harmonicas | à partir de 29,05 € | Comparer les prix avec ! Hohner Marine Band 1896 Classic Harmonica, A - L'harmonica Hohner Marine Band 1896 Classic est probablement l'harmonica series le plus célèbre et le plus réputé à ce jour. descrizione. Il prezzo conveniente e le dimensioni ridotte ne hanno fatto il compagno di viaggio perfetto TONALITA': Si THE ORIGINAL BLUES HARMONICA The Marine Band 1896 is the archetypal blues harmonica. … Le Marine Band avec son corps en poirier et son capot au design unique est fabriqué depuis plus de 100 ans et demeure toujours l'instrument de choix pour nombre d'harmonicistes professionnels. Made famous when played by every serious harmonica player from Little Walter to John Lennon, Paul Butterfield to Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young and many, many more. HOHNER DIATONIC 1896/20 MARINE BAND 10 HOLES D RE - Marine Band 1896 Classic L'armonica che ha definito il suono del blues tradizionale! New Listing Vintage M Hohner Marine Band Harmonica No 1896 with Box Made in Germany. Reed plates and covers are affixed with nails for the traditional look and feel, Curved covers with side vents for the original blues sound, Comb sealed with 2 layers of clear lacquer to reduce swelling, MATTIA Two-year manufacturer warranty on top, United in Sound - Free Harmonica Livestreams, Community Competition making music with a face mask on, The Best Professional Harmonica for Beginners, Sonny Terry Heritage Harmonica - Best Harmonica For Blues, Hohner Harmonica Flexcases - Medium, Large, and Extra-Large Harmonica Cases, Harp Blaster HB52 Harmonica Microphone - Amplify Your Sound, HG, F#, F, E, Eb, D, Db, C, B(H), Bb, A, Ab, G. Richter, Harmonica Minor and Natural Minor. €23,00. Avendo prodotto dal 1896 queste armoniche classiche è stato utilizzato da molti grandi nomi come Little Walter, Bruce Springstien e Neil Young solo per citarne alcuni. If there is a single style of music where the harmonica can be said to have had a formative influence then it has to be the blues. Riferimento 103968. When the Marine Band was first introduced to the American market in 1896, no one could have foreseen the lasting impact this instrument would have on the future of popular music. Articoli visti di recente. Almost unchanged since it was patented in 1896, this iconic instrument embodies the real deep blues like no other and is the benchmark against which all others are judged. Realizzata dal 1896 con una base in legno di pero e cappe con aperture laterali, la Marine Band Classic rimane l'armonica più … Achetez HOHNER - 1896/20 Harmonica marine band 10 tr en LA: Livraison & retours gratuits possibles (voir conditions) 38,50 € L’harmonica blues original. Con la sua nuova armonica del 1896 adottata da molti generi musicali come il blues, il rock e il pop, l’armonica di Hohner divenne la prima scelta per musicisti e aspiranti musicisti. HOHNER MARINE BAND 10 TROUS C DO - Marine Band 1896 ClassicL'harmonica qui a défini le son du blues traditionnel ! Top Rated … Hohner Marine Band 1896 Harmonica The Hohner Marine Band 1896 Harmonica features enhanced, premium comb styles and a sleek, powerful design. Articoli simili. Vous avez oublié votre mot de passe ? Il est et a été l'harmonica de prédilection d'artistes comme Kim Wilson, Mickey Raphael, Little Walter Jacobs, Paul Butterfield et les deux Sonny Boy Williamson. Prodotta in Germania da Hohner. Wooden comb with nailed on brass reed plates for warm „blues-like“ sound. le véritable harmonica original de blues au son légendaire. FIND LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE AND DISCUSS MUSIC, HOHNER, AND EVERYTHING ELSE. HOHNER MARINE BAND 1896 CLASSIC HARMONICA. The Marine Band 1896 is the archetypal blues harmonica. Recensioni Hohner 1896/20 DO MARINE BAND ARMONICA (3) 5 / 5. Sollen wir die Sprache wechseln? The Hohner Marine Band is a number-one choice among top professionals and one of the most recognizable harmonicas all over the world. Présenté ici en LA (A) Hohner Marine Band Classic 1896 is the most famous harmonica from Hohner. Payer avec Paypal Express, c’est rapide et sécurisé. Hohner Marine Band 1896 - MI - Bellissima armonica Aggiungi al carrello I clienti che hanno acquistato questo prodotto hanno comprato anche: Disponibile. Almost unchanged since it was patented in 1896, this iconic instrument embodies the real deep blues like no other and is the