Use knitting needles to cast on a slip knot. Thank you for this great pattern and the opportunity. Turquoise and black combo is my favorite. You can also easily cast on a slip knot with your knitting needles. Shades of blue. I love working with half-square triangles, so I appreciate the chance to win this book. How about black and gold? I have found myself drawn to Traditional quilts that have one or two block that make the eye believe it sees other blocks form. I never thought I could do one. Thanks, Nancy for all you do for us, and may God continue to bless you real good! I love black and white with a pop of bright color – cobalt and red are two of my favorites. Thanks for your videos…seeing is believing!!! Red and white is my favorite with blue and white a close second, then there is grey and yellow, you can’t go wrong with a two color quilt. Looking forward to a black and white quilt soon. I’m definitely a “blue”! One of my favorites right now is Teal and White! Asking me to pick my favorite color is like asking me to pick my favorite child. Just starting out so not sure have lots of block I like the HSTs the best so soon maybe I’ll put together a quilt and learn all the other steps needed for good quilting. Can’t wait to try this pattern!! Go Gators!!!! Row 1 (Rs): Ch 1, hdc into the top of each row of Square 9. Have a spectacular day! May 24, 2019 - There's something magical about quilts. I have a love for yellow. You have made it look so very, very easy! Thank you for a delightful pattern. Must I choose? I love how you make so many things so easy! Those quilts have always caught my eye. Before we get started, I wanted to go over where to pull the strand of yarn on your skein (or ball). It’s a toss up between red/white and blue/white! I’ll have to go with shades of teal or shades of purple. I am in the shades lavender and purple mood. Stonehedge by Northcott in the rich tones of sand, tones of turquoise and green. Ropes, in hues of blue, intertwine and knot around this quilt top. There's something magical about quilts. I Love it.. My mind is going a mile a minute thinking of the color’s I could make. My favorite color is purple so anything that I can pair with purple…red or white or black or teal. I would use multiple combinations of colors, using the patterns as base ideas to create more patterns, as illusions are intriguing! My favorite color blends are in the brown shades….dark/chocolate and light/beige. Maybe a yellow and melon or peachy color. Great pattern! The Illusion Quilts Made Easy book features nine quilt patterns and details to create your next quilted illusion. ILLUSION QUILTS LOOK VERY INTERESTING. Its final results is that a functional item is created that may be used inside the residence or given away as a gift. Actually, it has 5 small squares of a red “cartoon” type cat. I love white or black with any of the cooler (blue, green, purple) palate colors. would make my quilt. I am amazed how easy you make these blocks look. I like blue and yellow, but also blue and purple. I have always wanted to make a quilt like this !! I would use browns and golds with a little bit of black and white…making my son (who is a State Trooper) a quilt…. I like earth tones such as batik greens and browns. My favorite color is blue any shade or variation . I would love the quilt in black and shades of khaki. The two colors that I like the most in a quilt would be a blue of some kind with a grey or green. love from Auckland New Zealand (Sunny and warm). i love bright colors……so I would probably choose blues but bright blues…….. What a fantastic illusion! I’ve already started this, based on your instructions, in dark green and cream. Slip Knot - Free Quilt Block Pattern. That’s the thrill I got looking at this post. Both grab my attention! 1. Thank you, Susan. White may remain a favorite, but I have yardage larger than scraps to get used! He loves the optical illusion quilts. A lot depends on the pattern I am working on. I love the illusion look. Beautiful Pattern! Get your copy at Nancy’s Notions. I share my favorite finishing methods in the last chapter of this book. I watch on WCOV TV in Montgomery, AL every Saturday afternoon. Maroon and a rich cream is just a delicious one for me. Teal and yellow! I love blue and green together. Your new ruler looks like a must have for me. Tie a Slip Knot the Easy Way: Crochet Tutorial with Pictures for Beginners. white with just about any other color — depending on what or who I am making it for, Greens and very pale peachy colour appeal to me, I love a deep turquoise and brown-very sophisticated & pretty! or Stitch Up a Heart Quilt Pattern … My color choices would be purple and turquoise . Maybe a lime green and a light purple color would look good. I love blues and yellows, gray and yellows are good also, Rust and golden yellow would be my choice. I’d love to try all the patterns. Blue and white always look stunning together! I love your books and thank you for this oppourtunity to win one. I love how easy you make this pattern look! My favorite 2 color combo would have to be a toss up between a red and white quilt and a black and white quilt. I’m getting inspired. 