Errand Boy (Deliver 5 camp companion item requests): Same as the other camp-related tasks, you must do this between Chapters 2 – 4. This errand is missable, it’s only available in Chapter 2! Downloads: 144. Your email address will not be published. Schließe 5 beliebige Anfragen ab, um den Erfolg / die Trophäe von Errand Boy freizuschalten. Share this post. Home » Red Dead Redemption 2 » Red Dead Redemption 2 Pocket Mirror Location – Molly. Red Dead 2 How to Unlock ERRAND BOY. Edited November 6, 2018 by Eshaal. This guide is going to help you unlock Red Dead Redemption 2 Errand Boy trophy by showing you all unique request item locations. In Chapter 2, you can go to Mary Beth between 8:00 am and 8:00, she needs a fountain pen. Zoologist [Bronze] Study every animal across all states in Story Mode. Select Games, RDR2, and Achievements. These can be anything from herbs to animal skins to money to unique items like books or collectible cards. Guide not helping? Hunting with JE twice - 2. If you did something dishonorable, reload the last save immediately. Share this post. 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%. In each campsite, members of the camp will randomly ask you to find them things. View 2 more guides for this achievement. Due to bugs, finding some of the gang members can be problematic. 0. Game Guides. Errand Boy is the eighth episode of season two. In order to deliver it you need to get Molly’s errand request first. Cook a pocketwatch - 1. October 2018. I've moved to a new channel, subscribe here for weekly videos! It shows in the log as a camp item request. Even if you miss a chapter, there are so many requests that you should have no problem getting the five required for the trophy. Errand Boy trophy is one of the achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2. Sometimes your companion ask your to find Items for them. Where can I find the fountain pen? Errand Boy (Deliver 5 camp companion item requests): Same as the other camp-related tasks, you must do this between Chapters 2 – 4. ... Players must play all the mini games in RDR2. Completing these errands has it’s reward though, as it will set you on your path to the “Errand Boy” Trophy. In order to unlock it, you’ll have to complete five item requests for your companions. He gives it to you at your gang’s hideout in Chapter 2 between 8:00 – 20:00 at day. Deliver 5 Camp Companion Item Request Locations. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations. 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%. #10 (message deleted) Boards; Red Dead Redemption 2; errand boy help; Topic Archived; More topics from this board... Is it worth upgrading satchel? Required fields are marked *, Almost everything about this strange hybrid game defies…, Being more engaging, more polished, and far more…, Crimson Agate is a new collectible in Genshin…, Frost Bearing Tree location is revealed with Genshin…. Ok I am pretty sure this achievement is NOT missable. Cook a pocketwatch - 1. Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?Add a guide to share them with the community. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. (RDR2) Red Dead Redemption 2 : Errand Boy (Trophy Achievement) Guide. Skin Deep [Bronze] - Skin every animal. Pocket mirror is one of the request items in Red Dead Redemption 2, and item you’ll have to bring to one of your camping buddies after they ask you to. black__bunny 432 … Last Updated: Fri. Mar 22, 2019. It is worth 10 points and can be received for: Deliver 5 camp companion item requests. Complete any 5 requests to unlock Errand Boy achievement/trophy. Missable! This errand is missable, it’s only available in Chapters 2-4! Self Sufficient [Bronze] - Craft 30 unique items. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Why do people dislike John? You can see your honor level by pressing . Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets. If this happens to you before you’ve brought them the items, don’t worry – they’ll come back in chapter 4, you’ll just have to wait a little longer. Views: 1,453. Found girl a pen - 1. Red Dead Redemption 2 Trophy Errand Boy. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Game Guides. Fulfilling 5 errands is a requirement for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement. This errand is missable, it’s only available in Chapters 2-4! Guys, I've been trying to get the "Errand Boy" trophy, which requires you to bring to 5 characters their requested items. Mar 13, 2019 - Explore justin wilson's board "RDR2" on Pinterest. I know this is a miss-able trophy/achievement, and so I've been returning to camp during noon/evening as much as I can, just trying to get her to start me on this item quest but she just isn't bringing it up at all, i don't know if I'm missing something or not. AC Valhalla Hidden Ones Armor – Ratae Bureau Armor & Londinium key, Sword Kits – Ghost of Tsushima Pillars of Honor Locations, GTA Online Peyote Plant Map Locations – Cactus Animals, Zelda Breath of the Wild Shrine Locations Map – Find & Complete all 120, Chronos: Before the Ashes Review – Soulsborne Simplified, Crimson Agate locations in Genshin Impact, Crimson Wish Genshin Impact – Frost Bearing Tree Location, Gimme Danger Cyberpunk – Takemura Bug Solution, Red Dead Redemption 2 Aberdeen Pig Farm Location – Drink or Leave, Cyberpunk 2077 Rebind Controls – Change Keybinds, Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpsycho Sighting Bloody Ritual. I've currently done 2 out of 5 for Errand boy and to be honest I'm not worried about it, just curious. Errand Boy [Bronze] Deliver 5 camp companion item requests. I got Errand Boy in Chapter 2. Zoologist [Bronze] - Study every animal. Bring back the Pipe to Dutch at your camp to complete this Companion Request. This errand is missable, it’s only available in Chapters 2-4! There's two difficulties with this. Though I think the stats only appear once you complete 2 errands, so at 40% (not 100% sure on this point). File Size: 3.95 MB. Updated November 4, 2019 by Ketchua 3 Comments. RDR2; Destiny 2; Zelda; News; Reviews; Red Dead Redemption 2 Pocket Mirror Location - Molly. Meanwhile, Mike overhears Sue's friend dissing her and can't figure out how to tell Sue, and Axl tries to grow a beard for the football playoffs like his fellow teammates and this produces mixed results. This is another missable set of quests, so … Erwarten Sie nicht, dass Sie während des Durchspielens alle Anforderungen erfüllen. Errand boy + friend with benefits trophies. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. Refer to the trophy description for all available item requests and how to fulfill them. Start fulfilling requests after you reach the second chapter. 0. Fountain Pen Location in RDR2. ... Players must play all the mini games in RDR2. andrew_cole78 7 Premium Member ; Premium Member; 7 13 posts; Posted October 26, 2018. He gives it to you at your gang’s hideout in Chapter 2, Chapter 3, or Chapter 4 between 20:00 – 3:00 at night. This involves finding out what they need, then looking for it and bringing it back to them. #t=0s”>"Further Questions of Female Suffrage" – Harmonica (Available up to Chapter Ⅳ). Errand Boy Question - Susan So does anyone know how/when to activate the herb quest for Susan? Updated October 29, 2018 by Ketchua 2 Comments. Start fulfilling requests after you reach the second chapter. For more guides, check out our complete Red Dead Redemption 2 … It’s definitely worth noting that … Missable Trophies: Errand Boy, Friends With Benefits, Give to the Poor, and Lending a Hand. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. Item Requests don't have specific conditions to unlock, and they can happen any time Arthur is visiting the camp. You can see your honor level by pressing . This is another missable set of quests, so … Errand Boy. Did any of you guys find Sadie in the camp after her mission in Chapter 3? In order to deliver it you must get Lenny’s errand request first. Bring back the Pocket Mirror to Molly at your camp to complete this Companion Request. Those are all the ones I've done so far. File Type: (Rar file) Comments: 2. Finding the Sadie harmonica in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a bit of a chore, since it … OTHER MUST SEE POSTS! Bring back the Naval Compass to Pearson at your camp to complete this Companion Request. Errand Boy: Deliver 5 camp companion item requests. Bring back the Naval Compass to Pearson at your camp to complete this Companion Request. Aufgrund von Fehlern kann es problematisch sein, einige der Gangmitglieder zu finden. Pocket mirror is one of the request items in Red Dead Redemption 2, and item you’ll have to bring to one of your camping buddies after they ask you to. Sadly I don't know exactly how to trigger the Errand Requests, beside a few listed below. Home » Red Dead Redemption 2 » Red Dead Redemption 2 Harmonica Location – Sadie Errand Boy Trophy Harmonica for Sadie in RDR2 is an item that Sadie would like you to find for her. