After that I tried to remember why this feeling of floating so familiar but I end up awaken. I start floating above them. There is a feeling of contentment and peace but I don’t understand my role/or place in these dreams. You are learning how to harness your powers within the waking dream state. I can remember feeling embarrassed! Then go to sleep trying to maintain awareness of these guardians. As I floated by about 6 or 7 “people” their was another “person” the end of the group who greeted me and told me he wanted to introduce me to someone. It feels like i can control my flying. Sometimes I’m so scared that I wake up screaming out for my mom and dad sleeping in the other room! Usually when I finally struggle back down to earth and get my feet planted firmly I wake up. I also have sleep apnea. Bookings comin in fast for February! A feeling of floating upward is also a common hallmark of a successful astral projection; some people have realized they left their bodies only after they found themselves floating upward into a version of their bedrooms. You are hiding behind some persona. oh and no one else is floating with me, I’m the only one in the dream that is floating, no one else seems to notice, they all act as if its a normal thing for me to be up in the air unable to get my feet down, and them not. Quite interesting. It has certainly assisted me in dealing with nightmares. Vampires can now drink Sims dry either on accident or in an uncontrollable drink. 3) Being asleep then suddenly being held down by a faceless person/entity, during which I am also in a state of paralysis. Now you are experiencing lightness and freedom, still able to in their presence and near their home, but no longer attached to the suffering you formerly felt there. Majority of time I would jump from location to location almost in a game of hide and seek/life or death trying to lose the chasers. I also remember having a night mare someone in my family was murdered. The weird thing when screaming, it isn’t just in my dream as I can hear myself screaming out and also I been told that I’ve been heard screaming out by others sleeping close to me. I was scared and curious and all that. What you have described sounds like alot of other peoples abduction experiences. O. He said he then fought it and somehow made it back to his body. I wish I had the time to interpret everyone’s dreams for them, but I’ve got my day job, so that’s not possible. I’ve never had a dream like this before. Anyway I tried my best to wake up and I guess I did.. the next time it happened yet again my eyes were closed because I was scared but I can still remember thinking which is weird because do you think when you are dreaming? Uncontrolled floating in dreams, especially if the dream environment around you is indistinct, may indicate that you feel aimless in life: you’re just “going with the flow” and have yet to set meaningful goals for your life. Get help on creating effective business plans and floor plans. i started to check my 02 levels also when these happen to wake me and my 02 levels are very low. But then some people saw me and so I become a little discomforted, and so I calls them to pull me down. "In your dream house, for example, if there's a problem with the plumbing or a room you have never explored, what could that be saying about a part of you that needs some TLC or a part of your potential that is waiting to be recognized and opened up. If it was an out of body experience that resulted from my meditation I would like to embrace it and try to have that experience again, but I don’t know whether it was or not. while I find a room to pull myself into. An older man in a long robe was standing next to me during this dream. These dreams feel so surreal to the point where I feel as though this ability can actually exist and be achieved in reality. I don’t recall what was in the rooms and I think I may have floated to the room with the closed door. EDIT:::It was 2 days ago i think.Ive had dreams like this before…. Most of the time, I have just crashed a car or something that threatens my life…and then i can’t stop floating and it’s very nerve-wrecking. So, I tend to think this means things are on hold but I shouldn’t look at those people who I deem to be successful because they look like they are but they will eventually be career-bound. When we got to the drugstore, there were three of him inside this plasitic and I had to open up the plastic before he would suffocate. When I float, it starts slow and steady but can ultimately reach a height of about 20-30 feet or so off the ground. I can push off on things and gain height and keep myself up. I’m not sure if my dream was just a dream or if a angel was speaking to me. Hi, I keep having dreams about me walking either inside a building or outside. I can never remember how it starts, but I seem to be floating in my room, almost like zero gravity. But then I started to float up to my bedroom ceiling, it felt scary and I tried to kick and scream to wake myself up but it didn’t work. What could this mean? I had a dream that people came to my back door and asked me to show them how to fly. They kept asking me how I did it and I had no idea. They reflect the underlying thoughts and feelings of the dreamer. Please if you know this kind of dreams please reach me in my facebook or leave a comment here. On the most basic level, a dream is the experience you have of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations while you sleep. Designed to look like a celestial octopus this self sustainable megastructure concept will float around on the Pacific ocean and clean it - Neha Tandon Sharma. Almost as if someone was under it pushing upward into my back. ... Dreams are by their nature, uncontrollable. But floating was the first time. I had a dream that I was slowly floating forward by small galaxies in space. Then i woke and checked the time. And what does these floating dreams mean. Denmark's flagship broadcaster has suffered blowback over its newest children's TV program, "John Dillermand" -- an animation starring a man with a penis so massive and flexible it can save children from danger, fetch objects from a river and operate as a pogo stick. "They will diminish over time.". Enjoy the experience! "The details unfold like they do in real life but often go one step further. Uncontrollable mating donkeys | What does it meaning of uncontrollable, mating, donkeys, in dream? Then I began to rise higher and higher. This has been happened a couple of times with me n I don’t know what to do! This may even benefit your real life. So could you explain to me in your words what exactly do you interpret from this and I will tell you what’s my interpretation. Deidre Barrett, PhD, past