(1839). When Pope Gregory XIII established the Gregorian calendar in 1582, he ushered in an era in which the people of Europe disagreed on what day it was. Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was Pope of the Catholic Church from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585. Pronunciation of Pope gregory xiii with 2 audio pronunciations, 7 translations and more for Pope gregory xiii. Pope Gregory XIII: Russell, Jesse, Cohn, Ronald: Amazon.nl Selecteer uw cookievoorkeuren We gebruiken cookies en vergelijkbare tools om uw winkelervaring te verbeteren, onze services aan te bieden, te begrijpen hoe klanten onze services gebruiken zodat we verbeteringen kunnen aanbrengen, en om advertenties weer te geven. He was the last of the Roman line during the Western Schism (1378–1417), when the papacy was contested by antipopes in Avignon and in Pisa. CARDINAL GIUSEPPE SIRI (POPE GREGORY XVII) The Siri Thesis/Fact, holds that actually Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected pope after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, but the newly-elected Pope (Gregorius XVII, formerly Cardinal Siri) was threatened [i.e. Copy of a medal bearing a portrait of Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585). Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and more. Gregory XIII had been a member of it from the beginning. His election was supported by Spain where Cardinal Boncompagni had been nuncio (ambassador) for several years. Gregory XIII was the 16th century Catholic pope who changed the European calendar to what it is today. Educated at the University of Bologna, he taught jurisprudence there from 1531 to 1539. He helped found many colleges affiliated with the Society of Jesuits and changed the existing calendar. Pope Gregory XIII (UGO BUONCOMPAGNI). Pope Gregory XIII, here are the graphs of your Elements and Modes, based on planets' position and angles in the twelve signs: Like the majority of Earth signs, Pope Gregory XIII, you are efficient, concrete and not too emotional. He celebrated the massacre with a Te Deum (hymn of praise to God) at Rome. Pope St. Gregory III was the son of a Syrian named John. (1838). The Gregorian calendar was gradually accepted by the countries of Europe, though Russia did not accept it until 1918. Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585. The Dragon. These two women represent Religion (on the left) and Magnificence (on the right). Born: 7-Jan-1502 Birthplace: Bologna, Italy Died: 10-Apr-1585 Location of death: Rome, Italy Cause of death: unspecified Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity: White Occupation: Religion Nationality: Italy Executive summary: Roman Catholic Pope, 1572-85 Gregory XIII, born Ugo Buoncompagno, Roman Catholic Pope from 1572 to 1585, … Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Gregory-XIII, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Pope Gregory XIII, Jewish Encyclopedia.com - Biography of Gregory XIII. He gave his name to Gregorian University and Gregorian calendar. Pope Gregory XIII quickly began reforming the Church and making changes that he believed it needed. Later, he taught jurisprudence at the same university, and had among his pupils… He was elected pope on May 14, 1572, succeeding St. Pius V. Gregory began promoting church reform and the Counter-Reformation by pledging to execute the reforming decrees of the Council of Trent. Gregory XIII, 1502–85, pope (1572–85), an Italian named Ugo Buoncompagni, b. Bologna; successor of St. Pius V. He is best known for his work on the calendar, and the … Because of his expertise in canon law, he was sent by Pope Pius IV in 1561 to the Council of Trent (Trento, Italy), where he remained until 1563. Ugo Boncompagni was born on Jan. 1, 1502, in Bologna. Khoat, who met with the Hidden Pontiff, His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVII ("Cardinal Siri"). This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Reigning during the Western Schism, he was opposed by the Avignon pope Benedict XIII and the Pisan popes Alexander V and John XXIII. Photo about Bologna landmark Pope Gregory XIII statue in Bologna, Italy. Omissions? He studied jurisprudence at the University of Bologna, from which he was graduated at an early age as doctor of canon and of civil law. He is best known for commissioning and being the namesake for the Gregorian calendar, which remains the internationally accepted civil calendar to this day. Gregory XIII was Counter-Reformation Pope, he had direct contact with many saints, including Charles Borromeo, Philip Neri, Ignatius Loyola, and indirect contact with St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. A legal scholar from Bologna, he settled in Rome in 1539 and held offices under popes Julius III, Pius IV and Pius V during his career. Early in 1623 Gregory XV sent the Greek theologian Leo Allatius to transport the valuable collection to Rome, where it was put up as the "Gregoriana" in the Vatican Library. [1], He founded the Gregorian University in Rome. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. His (this) confirmation took place in Rome on June 14, 1988. Gregory is often criticized for backing the Irish rebels against the anti-Catholic actions of Queen Elizabeth I of England and for his reaction to the Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day, the slaughter of Huguenots (French Protestants) that began in Paris on August 24, 1572, and spread throughout France. Pope Gregory XIII , 16th century . He is best known for commissioning and being the namesake for the Gregorian calendar, which remains the internationally accepted civil calendar to this day. He was one of the more >original and constructive popes of the 16th century, and his influence on >religious life Europe and missionary activity overseas was impressive. He was bishop of Castello in the Papal States (1380) and Latin Patriarch of Constantinople (1390) when made a cardinal Gregory XIII >Gregory XIII (1502-1585) was pope from 1572 to 1585. [Marcus Ward & Co, Limited, London, 1894]. A legal scholar from Bologna, he settled in Rome in 1539 and held offices under popes Julius III, Pius IV and Pius V during his career. In 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII introduced his Gregorian calendar, Europe adhered to the Julian calendar, first implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. To accomplish the necessary changes, the Gregorian calendar skipped ten days between 4 October 1582 and 15 October 1582. Gregory XIII, 1502–85, pope (1572–85), an Italian named Ugo Buoncompagni, b. Bologna; successor of St. Pius V. He is best known for his work on the calendar, and … The science behind the formation of the calendar is much more complex than this, but suffice it to say it was Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585) who, on Feb. 24, 1582, decreed in the papal bull “Inter gravissimas” that the calendar would be reformed later that year. Gregory agreed with those who thought the current calendar was too … This page was last changed on 4 June 2020, at 12:27. At his death the papal treasury was empty. Pope Gregory XIII Ugo Boncompagni. The work was finally completed in 1582. These schools trained missionaries for those countries that had established Protestant state religions. Pronunciation of Pope gregory xiii with 2 audio pronunciations, 7 translations and more for Pope gregory xiii. put under grave duress at the conclave], prevented from taking the Papal Chair and illegally replaced by Roncalli aka "pope" John XXIII. [1], Pope Paul IV appointed him Bishop of Viesti in 1558. Pope Gregory XIII is remembered for one reason only, namely his reform of the calendar which has subsequently borne his name. The Dragon. Pope Gregory XII (Latin: Gregorius Duodecimus; c. 1326 – 18 October 1417) was the 206th Pope.He was born Angelo Corrario at Venice, Italy.He became Bishop of Castello in 1380, titular Patriarch of Constantinople in 1390, a cardinal in 1405, and finally Pope Gregory XII on 30 November 1406. Gregory XIII, original name Ugo Boncompagni, or Buoncompagni, (born June 7, 1502, Bologna, Romagna [Italy]—died April 10, 1585, Rome, Papal States), pope from 1572 to 1585, who promulgated the Gregorian calendar and founded a system of seminaries for Roman Catholic priests. Gregory XIII >Gregory XIII (1502-1585) was pope from 1572 to 1585. [3], In the last year of his life, Gregory received an embassy from Japan. Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was the head of the Catholic Church from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585.He is best known for commissioning and being the namesake for the Gregorian calendar, which remains the internationally accepted civil calendar to this date. Source(s): b: The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, 12 Mar 1565; b: Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 3, Page 332 From A Collection of Engraved Portraits Exhibited by the Late James Anderson Rose, at the Opening of the New Library and Museum of the Corporation of London,... Obtenha fotografias de notícias premium e de alta resolução na Getty Images Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585. Educated at the University of Bologna, he taught jurisprudence there from 1531 to 1539. He held office during the years of the Western Schism.In 1415, he resigned during the Council of Constance. Image of italian, blessing, architecture - 96092749 Pius made him cardinal in 1565 and emissary to Spain. Cardinal Ugo Boncompagni was elected pope on May 13, 1572 after a one-day conclave. Headed by Henri, Duke de Guise, and his brothers, the League claimed to be the defender of the