A hardened B will accuse a third political party, for example, of carrying water for the R’s. Honestly I’m not sure how the Republic survives these challenges. 1 Lore 2 Abilities 3 Videos 3.1 God Reveal 4 Achievements 5 Trivia 5.1 General 5.2 God Skins 6 Skins 7 Changelog Inevitably, all mortals must die. More comforting to “worship” with your tribe and assign the “blame” for all of your troubles on the infidels. Twitter made the right call on this one. If Bernie was currently 45 years old I think within two elections our political parties would coalesce into have nots and elites with the elites on the survival end of the gerrymander/repress the vote of the illiterates spectrum clinging to the idea that the they know what’s best for the country. But a crowd of 330 million just watched a crowd of 330 million watch thousands of pastors, pipefitters, engineers, Q activists and business owners together wrap themselves in Trump flags and parade through the halls of the US Capitol. Thank you, Rusty, that’s about how I feel. It means: If you harm your enemy he will pay it back to you twice and more. For me, that is the thing that makes me the angriest at the narrative level – those fuckers have that image now. Lex King is a British-South African actress on the Showtime mini-series 'The Good Lord Bird', performing alongside Ethan Hawke and Daveed Diggs. In both cases that “power” looks a lot like censorship up to and including political prisoners. Where do we go from there? They did not win the presidency, of course, but on most ballots the GOP outperformed very low expectations. ALSO READ | Chris Gayle Plays A Whirlwind Knock In T10 League, Scores A 12-ball Half-century. The red quarter of the country has had a rough few months. In both cases it is a Greater Truth that is rooted in some reality, which gives all of its ancillary manifestations the benefit of the illusion of universal relevance. Settler mentality abounds out here. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, a relatively small mass of air rotating rapidly around a more or less vertical axis and simultaneously advancing over land or sea: specific categories of whirlwind include. Whether we admit to or not, our decisions are based not just on what is right but in part out of fear of provoking extremist violence from one wing or the other. Folks on the Right are seeing the Red movie and calling for their side to be prepared to defend against a Purge of the Right. Honestly I’m not sure how the Republic survives these challenges. I buy into neither the R brand, nor the B brand. Just took a blue highway road trip from Atlanta through Tennessee, Kentucky, Southern Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Easter Colorado, Southwestern Wyoming and into northern Idaho. Framing all actions by an other (s) as an attack or assault direct against yourself is paranoid delusion. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/what-i-saw-at-the-jericho-march/. Ben & Rusty have been warning the world for years, and I’m sure that their words have been instrumental in helping many of us refrain from adding fuel to this fire. Just look at how presidential primaries work. She is also known for playing Aphrodite on the BBC-Netflix series 'Troy: Fall of a City'. If you think the media purposefully made less of the violence this summer than an institution less transparently politically invested in the defeat of Donald Trump might have done, I think you are correct. He talks about a whirlwind weekend-long affair with a man he met at a club in Berlin. It is not investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. G od is very clear in His Word that He deals with people, individually or as groups (cities, nations, etc.) I won’t disagree on how the Right feels (I have plenty of personal experience with family members), but many of your boxes have also been taken away from the Left except for the largely impotent soap box (especially in the era of ‘fake news’); watching a news anchor lament the state of a norm broken, or a late-night comedian rant is cathartic, it’s funny, but it’s worthless when we live in split realities and the other side has no embarrassment (see Graham on late term SC appointments). “Turtle” vs. “Tortoise”: What’s The Difference? 20. when there is ample evidence that the Republican party *specifically* uses claims of Fraud! As far as I can tell, the Republican Party just dealt itself a mortal wound. Even if he doesn’t support a commission to study election fairness, Then he’ll be seen as just another Democrat politician and as a Hypocrite (falsely using “Healing” and “Unity” to get elected with no intention of following through). And without apology. Read this, then buy the book: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/how-america-lost-its-mind/534231/ The past few decades Fraud! Our jury box is taken away – Again, McConnell has expertly denied Obama’s ability to appoint judges, then slotting every open slot with primary criteria as being partisan and young. A cobbler should stick to his last. Besides religion that is, which in many cases has fueled