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. - Fulfilling 5 errands is a requirement for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement. In order to deliver it you must get Hosea’s errand request first. It’s Art [Bronze] Find a permanent home for the squirrel statue. Spoilers!" Errand Boy Extreme Personality Friends with Benefits (Easy to miss!) This achievement is highly missable. And Jacks request, are we available to do it in Chapter 3 or 4, or is it just available in Chapter 2 after Abigails mission? #t=42m59s”>Kieran (between 12pm-6pm) • Burdock Root x2. Now I already have the achievement but for those considering replaying the game for this achievement or may have missed one this may be light at the end of the tunnel. She gives it to you at your gang’s hideout in Chapter 3 between 8:00 – 20:00 at day. Those are all the ones I've done so far. Self Sufficient [Bronze] Craft 30 unique items in Story Mode. Hunting with JE twice - 2. In order to unlock it, you’ll have to complete five item requests for your companions. Finding the Sadie harmonica in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a bit of a chore, since it is out of your way, on a secluded ranch in The Heartlands. An overview of all trophy guides can be found right here, and we also have a complete RDR2 Wiki. See more ideas about red dead redemption ii, red dead redemption, read dead. IGN's Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) walkthrough features guides for every main story mission, complete with Gold Medal Checklist Requirements, helpful screenshots, and tips for each of them. Errand Boy [Bronze] - (Missable) Deliver 5 companion camp requests. Refer to the trophy description for all available item requests and how to fulfill them. Where can I find the fountain pen? Most of these requests happen only during certain chapters, so make sure to talk to everyone at least once per chapter, to see if they need anything. ... P.S good vibes from rdr2 so far, enjoying the game even without considering trophies. Home » Red Dead Redemption 2 » Red Dead Redemption 2 Pocket Mirror Location – Molly. There are a few exceptions, however, as sometimes he will be asked for an item by fellow gang members during story missions, like in the case for one of Hosea's requests. Just sitting down for the game will count towards the trophy if players want to knock it out quickly. Especially if you need something. Errand Boy trophy is one of the achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2. Item Requests Overview. Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. For more guides, check out our complete Red Dead Redemption 2 … In order to deliver it you must get Hosea’s errand request first. Fountain Pen Location in RDR2. Skin Deep [Bronze] - Skin every animal. This errand is missable, it’s only available in Chapter 2! Each percentage stage is 1 completed Errand. Edited November 6, 2018 by Eshaal. Don't expect that you will complete all of the requests during your playthrough. Chapter 4 - Item Requests and Errand Boy Trophy. Do you have a question about this achievement? Bring back the Pipe to Dutch at your camp to complete this Companion Request. 0. Missable Trophies: Errand Boy, Friends With Benefits, Give to the Poor, and Lending a Hand. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. Download Name: Red Dead Redemption 2 Trophy Errand Boy . I got Errand Boy in Chapter 2. The companion camps are only available through Chapters 2, 3, & 4. Followers 4. Link to post Share on other sites. It takes around 200 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One. Fulfilling 5 errands is a requirement for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement. #t=45m50s”>Molly (between 8am-8pm) • Pocket Mirror. However, you should visit the camp as often as possible and always stop when someone talks to Arthur. Harmonica for Sadie in RDR2 is an item that Sadie would like you to find for her. For this Trophy / Achievement you will need to complete 5 different Companion tasks which require you to fetch certain items. Hope this helps a little. I think I’m close to getting “Errand Boy” but just in case, I’m wondering why I have not unlocked more item requests? - Page 2. Fittingly called Errand Boy, this Achievement/Trophy requests that you deliver five camp companion item requests in Red Dead Redemption 2. Issue. For PlayStation 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Gta V vs RDR2? Updated October 29, 2018 by Ketchua 2 Comments. You should see "Errand Boy" Trophy with a percentage below it. Fulfilling 5 errands is a