302) naikamaayah: He whose forms are endless and varied 892) anirvinnah: One who feels no disappointment One who has taken the most fortunate and favourable forms. 939) vyaadishah: One who is unique in His commanding power 560) aanandee: One who gives delight 32) bhaavanah: He who gives everything to his devotees 116) babhrur: He who rules over all the worlds 980) yajnasaadhanah: One who fulfils all yajnas 326) pratishthitah: He who has no cause 269) vasudah: He who gives all wealth 123) sarvagah: All-pervading 98) siddhih: He who gives moksha 134) suraadhyaksho: He who presides over all devas 634) architah: One who is constantly worshipped by His devotees 843) svadhritah: Self-supported 435) anirvinnah: He who has no discontent 650) harih: The destroyer 216) sragvee: He who always wears a garland of undecaying flowers Anantah – The meaning of the lord vishnu name Anantah is ‘Endless’. You may club it with some other relevant name or make it a nickname for your little ruler. 564) jyotiraadityah: The resplendence of the sun This name exalts the power of Lord Vishnu as it means the ‘Lord of the Earth’. 138) chaturvyoohah: Vasudeva, Sankarshan etc. 928) rakshanah: Protector of the universe 221) nyaayah: Justice 911) shabdaatigah: One who transcends all words 955) satpathaachaarah: One who walks the path of truth 907) kundalee: One who wears shark earrings Featuring Vyasa. 439) mahaa-makhah: The great sacrificer 936) chaturashrah: One who deals squarely 655) kritaagamah: The author of the agama scriptures Indians being religious by nature, often go for names of Hindu Gods and Goddesses to name their child. 151) upendrah: The younger brother of Indra (vaamana) 644) shauri: One who always has invincible prowess Indian Boy Names Starting With "V" Vaibhav: Glorious / Powerful / Born of the moon; Vaikunth: Abode of Lord Krishna; Valmiki: Saint who wrote the Ramayan; Vaman: Lord Vishnu in a dwarflike incarnation; Vanad: Cloud; Vanamali: Lord Krishna with a flower garland; Varadraj: Lord Vishnu; Varsan: Holy Place in Vrindavan; Varun: Lord of water 101) vrishaakapih: He who lifts the world to dharma 11) paramaatmaa: The Supersoul 631) vishokah: Sorrowless 24) purushottamah: The Supreme Controller 751) trilokadhrik: One who is the support of all the three worlds 730) yat: Which 614) loka-trayaashrayah: Shelter of the three worlds Modern Names of Lord Vishnu for Baby Boy. 150) punarvasuh: He who lives repeatedly in different bodies 998) rathaanga-paanih: One who has the wheel of a chariot as His weapon; One with the strings of the chariot in his hands; Having great knowledge; someone who is well-mannered and courteous. 506) purujit: One who has conquered numerous enemies 414) vaayuh: The air 277) prataapanah: Thermal energy; one who heats 246) narah: The guide 746) chalah: Moving 765) chaturmoortih: Four-formed 543) gabheerah: The unfathomable 1) vishwam: Who is the universe himself 76) dhanvee: He who always has a divine bow 797) shringee: The horned one 7) bhaavo: He who becomes all moving and nonmoving things 722) avyaktah: Unmanifeset 175) mahaa-shaktih: All-powerful 415) adhokshajah: One whose vitality never flows downwards One who performs everything with a purpose. The one who never changes amidst everything that is changing. 866) ayamah: One who knows no death Mahindra = Surname. 694) vasupradah: The giver of salvation, the greatest wealth 240) vibhuh: He who manifests in endless forms 58) lohitaakshah: Red-eyed 540) sushenah: He who has a charming army Names are an integral part of an individual’s life. One who efficiently manages and is responsible for the running of all living creatures. 281) chandraamshuh: The rays of the moon 507) purusattamah: The greatest of the great 542) guhyo: The mysterious 61) trikakub-dhaama: The support of the three quarters 54) sthaviro dhruvah: The ancient, motionless one 976) yajnabhrid: The ruler of the yajanas 846) vamshavardhanah: He who multiplies His family of descendents 41) mahaasvanah: He who has a thundering voice 392) pushtah: One who is ever-full 862) aparaajitah: One who cannot be defeated 592) gopatih: Husband of the earth Invaluable; exquisite; someone who is rich and has a lot of wealth. 295) kaamakrit: He who fulfills all desires 244) jahnuh: Leader of men 848) kathitah: One who is glorified in all scriptures 25) sarvah: He who is everything 596) anivartee: One who never retreats 676) mahaayajvaa: One who performed great yajnas 69) prajaapatih: The Lord of all creatures 766) chaturbaahuh: Four-handed 731) tat: That 804) mahaagartah: The great chasm 924) dushkritihaa: Destroyer of bad actions 727) savah: The nature of the sacrifice 313) vrishah: He who is dharma 357) bheemah: The terrible Maheedhar = The one who is holding the earth. One who is applauded and complimented by all. 881) ravih: One who dries up everything 120) shaashvatah-sthaanur: Permanent and immovable 933) anantashreeh: Full of infinite glories 126) janaardanah: He who gives joy to good people 947) jana-janmaadir: The cause of the birth of all creatures One who surpasses all because of his glory. 