406. I would pick teal and dark teal to make my quilt the pattern looks like it would be a challenge. I recently saw a yellow and white quilt that was beautiful. Thank you for the give away. I also like primary colors (think Superman!) Green and red on a pristine white, or a white on white snowflake pattern! Just as shown is my favorite!!! My favorite color combo is purple and blue! There's something magical about quilts. Just getting started quilting. Turn. This Woven Heart quilt block pattern variation includes a specialty technique for making a single 9-patch with strip piecing and twirling seam allowances to reduce bulk. I would love to make this for a queen size bed, 90×90. I would love to give it a try. I live in the dessert where there is little color. My favorite 2 color combination is red and white. Light green and cream are my favorites. envisioning the use of a very light pink and a rose. Cut two 9-7/8″ crosswise strips of Fabric B. I think I will start working on one tomorrow. Fall is my favorite time of year. Thank you so much. Other options New and used from $11.17. Lately, yellow and dark gray are most appealing to me –. Note: If you want to use this for knitting, then the loose, adjustable part should be the one connecting to your working yarn. I LIKE BEIGE AND BROWN PRINT. I personally use bright jewel tones in almost all of my quilts. I would like to create the Black/Red on a tone on tone white background….This would be a great one for a very modern and crisp look. this would be nice to do for our daughter as her wedding colors were red and black. I am drawn to many color combos. I would never have guessed that it could be broken down into such easy instructions just by looking at the finished quilt. My choice would be shades of lavender and gray! Ice blue and moss green is my pick for this quilt. Today I am sharing my tutorial on how to create a slip knot. Blue and gold is my favourite combination. I’m very partial to blues, but I’ve been itching for a while to make a purple quilt. Thank you for the giveaway. I love this !! greens and browns are one of my favorite combinations for 2 color quilts. This quilt brings back lots of memories in scouting. I like the shades of green. Illusions Quilts allow quilters and sewists to experiment with hues of color and arrangement of blocks to trick the beholder’s eye into believing the illusion. I’m a high school math teacher so I appreciate the geometry of quilting and illusion quilts especially appeal to my inner mathematician. However, please feel free to construct as you like. I’m a blue fan and really like the blue combination you show. You can find one end on the outside and the other is found in the center of your ball. light and dark green As we all know the slip knot is the first thing you need to know to get started whether you are crocheting or knitting. Great looking pattern! and then would choose turquoise and beige-browns. Thank you for all your great ideas! Light Gray marble background with teal and coral accent. I love blue and green together. IF I AM LUCKY TO WIN THIS BOOK. The challenge is that there are many pieces, and many seams. I am intrigued by the Easy Half-Square Triangles Template. I am a blues kind of girl. Thank you for the inspiring ideas. The twist patterns would be so beautiful is a blue and dark grey. The Slip Knot quilt block makes for some interesting quilts due to the "optical illusions" it creates when you choose a design. Deep purple and a very pale lavender or lilac; blue and yellow, blue and white, black and white are the ones I use the most. I would love to win the pattern book. M. Drafts, R.N., OCN. Pair two Fabric A strips right sides together with two Fabric B strips; subcut into six 9-7/8″ squares. This block contains simple patches -- squares, rectangles, half square triangles and flying geese. Blue has always been my favorite color but-…I am Red and white, Greys and teals. The center square was red with shades of grey for the rest of the tiles. For me I love purples and blues, but I think my 12 year old son is going to use this pattern. Multitude of colors, sea green, yellow, pinks, true blues. You make it all look so easy. I would choose a red & white OR black and white color scheme. Cut three 9-7/8″ crosswise strips of Fabric C. Subcut the strips into squares for HST’s. I like a variety of green batiks and tan batiks or black. FREE Shipping by Amazon. triangle of a beautiful RED, thrown in !!!!!! The quilt layout shown on the left sets blocks and half blocks on point to create a central motif. Red and black are favorites of mine although I usually also use black & white with them. I tend to lean toward the reds, purples and aqua. Thanks for offering the giveaway. light and dark blue complex block in such an