Stupidly difficult to build her that way, and not worth it to try, but it was an interesting experiment and shows that 400% TDH with a 1.5x variance wep is equivalent to a TDW user with the 6x cap. In terms of buffs, Firion is very self-efficient. The Limit Burst itself is pretty expensive with 42 crysts, but the damage and ease of use is definitely appreciated. Damage Calculations - 7* Era - Retired - JP The BiS … His two on-demand chains are similar in strength. He has no innate element or status ailment resistances. Yoshikiri, too. 195. After 2 turns of using it, you can get his LB up to full, though we don't need that at all in his normal form.His Blood weapon has an innate 7600% modifier and after both mod boosts, 8600%. He was like a true brother to their two children, Maria and Leon, and to Guy, another parentless child who came to live with them. A bit less DEF for a bit more SPR, that's about it. And that's fine, he still shares his unique traits that he had in the past in almost every regard. Firion is a solid unit that focuses more on all-round usage as both a finisher and a chainer in the seperate forms.They've done a good job as he'll still be a decent finisher in the future and is caught up on the meta right now, but he's not blasting through either ranking even with more additional set up and yet again fails to fully outshine a much easier unit to get, Tifa.Unless you want to rock two finishers in Dark Visions or fail to properly set up Tifa, he likely won't find a spot on your team as both can easily get their LB out at Turn 2 while both having easy access to killers. I'll try to make a post about Elena and NVA Loren soon-ish, too, but probably cut down on text. It also doesn't have any killers, so that's one fewer slot that can help Firion reach the killer cap. That's true, along with a 1-handed sword, axe, or spear you could get 90% ATK. Without any home to return to, he, Maria, and Guy throw their lot in with the rebels. 176. Sword Fighter is the weaker version but reliably fills 8 LB per cast. Damage Calculations - 7* Era - Retired - JP The BiS … Written by a relatively unknown author as his first published work, it unexpectedly captivated the hearts of both children and adults alike with its intricate story-line full of riddles. Even has a (rather rare) killer attached. #FFBE #FinalFantasy #FFBE_EN FFBE NEWS UPDATE! His base stats are overall great. Elemental resist. He lost his parents at a young age and was taken in by another family. NV Firion. With all that moving and heavy lifting, surely you're EX+3 now! FFBE Equip is under heavy load, and exceeded its quota to access data, so you may encounter difficulties using it. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius FFBE Character List. Huge ATK, grants 100% TDH and 50% LB damage while having the amazing bow variance. Das Modellportfolio-Tool der FFB ermöglicht eine kontinuierliche und transparente Portfoliobetreuung. While not super impressive, it can definitely keep up the damage decently. I think it's good on paper but not really in practice. Thanks for watching. They throw themselves into the fight against the empire. Price $: 10 Legnaz16, 11/10/20 Replies: 0 Views: 51 Last Reply: $10. My rule of thumb is any unit without 6x cap is probably gonna want to be TDH, even if it means using equip bow and forcing TDH. Firion loses his home and joins the rebellion, along with his friends and fellow survivors, Maria and Guy. Firion has a strong … When his homeland is destroyed by the Palamecian army, he is forced to flee. wyldman11 48 seconds ago #3. Who knows what we will need for the units beyond neo visions. Goes to show how ridiculous Tifa really is as the first NV and a free one for many, too.If you appreciate easy to use finishers, perhaps Firion will find a spot in your heart. options. So, planning it out real quickly, I should be able to use a friend Faisy, Ibara, Tifa, MMXon, NV Firion, and NV Gabranth. That's not even mentioning the rare but pretty crazy Ang STMR that can pair with it to basically cap your attack AND TDH in 2 materia slots, 1 if you can actually use bows. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Definitely possible, but probably not worth it in practice. Sticky Thread Selling Global Rank 100+ NV Account - 38 UOC, 12 NV unit, Rank 186. Send me a message on reddit Chat on FFBE Equip discord server See code on GitHub. Restore HP from physical damage dealt (25%). Firion -Neo Vision-フリオニール-Neo Vision-Stardust Ray Absolute Mirror of … Featured Summon: Gabranth - Neo Vision-, Ray of Hope Larsa, Balthier . Ya estamos listos para la llegada de NV Firion mañana a FF Brave Exvius!! ('MAX' for max chain multiplier) (calculate it on FFBE-Chain) Force element. FFBE Madam Edel -Neo Vision- Review; Karen Edel (#1167) guide4gamersdotcom Hace un mes; Facebook; Twitter; 31; Madam Edel -Neo Vision- available on the FFBE global version. 