651) kaamadevah: The beloved Lord 471) vatsalah: The supremely affectionate 504) amritapah: One who drinks the nectar 904) svastibhuk: One who constantly enjoys auspiciousness 969) savitaa: The father of all 845) praagvamshah: One who has the most ancient ancestry 292) paavanah: He who gives life-sustaining power to air 713) darpadah: One who creates pride, or an urge to be the best, among the righteous 406) purushah: One who dwells in all bodies 42) anaadi-nidhanah: He without origin or end Here’s What You Can Do! 899) kapih: One who drinks water 695) vaasudevo: The son of Vasudeva 733) lokabandhur: Friend of the world 84) aatmavaan: The self in all beings 469) naikakarmakrit: One who does many actions 458) sughoshah: Of auspicious sound 580) samnyaasa-krit: Institutor of sannyasa This is the reason that at least one child in every Indian family has his name inspired by a God or Goddess. 741) veerahaa: Destroyer of valiant heroes 361) lakshmeevaan: The consort of Laksmi 962) praanajeevanah: He who maintains the life-breath in all living creatures 104) vasuh: The support of all elements 555) vrikshah: The tree 470) vatsarah: The abode 28) sthaanuh: The pillar, the immovable truth He is considered to be the protector and preserver of the universe. 964) tattvavit: One who has realised the reality 910) oorjita-shaasanah: One who commands with His hand 87) sharma: He who is Himself infinite bliss 893) sadaamarshee: One who forgives the trespasses of His devotees Madhukant. 880) vibhuh: All-pervading 535) tridashaadhyaksho: The Lord of the three states of consciousness 635) kumbhah: The pot within whom everything is contained 756) dharaadharah: The sole support of the earth 64) eeshanah: The controller of the five great elements 822) nyagrodhah: The one who veils Himself with Maya 649) keshihaa: Killer of Kesi 224) sahasra-moordhaa: He who has endless heads 329) dhuryah: Who carries out creation etc. 784) sutantuh: Beautifully expanded 637) vishodhanah: The great purifier 835) anuh: The subtlest 541) kanakaangadee: Wearer of bright-as-gold armlets 349) shareerabhrit: He who sustains all bodies 181) maheshvaasah: He who wields shaarnga 378) karanam: The instrument Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with M. Home | Add to Favorites | Contact Us. 206) shaastaa: He who rules over the universe 988) saamagaayanah: One who sings the sama songs; one who loves hearing saama chants; 697) vasumanaah: One who is attentive to everything 420) parigrahah: The receiver 548) svaangah: One with well-proportioned limbs 647) trilokeshah: The Lord of the three worlds 408) praanadah: Giver of life 52) tvashtaa: He who makes huge things small 473) ratnagarbhah: The jewel-wombed 582) shaantah: Peaceful within Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. 864) aniyantaa: One who has no controller 875) preetivardhanah: One who increases joy in the devotee's heart In the tenth part of the Padma Purana (4-15th century CE), Danta (Son of Bhīma and King of Vidarbha) lists 108 names of Vishnu (17.98–102). 327) skandah: He whose glory is expressed through Subrahmanya 407) praanah: Life 983) annam: One who is food 767) chaturvyoohah: One who expresses Himself as the dynamic centre in the four vyoohas 948) bheemah: Terrible form 278) riddhah: Full of prosperity 9) bhoota-bhaavanah: The cause of the growth and birth of all creatures 73) madhusoodanah: Destroyer of the Madhu demon 479) asat: illusion 347) aravindaakshah: He who has eyes as beautiful as the lotus 996) shaarnga-dhanvaa: One who aims His shaarnga bow One who has the quality of being warm, affectionate, gentle and considerate. 525) pramodanah: Ever-blissful 975) yajnavaahanah: One who fulfils yajnas in complete 174) mahaa-veeryah: The supreme essence 280) mantrah: The nature of the Vedic mantras Mahakala: Means ‘lord of all times’, most powerful god. 771) chatur-vedavid: Knower of all four vedas 514) vinayitaa-saakshee: The witness of modesty 711) analah: One of unlimited wealth, power and glory 111) pundareekaakshah: He who dwells in the heart 641) amitavikramah: Of immeasurable prowess 683) stotaa: One who adores or praises 584) shaantih: One whose very nature is peace 340) shaurih: He who incarnated in the dynasty of Shoora 188) govidaam-patih: The Lord of all men of wisdom 218) agraneeh: He who guides us to the peak 750) lokasvaamee: Lord of the universe 453) sarvajno: Omniscient 88) visva-retaah: The seed of the universe 152) vaamanah: He with a dwarf body A name with a crystal clear meaning and inspiring origin is definitely a good choice for your baby’s naming ceremony. These include the ten primary avatars (see Dashavarara, below) and descriptions of the qualities, attributes, or aspects of God. 923) uttaaranah: One who lifts us out of the ocean of change 363) viksharah: Imperishable 55) agraahyah: He who is not perceived sensually 498) puraatanah: He who was even before time Son of the earth, Brave, Prince of earth, Earthly. 