easy way. Quilt using your favorite quilting method. Black and white is a favorite too. The pop of color can be a lime green, an aqua, red, yellow, or about any color. Different purple’s, Brown and Tan’s, blues and green’s.. Just so many choices. I HAVE SEEN QUILTS MUCH LIKE THIS PATTERN AND IN GRAYS. Love what black backgrounds do for bright colors. I would love to make it. NEXT - Sample quilt layouts for SLIP KNOT quilt block, Content and Photos Copyright © 2012-2021 Patchwork Square, unless otherwise noted | All Rights Reserved. All your designs are simply beautiful. Thank you! Elan 8" Dressmaker Scissors for Elan. First I am very interested in trying the half square method you shared on the video. Love all your products and catalog. Thank you! My favorite colors for a beautiful quilt. I love burgundy with grey. Black and white, Black, greys and reds, Blue and white. Grey is my favorite color, so i will go with grey and…white…like stormy skies and kitten fur! I think this combination would be outstanding for any of the illusion quilts shown in today’s blog. It would a great memory of Nancy. Love the illusions and I’m fascinated by the HST template! I think this would be stunning using either bright jewel tones or pale tones for a more subdued palate. Learn to make the 72″ x 72″ Slip Knot Quilt pattern using a monochromatic color scheme and your sewing machine. Love your videos and patterns. It adds the fun. Love red and black/gray and white together. Think it will be beautiful. Thank you for posting instructions for the slipknot quilt. I name all the quilts I make & this one is named, “Nothing is ever just Black& White.”. There's something magical about quilts. Any combination using blue is my favorite. I would use blood red and golden yellow on black. I hope to making one some time in the future. I’ve always wanted to make a red and white quilt but I’m trying to use up my stash nowadays and I have lots of blues, so I’m guessing my next quilt will be blue and white. I love Turquoise and lime green together. Nancy Zieman Productions is honored to carry on Nancy’s legacy and love of sewing and quilting through sharing Nancy’s time-saving sewing techniques at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog. Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 16. Thank you. Interesting how many of us would choose blue and white. The Slip Knot quilt block is a bit of an optical illusion, in that it appears that fabrics weave across each other. I love the colors you chose to use, but I think I’d like to try something in the aqua range. You’re the best. Yarn — medium weight, #4 2. 248. CT. Blue and white or red and white would be my favorite choices! After reading the comments from others, I realize that I would like to try many of their ideas as well. I want to make this for my 19 yr old grandson, who is red/green colorblind. The two tones of blue would be a good combo, too! For me, hands down, it’s blue & white. My favorite is a bright green and purple!! This block would be perfect for a man’s quilt made from civil war fabrics of muted reds, blues, grays, and tan. The colors are fun to work with and all go with the yellow which I love. Look for the number 4 on the back of the yarn wrapper. Thanks for the inspiration! My son loves black and grey. Based on half-square triangles (HST’s), the illusion quilts are easy to sew and to enjoy. These types of quilts intrigue me! Step 4: Tighten up the knot by pulling . I would do an illusion quilt with blues and yellows. Blues and whites are my favorite combination; then reds and whites, but I have made many quilts with other combinations that turned out very well and that I liked, like turquoise and browns. Cut five 9-1/2″ crosswise strips from Fabric C; subcut into twenty 9-1/2″ squares. (18 hdc) Row 2 (Ws): Ch 1, hdc in the 3rd loop only, in each st across. “Slip Knot” quilt block featuring squares, rectangles, half square triangles and flying geese patches. Downloadable cutting charts and… Read More. the most dramatic one I have seen was done in red and black. I am anxious to make a red and white quilt. Saved by Patchwork Square. Perhaps it's the creative process of selecting color combinations, arranging the blocks to create an overall pattern, Ropes, in hues of blue, intertwine and knot around this quilt top. It was not shown, however, in the video. Nancy Zieman The Blog - Illusion Quilts Made Easy: Slip Knot Quilt Pattern. Since becoming a quilter, I have discovered that my favorite combination of fabrics tend to change quite often. Love it…….AFTER you untangled the knots!!!! I will have to make this quilt for each of my grown children as well as myself and husband. Thanks for all the giveaways. Thank you for the opportunity and sharing you spectacular talents with us! Maybe because I’m a twin born on Christmas, but this really appeals to me, and I made sure NOT to read any comments in case anyone else said Christmas, too. Won’t win the book, but it’s always fun trying. Red and purple are two of my favorites together. I’m fairly new to quilting. Hi Nancy! Thanks for the chance to win the give-a-way. Close observation reveals that the illusion of knots is created within carefully positioned half-square triangles. It’s classic and can be very striking. Square Knot Quilt Pattern by Missouri Star Quilt Co. Digital Download - Square Knot Quilt Pattern by Missouri Star. Any color looks great when doing half square triangles with white. I love the green and black combo…this design is fantastic! I love the contrast of two colors. 