these flames led by false prophets purposely conflating the kingdom of God with the kingdom of man. There is a risk of a third party, a moderate party, emerging if the two parties don’t limit the impact of the extremists. We’ve been eroding the mediating institutions for generations now and all that seems to be left is power. — Galatians 6:9-10 (KJV) Please help this patriot: PayPal.me/RScherf77 . "Reap souls and gain life force. ... but now we’re all using only either Red or Blue glasses to view the movie. Unfortunately it also panders to our current information access methods and sells clicks and ad time. To learn more about Epsilon Theory and be notified when we release new content sign up here. There’s a lot here that’s really good – and I hope you’ll take this to the forum to start a more in-depth discussion with others. One of the world’s most magnificent sights, the temples of Angkor are so much better than the superlatives. It must be noted, that no one can accurately predict the future of the market with certainty or guarantee future investment performance. according to how they honor, or refuse to honor, Him. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind. It’s easy to look at one of the parties (probably easier if you’re looking at the party you don’t identify with) and conclude that the party itself is a self-interested agent with its own agenda that can be irrelevant to or even sometimes in direct opposition to the interests of its members. We are taught about God’s judgment in … I think the Democrats were right about each of these things. I get the sense that the blues haven’t processed how important this last few months in totality has been to the reds. You might be right about that Rick. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about ET tenets of “find your pack” and “make, protect, teach.” The main takeaway for me out of this past year is that the politicians, mainstream media and social media platforms aren’t worthy of the level of influence we’ve afforded each of them. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/unraveling-the-mindset-of-victimhood/. There is a brief window where I think we have the opportunity to commit to building a common national identity together. The Soap Box has been eroding slowly for the last few years, but around 2016 it began eroding quickly. Part of this not smart enough is I don’t think we can do this without shutting off the spigots of misinformation. of “building a common national identity together”. More practically, I think they believed that this action would have the effect of increasing voter apathy for an already moderate-looking slate. I get the sense that the reds haven’t processed how important the capitol region symbols are to the blues. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins www.classiccenter. On the internet. 21. I’m not looking at any one person or group, but the institutions as whole. With regard to the Whirlwind, perhaps it might correspond better to Dors picture; it has not turned out quite what I wanted. No appeasement of unrepenting QAnons is warranted. If you attempt to deliberately start a third World War, you shall reap the whirlwind.. I’m off to review OODA and Cialdini’s principles of persuasion to see if I can get my head around (and above) the clag. There is substantial territory that exists between flaccid permissiveness toward the people who committed, sought to commit or directly incited violence to influence the outcome of an election on the one hand, and gleefully instituting widespread political purges that will exacerbate the long-term consequences in exchange for warm justice fuzzies today on the other. and a twin prime with 1619 – all is well in the symmetry of the universe. I also don’t think there’s anything close to sufficient evidence that what magnitude of fraud we saw here had even a marginal influence on even the most marginal race. Biden needs to lay out a vision for unity and a genuine, believable inaugural address that is focused on ‘we are all in this together’ that is not simply a demand for those on the ‘right’ to disarm, both literally and figuratively. ), but we’ve stretched the ragged edges of the Republican party about as far as the fabric can stand.The Hegelian left/right model actually promotes a sick sort of stability at the gross level. 100s of miles of grievance (much of it justified) between the occasional big city which the locals perceive as taking all their tax dollars, their children and their culture while sucking the economic life out of their little towns. That opened the door to finding just one instance that could be framed as potential fraud, which was clearly pre-planned by GOP to allow to happen- unforced error. ballot harvesting, suppression) that occupy a pre-fraud area of inappropriate influence. The opinions expressed in these materials represent the personal views of the author(s). That is the path (and narrative) that should be pursued, not only because it is almost certainly the accurate one, but also because it is the only one that dials down tensions. Colin Powell just renounced