requirement for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement. For more guides, check out our complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide. or affiliated Trademarks and protected by international copyright laws unless otherwise noted. The first is getting those requests to trigger, and the second is finding the requested items which are not marked on your map. This trophy must be unlocked prior to finishing Chapter 4. Been to camp several times now in Chapter 3, during all times of the day, and nobody else has approached me about them, or when I talk to them, they don’t ask me. Link to post Share on other sites. Later in that chapter or in Chapter 4? Fulfilling 5 errands is a requirement for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement. Destiny 2 Lost Sectors Locations – European Dead Zone, RDR2 Get Rich Quick Timothy Donahue – Give $50 or Not. Errand Boy Deliver 5 camp companion item requests. I've currently done 2 out of 5 for Errand boy and to be honest I'm not worried about it, just curious. You should see "Errand Boy" Trophy with a percentage below it. This errand is missable, it’s only available in Chapters 2-4! It was THIS Big! It is worth 10 points and can be received for: Deliver 5 camp companion item requests. Errand boy trophy. black__bunny 432 … Deliver 5 camp companion item requests. Submitted By: Sean. Found Hosea a book -1. It must reach halfway to the right side (white color) in order to get access to all … Errand Boy Deliver 5 camp companion item requests. Penny Dreadful comic book is one of the items in Red Dead Redemption 2. But my problem is that at the camp there are only: uncle, javier, lenny, and dutch & hosea (but this last two are busy to trigger the last quest of the story, so I cant actually talk to them). This errand is missable, it’s only available in Chapter 3! Yakuza: Like A Dragon – Shogi Puzzle Solution (All 10 Steps) Guide. Your email address will not be published. Errand Boy is an achievement in Red Dead Redemption II. Not every conversation … 16th November 2020 16th November 2020 Selphie1999Gaming (SWJFO) Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order : Duty & Resolve (Lightsaber Sleeves) … 16th August 2020 16th August 2020 Selphie1999Gaming 0 Here you will find a guide on how to achieve the Errand Boy Trophy / Achievement. Select Games, RDR2, and Achievements. Related Forum: PlayStation Forum. Full list of all 51 Red Dead Redemption 2 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. (RDR2) Red Dead Redemption 2 : Errand Boy (Trophy Achievement) Guide. Red Dead Redemption 2 Hosea Book Errand – How to Find the Hosea Shrew in the Fog Crime Book. Fulfilling 5 errands is a requirement for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement. It takes around 200 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One. You'll need to do this to unlock the Errand Boy Trophy/Achievement. And Jacks request, are we available to do it in Chapter 3 or 4, or is it just available in Chapter 2 after Abigails mission? Due to bugs, finding some of the gang members can be problematic. Found Jack a book & thimble = 2. Full list of all 51 Red Dead Redemption 2 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. To earn the Errand Boy trophy in Red Dead Redemption 2, you need to complete five companion item requests. Sometimes they’ll ask for generic items, stuff you can buy from the general goods store, while other times they’ll want you to look for unique or rare items. Fulfilling 5 errands is a requirement for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement. #t=49m17s”>Sadie (between 8am-8pm) • after. Date Added: Thu. Question. This statement is only partially true, unfortunately. If you did something dishonorable, reload the last save immediately. Pick one if you had to." Found Hosea a book -1. Errand Boy . Later in that chapter or in Chapter 4? Be careful while using it, because there are a lot of spoilers here so make sure you will not destroy your experience first (I will add some extra spoiler alerts of course). The companion camps are only available through Chapters 2, 3, & 4. This trophy must be unlocked prior to finishing Chapter 4. Fulfilling 5 errands is a requirement for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement. Sign in to follow this . - Page 4. However, you should visit the camp as often as possible and always stop when someone talks to Arthur. The things they ask for are literally unique – there’s only one of them on the entire map, and they’re often hidden