ancestral faith of France, but its increasing reliance on Spanish support rapidly…. The Pope liked the idea, and asked a Bavarian Jesuit mathematician and astronomer named Christopher Clavius to form a commission to explore it. Before the Gregorianre form Europe had adhered to the Julian calendar, which was a full ten days behind the newly instituted Gregorian calendar. …Protestant king, and by the pope, who excommunicated him and declared him devoid of any right to inherit the crown. (Reigned 731-741.) October 4, 1582; Historical Events. [4], Media related to Gregorius XIII at Wikimedia Commons, Peter Linus Anacletus (Cletus) Clement I Evaristus Alexander I Sixtus I Telesphorus Hyginus Pius I Anicetus Soter Eleuterus Victor I Zephyrinus Callixtus I Urban I Pontian Anterus Fabian Cornelius Lucius I Stephen I Sixtus II Dionysius Felix I Eutychian Caius Marcellinus Marcellus I Eusebius Miltiades Sylvester I Mark, Julius I Liberius Damasus I Siricius Anastasius I Innocent I Zosimus Boniface I Celestine I Sixtus IIILeo I Hilarius Simplicius Felix III Gelasius I Anastasius II Symmachus Hormisdas John I Felix IV Boniface II John II Agapetus I Silverius Vigilius Pelagius IJohn III Benedict I Pelagius II Gregory I Sabinian Boniface III Boniface IV Adeodatus I, Boniface V Honorius I Severinus John IV Theodore I Martin I Eugene IVitalian Adeodatus II Donus Agatho Leo II Benedict II John V Conon Sergius I John VI John VII Sisinnius Constantine Gregory II Gregory IIIZachary Stephen II Paul I Stephen III Adrian I Leo III Stephen IV Paschal I Eugene II Valentine Gregory IV, Sergius II Leo IV Benedict III Nicholas I Adrian II John VIII Marinus I Adrian III Stephen V Formosus Boniface VI Stephen VI Romanus Theodore II John IX Benedict IV Leo V Sergius III Anastasius III Lando John X Leo VI Stephen VII John XI Leo VII Stephen VIII Marinus II Agapetus II John XII Benedict V Leo VIII John XIII Benedict VI, Benedict VII John XIV John XV Gregory V Sylvester II John XVII John XVIII Sergius IV Benedict VIII John XIX Benedict IXa Sylvester III Benedict IXa Gregory VI Clement II Benedict IXa Damasus II Leo IX Victor II Stephen IX Nicholas II Alexander II Gregory VII Victor III Urban II Paschal II Gelasius II Callixtus II Honorius II Innocent II Celestine II Lucius II Eugene III, Anastasius IV Adrian IV Alexander III Lucius III Urban III Gregory VIII Clement III Celestine III Innocent III Honorius III Gregory IX Celestine IV Innocent IV Alexander IV Urban IV Clement IV Gregory X Innocent V Adrian V John XXIb Nicholas III Martin IV Honorius IV Nicholas IV Celestine V Boniface VIII Benedict XIb Clement V John XXII Benedict XII Clement VI Innocent VI Urban V, Gregory XI Urban VI Boniface IX Innocent VII Gregory XII Martin V Eugene IV Nicholas V Callixtus III Pius II Paul II Sixtus IV Innocent VIII Alexander VI Pius III Julius II Leo X Adrian VI Clement VII Paul III Julius III Marcellus II Paul IV Pius IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII Leo XI Paul V, Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX Clement X Innocent XI Alexander VIII Innocent XII Clement XI Innocent XIII Benedict XIII Clement XII Benedict XIV Clement XIII Clement XIV Pius VI Pius VII Leo XII Pius VIII Gregory XVI Pius IX Leo XIII Pius X Benedict XV Pius XI Pius XII John XXIII Paul VI John Paul I John Paul IIBenedict XVIFrancis, From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585. Controleer 'Pope Gregory XIII' vertalingen naar het Nederlands. October 4, 1582; Historical Events. Photo about Bologna landmark Pope Gregory XIII statue in Bologna, Italy. Gregory XII, pope from 1406 to 1415. In the Briefs "Cum pro munere", dated 1 July, 1580, and "Emendationem", dated 2 June, 1582, Gregory XIII ordered that henceforth only the emended official text was to be used and that in the future no other text should be printed. The work was finally completed in 1582. Source(s): b: The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, 12 Mar 1565; b: Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 3, Page 332 Gregory XIII had been a member of it from the beginning. Pope Gregory XIII (7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was Pope of the Roman Catholic Church from 1572 to 1585. Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was Pope of the Catholic Church from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. The Gregorian calendar is the calendar used in most of the world today. Gregory’s building program, including the Quirinal Palace in Rome, along with his political ventures, together exhausted the papal treasury, causing serious repercussions in the Papal States. Cardinal Boncompagni was elected Pope at age 70;[2] and he chose to be called Gregory XIII. Trusted stories delivered right to your inbox 4 October 1582 devoid of any right to your.! 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