the Party which is a big deal considering that he faced down people like Cheney years ago. Seizing this opportunity will mean a lot of us leaving a wellspring of anger we will feel is entirely justified at the door. Taylor Swift is an American singer and actress born on December 13, 1989. You’ll receive an email every week and your information will never be shared with anyone else. During the summer of 2020, as widespread non-violent protests for racial justice gave way to steadily creeping violence and property destruction, we published our concerns on these pages that there was practically zero political will – and zero political incentive – by either party to do what was necessary to reduce that violence. The American pie continues to shrink, and the rats will continue to eat each other. If you think that what happened on 1/6 will ever be seen by a country that watched last week’s images in real time in the same category as the events of the summer, I think you are insane. Neither the Democratic party nor the Republican party survives a victory this November. On top of this there has been excellent maneuvering (by Machiavelli’s standards) by McConnell to obstruct the traditional functioning of government and destroying norms (he’s the worst offender, but there are those on the Left who contributed). I don’t agree on the Twitter front, but I hear you. Any action that you take as a result of information contained in this document is ultimately your responsibility. Not barbed wire, the pics I saw they were using razor wire. I don’t think that necessarily implies nihilism at all, just that we cannot put our full trust in repairing or working through that existing party power structure, but I don’t want to speak for Landvermesser. I was literally engaged with a conservative friend, asking rhetorically if any of the concerns and aims of the Flight 93 Election had been met. We all need to do what we can to develop a growth mindset as part of the individuation process to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers. As might be anticipated Trump billboards were omnipresent but I was surprised by the number of Christian Indentity solicitations and Yehwah signs along with the sheer number of small improvised looking churches. Embarrassing legal skirmishes with western cattle grazers like Cliven Bundy or Trump’s pardoning of the Hammond family for burning federal land in protest have only reinforced this groups feelings that their government is out to quash their basic rights. I understand your position better now. Institutions in general have failed them across the board. QAnon Was a Bust – Here’s Why We Should Forgive the Believers. What I refer to as the “corporate humility” necessary here is exactly what you ask for – the disavowal of months of claims of a stolen election and the disavowal of claims that the capitol events were not Trump supporters incited by Trump strike me as absolutely necessary conditions for a move forward. On January 30, 1972, in the Northern Irish town of Derry, a peaceful protest march led by civil rights activist Ivan Cooper (James Nesbitt) turned into a slaughter. They burst out of the mouth of the canyon, a smoke-wreathed whirlwind, heading for the protection of the river. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/15/boogaloo-killing-facebook-dave-patrick-underwood-police. Folks on the Right are seeing the Red movie and calling for their side to be prepared to defend against a Purge of the Right. We’re in a bit of a pinch here, bad actors abound but are a minority and cooler heads need to prevail or we might as well dig two graves for our existing political parties. They heard the “hang Mike Pence” chants. And vice… Read more ». I saw a parallel with traditional media vs social media in it – we actually need some sort of gatekeeper in the absence of widespread critical reading and thinking faculties. Not seizing it, I fear, will mean that we all reap the whirlwind. And they will both reap the whirlwind. This is amplified by any prosecution of legitimate crimes being turned into “witch hunts” and “hurting national unity”. No, I don’t think those Clown Putsch buffoons attempted to stage a coup. Consult your investment advisor before making any investment decisions. Alas, I live in Los Angeles, and even if I lived in New York, now doesn’t seem like the best time to be having a whirlwind love story with someone I’ve never met. While I share your cynicism regarding the motives behaviors of our ruling class, I wholeheartedly disagree with your view regarding Fraud! It’s real. And I see more than a little bit of “price fixing” collusion between their leaderships, which leads me to want to wash my hands of both of them. The left seems to have realized this sooner than the right and are currently doing everything they can to grab and consolidate that power, pluralism be damned. To “ reap the whirlwind movie ” with your view regarding Fraud seizing it, I don ’ t on! Is I don ’ t think we can do this without shutting off the spigots of misinformation it be... 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