benchmark against which all others are judged. Nel gennaio 1896 Jacob Hohner, il successore dell’azienda, brevettò un nuovo design armonica, ma non sapeva quanto drammatico sarebbe stato l’impatto sulla musica popolare. Le Sommier est en bois. Hohner Marine Band 1896 w tonacji C. Klasyka. Realizzata dal 1896 con una base in legno di pero e cappe con aperture laterali, la Marine Band Classic rimane l'armonica più popolare al … HOHNER DIATONIC 1896/20 MARINE BAND 10 HOLES G SOL - Marine Band 1896 Classic L'armonica che ha definito il suono del blues tradizionale! Consulta tutte le offerte in Strumenti Musicali a Fiato, scopri altri prodotti Hohner Special 20 (#560), variante du Marine Band, introduit au milieu des années 1970. 33 € Harmonica diatonique Tonalité: Mi majeur, Peigne en poirier, 20 lames … Claviers - home studio - DJ - sonorisation - éclairage : Instruments à vent - librairie musicale : Une fois fermée, vous n'aurez plus accès à la conversation. Wir haben auch eine deutschsprachige Webseite. The Marine Band is the original blues harmonica. ARMONICA A BOCCA DIATONICA in DO. Description: Hohner Marine Band Classic 1896 Hohner Marine Band Classic 1896 is the most famous harmonica from Hohner. Produites depuis 1896, ces harmonicas classiques ont été utilisées par de grands noms tels que Little Walter, Bruce Springstien et Neil Young, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns. Nous vous proposons ici des produits qui ont des caractéristiques proches dans la même gamme de prix. HOHNER Marine Band Classic 1896 A (LA) €36,00 €32,90-8% Disponibilità immediata. Cliquez ici, Règles sanitaires appliquées et plan d'accès, cliquez ici. the band marine è l'armonica blues di originale. Like no other harmonica, the Marine Band 1896 is an invitation to express yourself in music, a key to unlock your creativity. Pettine in bambú completamente sigillato (idrorepellente). Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. Le véritable harmonica original de blues au son légendaire. Attractive, specially shaped cover. Le son traditionnel du Blues! HOHNER MARINE BAND 1896/20. Woodbrass est une entreprise 100% Made in France ! Hohner - Marine band 1896 - C / Do. It has been a staple practically since blues began. Legends like Bob Dylan have blasted out the Blues on the Marine Band many times, and for a good reason. Hohner Marine Band 1896 : L'harmonica qui a défini le son du blues traditionnel ! Nous vous envoyons le ou les articles à l'adresse renseignée dans votre compte Paypal.Vous pourrez la modifier sur la page PayPal si nécessaire.Par défaut, la livraison sélectionnée est le mode : livraison standard à domicile.Si vous souhaitez sélectionner une livraison express à domicile, dans un relais colis ou dans un magasin de musique Woodbrass Partenaire Officiel vous pouvez également payer via Paypal en finalisant votre achat sur Woodbrass.Si le pays de livraison renseigné sur Paypal n’est pas identique à celui de votre compte Woodbrass les frais de port et les prix peuvent être différents. Marine Band … The Marine Band 1896 is the archetypal blues harmonica. 1400 marques et 400 000 articles en stock, Paiement en 3 fois sans frais à partir de 149€, Entreprise 100% Française : stock et sav en France, Soyez informés du prochain arrivage en vous inscrivant ici, Contactez Guillaume au : 02 61 88 01 40 (appel non surtaxé). Hohner Marine Band 1896-20 en Fa. Hohner Marine Band 1896 Classic Harmonica, C - L'harmonica Hohner Marine Band 1896 Classic est probablement l'harmonica series le plus célèbre et le plus réputé à ce jour. To express yourself in MUSIC, Hohner, and CUSTOMIZERS WE LOVE to WORK with Listing Hohner Marine Band Hohner... Styles and a sleek, powerful design KNOW the ARTISTS, TEACHERS and. Harps from Lennon to Dylan Standby harmonica 440C + Marine Band 1896 is the most recognizable all! Get to KNOW the ARTISTS, TEACHERS, and for a good reason les et! G sol - Marine Band in RE la più antica e la serietà con la quale avete il! ’ harmonica blues was born d ’ achat Comparatifs avis & Tests produits Hohner Marine Band pubblicate dai di. Fact, it is still manufactured in much the same way as when it was first introduced in 1896 sound... Suono ottimo grazie al corpo in legno Band in RE la più antica e la serietà con la avete! Di quando è stato introdotto nel 1896 in legno buy it Now +C 20.90. 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