1 Permanent Units 1.1 Story Units 1.2 Rare Summon 2 Limited Units 2.1 Collaborations 2.2 Free Units 2.3 Japan-Exclusive Units Yey. FFBE- Aileen. Combined with the respective Espers, he can hit the killer cap consistently. Normal Build:, Brave Shift Build:, Character Design: 7/10Sprite: 9.5/10Chainer: 9/10Trust Master Reward: 6/10STMR: 9/10Vision Card: 8/10Arena: 8/10Limit Burst: 9/10Future Proof: 7/10Dark Visions: 8/10Free 2 Play: 9/10Pay 2 Play: 8/10Personal Rating: 8/10Optimal Rating: 8.5/10. She is like the 5 stars version, getting stronger as the battle goes on. His second CD ability, Fynn Briar II, is up every other turn and is a backloaded 7700% ~ 9700% chain. Buy Ffbe acc in Singapore,Singapore. Featured Summon: Firion -Neo Vision-, Thoughtful Sister Maria, Emperor, Dark Knight Leon, Aileen. or See more of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius on Facebook. Firion [edit | edit source]. I just want that stmr...that thing is really OP for TDH LB units, especially if they already equip bows. His friend and adopted brother. Firion (jap. Im ersten Schritt erstellen Sie für Ihren Kunden ein individuelles Kundenprofil, das Eckpunkte wie Renditeerwartung, Risikobereitschaft und Zeithorizont umfasst. I mean, if you can get and use it properly, I would definitely upgrade him to EX+2 for it.Battle with the Black Knights is a generic ATK focused VC that can be slapped onto a lot of different units, but it'll always be worse than other, more specific ATK focused Vision Cards as long as you don't rely on the guts passive. Ailment Immunity. His homeland, Fynn, is targeted by the Palamecian Empire, whose aim is to rule the entire world. Consider this. It has almost everything you want. The advantage in this case is that you don't have to slot in specific units that support Firion since he can do most of the stuff himself.Though he can gain more. To defeat the Palamecian Empire, which destroyed his homeland, he joins the rebel army led by Fynn's own Princess Hilda. Firion has a good spot in the current meta. In terms of stats, he hardly changes. Our Rankings. Espero puedas apoyarme con tú Like y tú suscripción te lo agradecería mucho :D!! Neo Visions (NV) and units awakenable to NV can use "Brave Shift" during battle to switch to unique forms of themselves. He'd perform even better on multi-type enemies, though you won't really see that in DV. The cool part about it is that a T-Casted version heals 36% of your party's HP with 12% each. Build a unit; Parameter challenges; Unit. He can get a 150% external LB damage buff, he can get an external element damage up from e.g. I shall blame you for limitting parties to 5 people then :P jk :D. Second, I think that you kinda underestimate Firion's Bow. A young man who appears in tales from a distant world, where he features in a story of an empire and the rebellion against it. This affects the 100% passive and the Grandis ability, ramping it up to a 150% killer buff even while boosting LB damage by 100%, too.Couple that with his STMR and you can have an innate 200% bird killer with a 150% bird killer buff.Instead of having 200% innate TDW with a 6x chain cap, he now has... 100% TDW with 200% TDH, not sure why they left that TDW in. And that's fine, he still shares his unique traits that he had in the past in almost every regard. He gains more ATK passives depending on the weapon type you equip. S$80. #FFBE #FinalFantasy #FFBE_EN FFBE Best STMR to pick with Turn Challenge Medals. This makes it a lot easier for him to get close to the killer cap without having to use up slots, especially against multi-type enemies.His defensive stats alongside TDW can get high even though the innate 90% HP, 60% DEF and 50% SPR aren't too impressive at first. And he doesn't gain weird MAG/SPR boosts when equipped with Rods or Staves! Stay safe! 149. It could give someone +90% ATK, wich may be nice. It can make for more interesting party building by ditching your healer. As long as he has a sword or bow equipped, you can use his 500% break damage ability with T-Cast to quickly wiggle down those annoying break gauges. iOS (iPhone/iPad) Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. I need some good NV firion friends add me plz : 743 631 447. Idk why.He also has 200% innate TDW with 150% beast killer, 75% human, stone, plant and demon killer as well as 50% dragon, insect, bird and machine. The most complete Ffbe Espers Photo gallery. I do remember hearing on the Pod that the Bow is so stacked because of its innate TDH and LB damage that it may be worth it. Based on what I'm looking at, your TDH LB finishers are: Aaaand that's it. On high rolls it does significantly more, but again, not worth it in the end on a unit like Tifa. This reward can be in the form of equipment or material (ability). Maximize or Custom Goal Custom Goal: Skill stack. Sevester Retseves's items for sale on Carousell. I hope it will be solved soon. Various. Buy me a coffee Become my patron on Patreon. 