in places you wouldn’t suspect. He gives it to you at your gang’s hideout in Chapter 2, Chapter 3, or Chapter 4 between 8:00 – 20:00 at day. Skin Deep [Bronze] Skin every species of animal in Story Mode. #10 (message deleted) Boards; Red Dead Redemption 2; errand boy help; Topic Archived; More topics from this board... Is it worth upgrading satchel? Brick is fed up with having to go with Frankie while she runs her weekend errands and tries to convince her to let him stay home alone. Red Dead Redemption 2 Sadie Harmonica Location guide shows you where to find RDR2 harmonica for Sadie, the exact location of the ranch the harmonica is in, including screenshots, a map, detailed instructions, etc. In order to deliver the compass you must get Pearson’s errand request first. Bring back the Pocket Watch to Lenny at your camp to complete this Companion Request. Unlike its predecessor, Red Dead Redemption 2 contains missions, items and other content that can be permanently missed in a save file unless obtained, studied or otherwise interacted with during a certain time-frame. Hi, I'm at the very end of chapter 4 (one mission to the end) and I miss a single request of item by a member of the camp in order to obtain the trophy Errand Boy. Each percentage stage is 1 completed Errand. 1 year ago. It Was THIS Big! Meanwhile, Mike overhears Sue's friend dissing her and can't figure out how to tell Sue, and Axl tries to grow a beard for the football playoffs like his fellow teammates and this produces mixed results. Errand Boy is an achievement in Red Dead Redemption II. This guide … Self Sufficient [Bronze] - Craft 30 unique items. Home » Red Dead Redemption 2 » Red Dead Redemption 2 Errand Boy Trophy – Request Item Locations. RDR2; Destiny 2; Zelda; News; Reviews; Red Dead Redemption 2 Pocket Mirror Location - Molly. Just sitting down for the game will count towards the trophy if players want to knock it out quickly. Been to camp several times now in Chapter 3, during all times of the day, and nobody else has approached me about them, or when I talk to them, they don’t ask me. Home » Red Dead Redemption 2 » Red Dead Redemption 2 Jack’s Penny Dreadful Comic Book Location – Otis Miller Book. Any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement? Add a guide on how fulfill... 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To fetch certain items not be used, reproduced or copied without the prior express consent! To unlock Errand Boy trophy and achievement down for the Errand Boy trophy and achievement Sie während Durchspielens... Comic Book is one of the requests during your playthrough another missable set of quests so... Guides can be received for: Deliver 5 companion camp requests possible and always stop when someone to... Es problematisch sein, einige der Gangmitglieder zu finden for far too long collectible cards your.... 100 % um den Erfolg / die Trophäe von Errand Boy • Burdock x2... Kann es problematisch sein, einige der Gangmitglieder zu finden to money to unique in! Study every animal 5 beliebige Anfragen ab, um den Erfolg / die Trophäe von Errand Deliver. Erwarten Sie nicht, dass Sie während des Durchspielens alle Anforderungen erfüllen hideout in Chapter 2 dishonorable reload. Activate the herb quest for Susan Dutch at your gang ’ s only available in Chapters 2-4 for in. 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Gamefaqs message board topic titled `` Gta V vs RDR2 Name: Red Redemption. The ones I 've done so far, enjoying the game will count towards trophy. Editor, he produces words ( and stuff ) there, so you only! The herb quest for Susan den Erfolg / die Trophäe von Errand Boy trophy and achievement Book! ) Red Dead Redemption II Sie das zweite Kapitel erreicht haben like books or cards! The first is getting those requests to unlock Errand Boy [ Bronze ] - Craft unique! You must get Lenny ’ s Art [ Bronze ] - Craft 30 unique items like books or collectible.... Self Sufficient [ Bronze ] - Craft 30 unique items like books or collectible cards Burdock Root x2 that... Posts ; Posted October 26, 2018 by Ketchua 2 Comments • Deliver 5 companion camp requests you Deliver camp! Get Lenny ’ s only available in Chapters 2-4 know exactly how to achieve the Errand Boy is an in... Help you unlock Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you 'll need to complete this companion Request here you only! S only available in Chapter 2 7 13 posts ; Posted October 26, 2018 Locations... Door at Valentine doctor II, Red Dead Redemption 2 Pocket Mirror Location –....