18.1k. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. Green is my favorite color so anything along that family line would strike me. The book looks great as well as the tool. Blue and light blue!!! I love so many different color combos. Thanks for the giveaway! I am a Cheistmas girl, for sure, the house is covered in Christmas, with three trees. The Slip Knot quilt block is a bit of an optical illusion, in that it appears that fabrics weave across each other. I enjoy working with blues and I love orange but, of course, must ration the strong colors. Thanks for the chance to win your book! And thanks for a chance to win your book. Missouri Star 5" x 15" Ruler by Missouri Star Quilt Co. I love the teal/aqua with black it’s so bright and cheerful but not overwhelming. The breakdown is even better, and I love the idea of you giving away a copy of the book, which I’d love to have!!!. The additional blank blocks and colourful side setting triangles add an extra splash of colour in this quilt. I also like these colors dark with white. You break things down that even I can understand. (18 hdc) I will definitely make this. Feb 7, 2018 - The Slip Knot free quilt block pattern features squares, rectangles, half square triangles and flying geese patches. Subscribe to the Team NZP E-Newsletter below. As far as a crochet hook, I rec… I love a blue and pale yellow color combination. Thanks, red and white are my favorite color combinations. Maybe in purple and green for one granddaughter and pinks for her twin. Place a slip knot on your hook, and insert your hook into the top of the last row of Square 9 (or the top square in the previous column). Forest green and white with an accent of black to cover my husband’s school colors. Pair three Fabric A strips, right sides together, with three Fabric C strips; subcut into ten 9-7/8″ squares. Stitch rows together; aligning seam intersections and nesting seam allowances to complete the quilt top. Easy Half-Square Triangles Template method of making multiple half-square or quarter-square triangles from two squares of fabrics. Blue and yellow are my favorite go-to colors. THEN WATCH OUT, ALL KINDS OF COLOR COMBOS FOR EVERY ONE IN MY FAMILY. My favorite color is blue in almost any shade. Red and Black on a light grey background! However, please feel free to construct as you like. I like the turquoise and browns prints myself. I sure could enjoy your book of illusions. Illusion Quilts Made Easy: Slip Knot Quilt Pattern, Mini Room Makeover with a Modern Dresden Columns Quilt for Display on a Table or a Wall, January 2021 NZP Block of the Month: Double X Block Tutorial, Make a Modern Floating Triangles Quilt with Dimensional Folded Triangles, 2021 NZP Block of the Month Mystery Quilt Series Kick Off and Gather Your Supplies, Sew a Table Runner or Wall Hanging with 2-1/2” Precut Fabric Strips, No-Hassle Triangles Ruler and Red Elegance Quilt Pattern Tutorial PLUS Fabric Clearance SALE at I love to combine black with bright colors. I would use the dark and medium teal, my favorite colors. Nancy Zieman The Blog - Illusion Quilts Made Easy: Slip Knot Quilt Pattern. I generally like black and any bright color but lately I feel myself gravitating toward white as one of the colors. It seems to be so easy. I'm making a table runner from the attached slip knot pattern. Clover Retractable Seam Ripper by Nancy Zieman for Clover Needlecraft. I would use a cream background with sage green and brown for my bedroom. Love black and white as a 2 color quilt. If you need help reach out in comments. Thanks a million times over, Nancy! Gold and burgundy are a Christmas favorite. So I make up for it by having color within my home. I would do this quilt in black and white fabric. That is really a hard choice! Learn to make the 72″ x 72″ Slip Knot Quilt pattern using a monochromatic color scheme and your sewing machine. To make. Love the design. Love this pattern! Thank you for sharing your work with us. This is an awesome design. This is actually a really tough question! THANKS FOR SHARING. My favorite colors for her quilt are blue, green and red. God Bless! Fingers crossed. There’s something magical about quilts. I’m going to dive into my stash and see what I come up with! that would be a stunning quilt! Sides together, with three Fabric a strips, right sides together with two a... 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