897) sanaatanatamah: The most ancient 747) amaanee: Without false vanity 45) dhaaturuttamah: The subtlest atom Analah – The meaning of the lord vishnu name Analah is ‘One of unlimited wealth, power and glory’. 346) padmanaabhah: He who has a lotus-navel 142) bhojanam: He who is the sense-objects 837) krishah: Delicate, lean One who does not require support but supports others. 867) sattvavaan: One who is full of exploits and courage 396) virajo: Passionless 768) chaturgatih: The ultimate goal of all four varnas and asramas 198) amrityuh: He who knows no death 802) sarva-vaageeshvareshvarah: Lord of the Lord of speech 31) sambhavah: He who descends of His own free will 391) tushtah: One who is contented with a very simple offering 488) simhah: The lion 583) nishthaa: Abode of all beings 109) samah: Equal If you consider Sahasranam, there are plenty of Modern names of Vishnu for Boys that reflect the power and traits of one of the three most worshipped gods in the universe. Also Read: Unique Baby Boy Names Inspired by Lord Shiva. 113) vrishaakritih: The form of dharma 601) shreevatsa-vakshaah: One who has sreevatsa on His chest 343) sataavarttah: He who takes infinite forms 935) bhayapahah: One who destroys all fears 858) dhanurvedah: One who declared the science of archery 815) sarvajna: Omniscient 853) shramanah: One who persecutes the worldly people 561) vanamaalee: One who wears a garland of forest flowers 762) vyagrah: One who is ever engaged in fulfilling the devotee's desires 814) amritavapuh: He whose form is immortal 701) satta: One without a second 654) kaantah: Of enchanting form 796) vaajasanah: The giver of food 71) bhoogarbhah: He who is the womb of the world 643) veerah: The heroic victor 521) ajah: Unborn 344) padmee: He who holds a lotus If you prefer names which start with 'M' for your baby boy, choose from this list of boy names given below. 489) bhoota-maheshvarah: The great lord of beings 970) prapitaamahah: The father of the father of beings (Brahma) 951) adhaataa: Above whom there is no other to command 256) vrishaahee: Controller of all actions 72) maadhavah: Husband of Lakshmi 661) brahmanyah: Protector of Brahman (anything related to Narayana) 384) vyavasaayah: Resolute 166) veerahaa: He who destroys the mighty heroes 299) prabhuh: The Lord 239) vishvabhuk: He who enjoys all experiences 91) samvatsarah: He from whom the concept of time comes 723) shatamoortih: Of many forms 716) athaaparaajitah: The unvanquished 387) sthaanadah: He who confers the right abode Our List of Unique Sanskrit Names for Boys with meanings will help you to … 422) samvatsarah: The year 43) dhaataa: He who supports all fields of experience 630) bhootih: One who is pure existence 70 Arthurian Legend-Inspired Names for Boys and Girls, Eating Rajma (Kidney Beans) During Pregnancy, 5 Top Romantic Places to Visit with your Husband, Pregnancy Essentials Checklist – You Didn’t Know You Needed. 883) sooryah: The one source from where everything is born 5) bhoota-krit: The creator of all creatures 957) pranavah: Omkara 17) akshara: Indestructible 675) mahaakratuh: The great sacrifice 519) mahodadhishayah: One who rests on the great ocean 512) saatvataam-patih: The Lord of the Satvatas 355) atulah: Incomparable 271) naika-roopo: He who has unlimited forms 264) shruti-saagarah: The ocean for all scripture 39) aadityah: The son of Aditi (Vaamana) 410) prituh: The expanded 237) prasanaatmaa: Ever pure and all-blissful self 364) rohitah: The fish incarnation 207) visrutaatmaa: He who is called atma in the Vedas 726) naikah: The many 254) siddhidah: The giver of benedictions 212) satyah: He who is Himself the truth Check out our list of Tamil baby Boy names starting with m and choose best Tamil name that starts with M for your new born or expected baby Boy. 515) mukundah: The giver of liberation 820) shatrujit: One who is ever victorious over His hosts of enemies The Lord who is over everybody else; the great divine. 178) shreemaan: He who is always courted by glories 185) aniruddhah: He who cannot be obstructed 915) akroorah: Never cruel 704) shoorasenah: One who has heroic and valiant armies Lord Vishnu has many names and forms and to make it easy for you we have compiled a list of 30 wonderful and exclusive names inspired by Lord Vishnu for your baby boy. 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