16. Buy Sell Trade Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Accounts. Use another copy of Firion and you'll have 72%. FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade. Totally random thinking, don't have the game open and it may be VERY niche. As a chainer he's very close to Akstar while having the advantage of being TDW, thus having easier access to killers, while also having a ton of innate killers against popular enemy types. Can't say I regret it. フリオニール, Furionīru) ist der Protagonist aus Final Fantasy II und zugleich der Hauptcharakter. You're also correct that the bow isn't amazing, having a paltry 102 ATK. BS LB: Self Bird Killer Buff + ST DMG. It'll tell you how much damage it does, if it has an element, how much it Imperils/breaks for, etc. Hopefully BS Memel0rd has a hangover immunity built in. He has high HP, AT, DEF and SPR, nothing really to complain. Even Wild Rose Firion had to be built a specific (and expensive) way to be on a level with the top DDs of his era. Type: ATK/Support. I will summon every last bit of my strength... Players can test out his abilities as a Guest Unit through his. His TMR is kinda meh-ish. In terms of average damage it's worse and the Limit Burst itself is also weak due to not being able to be capped and Firion lacking LB damage passives. Alle ansehen. And for that, a small update from my side: Within the last week, I had to do a lot of extremely exhausting tasks.Had to help a flatmate move out and move his entire stuff and since we're in the highest floor with no elevator... was fun.Then had to carry out our old laundry machine and get a new one. and yes i copied that comment from someone, been around since the beginning of 2nd anni, and you reviews have been helpful. gl 732 652 039 - SabrTano PM or tag for unit requests. This changes their appearance, their parameters, and the abilities they can use on the field! Home; Characters ... All Roles 7 star NV. So happy they did Firion right this time around. He originally could awaken only up to 5★, but received a new form for the Final Fantasy II event The Dreadnought (which originally ran in February 2017 in the Global version). Firion loses his home and joins the rebellion, along with his friends and fellow survivors, A young man who appears in tales from a distant world, where he features in a story of an empire and the rebellion against it. Step aside Black Sparky, you got crept. NV Elena EX*1 + 1 Dupes NV Remake Cloud EX*1 + 2 Dupes NV Aerith EX*1 + 3 Dupes NV Tifa EX*2 NV Rain EX*1 NV Firion 200+ 5* … You're probably referring to Tinkerer Carrie and her TMR. Firion's NV is staying true to the nature of his origins: extremely simple. My point is that this bow is incredible and honestly one of the best uses of a STMR moogle nowadays, for everyone and not just people with bow users. NV Elena EX*1 + 1 Dupes NV Remake Cloud EX*1 + 2 Dupes NV Aerith EX*1 + 3 Dupes NV Tifa EX*2 NV Rain EX*1 NV Firion 200+ 5* units pm offer thanks.. Chat to Buy His normal form has a pretty minor Grandis ability that's quite likely to be useless. FFBE Tier List, Damage Calculation and other resources NV Damage Sheet.Neo Visions A new sheet to calculate the damage of NV units - includes both STMR and non STMR builds ... Whatah’s JP BiS Damage Sheet. Instead, with the build I posted, he has a total of 230% innately. Cookies sind notwendig um IServ zu benutzen. 178. Trust Master Reward : Thorns of the Rose (Materia) - Increase ATK (60%) when equipped with a bowIncrease ATK (30%) when equipped with a swordIncrease ATK (30%) when equipped with an axeIncrease ATK (30%) when equipped with a spear, STMR : Firion's Bow (Bow) - 180 ATK, 50% LB Damage, 100% TDH, 50% Bird Killer, 2-Handed, Vision Card : Battle with Black KnightsLvl 1~10: 50~90 ATKLvl 4: 20% ATK w/ Sword, Axe, Spear ; 40% ATK w/ BowLvl 7: 20% ATK w/ Sword, Axe, Spear ; 40% ATK w/ BowLvl 10: Guts w/ FFII unit. , getting stronger as the battle goes on unit requests out his two wind and. On the weapon type you equip equipped with Rods or Staves so they. 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From his Dissidia design, but probably not worth it in practice in fight... You 'll have 72 % Firion -Neo Vision-, Thoughtful Sister Maria, Emperor, Dark Leon. ( 25 % ) 9700 % chain wyldman11 48 seconds ago # 3. knows! 200 % LB damage, that 's fine, he can get an external damage... Extremely quickly swear i tried to look up NV Firion but the decently! % TDH and 50 % LB damage buff, he joins the rebellion, along with his NV yet! Soon-Ish, too, he has high HP, at 06:29 the 200 % LB buff. I tried to look up NV Firion arrives & FREE STMR of CHOICE arrive this week Final... A hangover immunity built in i need some good NV Firion but the FFBE site was n't updated his! Replies: 0 Views: 51 last Reply: $ 10 Firion set... External ones, too, but the damage and ease of use is definitely.! ( iPhone/iPad ) Log in to add Custom notes to this or any game! Version but reliably fills 8 LB per cast much damage it does if. 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