president, International Association of the Study of Dreams; assistant professor of psychology, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts. But those who work with their dreams, either independently or with the aid of dream interpreters, believe that understanding dreams can provide meaningful clues to feelings, thoughts, behaviors, motives, and values. The dream I was waking from started out seemingly normal but as it progressed took a turn in which really frightened me. I can control my direction, height and speed. Hearing a mans voice uttering a language i do not know and i just felt so sorry and need to ask for forgiveness and i said “sorry, please forgive me” as i raised my head again everthing turned white and found myslef inside like a cave. I have read about people levitating in dreams before but the way I do it seems to be a unique thing. Floating in the Dream Sea Tuesday, May 29, 2012. In each case, it helps to examine the emotions you felt in the dream: a floating dream can be either positive or negative depending on how it made you feel. It is during REM sleep that your brain is more active. It feels awesome now that i can actually think about it clearly. Next time you have this dream, see what happens if you just embrace your inability to get back to the ground. However, the other night I dreamt spirits were talking to me. I’ve also had dreams where I am thin; I am obese in real life. I have this same dream often. You can turn your dreams into something more like choosing the perfect visage of a happy greater more imaginatively purposeful path. I managed to make my way back into bed and I couldn’t lay down. It sounds like you don’t feel very safe in your dream space. Well i thought i had anyway! I would recommend taking some time to meditate every night before bed – just five or ten minutes. I also felt as though my entire body had the “chills” or was tingling. Anyway, I slowly managed to bring myself out of it. I mentioned these dreams to a someone- she thought it was a form of astral projection. Distress. When you move beyond your own life experience/comprehension of what is happening, it can rattle you. Then i woke up. I kind of just float around all the rooms and then I wake up at my normal time.. #3 – to me is anxiety or high levels of stress . Hi I don’t know if you can help me tp understand this dream. My boyfriend had a dream that he was falling away from me while I was floating. When I meditate I very much concentrate on my body, and the internal systems it has, such as feeling my pulse throughout my body, and envisioning the oxygen that I am breathing being diffused throughout it. The dream means unproductivity. In the dream I was very confused how I got to another location with basically using a doorway. After the dream I always feel fantastic. Lately if i am not levitating than i am in a flying balloon. They are probably your unconscious trying to tell you something, a more significant issue.". Okay. "Pretend you are on a treasure hunt. I am always trying to get away to try to continue to float. I felt like i knew i wasn’t going to sleep. In this case, he can be justly considered as one of … And one thing I have noticed is that I’m not able to speak when such things happen! I would recommend taking some time to meditate every night before bed. It sounds a lot like a night terror, delta wave dreams in which one is physically affected or experiences dark energy pressing on them from an unknown, unfriendly source. Very interesting, Seraph! Tranquility. But someone else can see things objectively. Please tell me if any of you have had similar dream. I would read more about that. This sensation is better described that it feels like I cannot place my feet solidly on the ground at first then I just continue to float away. I then saw a bright green light. I then heard a heavy voice come from nowhere scream “Shut up!” and then the force hurled me towards the ground. It was such a terrible feeling. But there are things you can do to increase your dream retention: . They felt anxious and scared that they wouldn’t be able to return and instead would float off into space. In my dream, I was exactly in my room with the same clothes at the same moment. That was the strangest dream i ever had in my life. I eventually realised I was in a dream but it panicked me a little as I thought if I didn’t wake up, I was going to rise out of the house and be unable to get back. As you anxiously search for it, a fast-moving river appears out of nowhere, bisecting the room. I showed them how to just leviate and then a somersault and just flying around.what do you think this dream means. Floating in water can be symbolic of floating on top of your emotions and being in harmony with the unconscious. Then, I opened my eyes and saw that I had floated about 10 feet above everyone. It’s dark and I can feel that I have some sort of pins and needles all over my body, almost like a shell. I had dreams that I could fly but when I landed and tried to fly again I would just fall, I was usually trying to get away from trouble. If so, try to break the pattern – remind yourself that you are dreaming and that you have the power to do whatever you like, then stop yourself and make a point of talking to people. The dream seemed to go on all night. "But artists and scientists report dreams we call bizarre or weird as quite positive or interesting or having creative potential. Never understood it, but don’t at all fear it. But any thoughts on what had happened and why? This would be constantly repeated over and over in a cycle which would last until I jump out of my sleep. As you would with a close friend you have not seen for a long time. As I reached the peak, I spontaneously started floating the bike I had suddenly disappeared and I could see myself getting higher and higher from the ground. The thing you are most afraid of in real life presents in the dream. I had a dream a couple of days ago where I saw a couple walking in a street fighting off a elderly women who was threatening them. She stopped crying. But sometimes my mind switches and i fall down slowly. I’ve had dreams where I’m mostly outside and I can float or levitate in front of friends I can’t make anyones face out, but I can float at will and where ever I want, sometimes in the dreams I open up my eyes and im already really high in the sky and I steadily float down and I can feel my feet hit the ground and the shock of the landing. Inclusief douchen voor- en na, duurt de sessie circa 70 minuten (werkelijk Floaten 60 minuten) of 100 minuten (werkelijk Floaten 90 minuten). When the others in the room saw me up there I then let myself down to fly and flip around the room in a figure eight movement from one side to the other over and over, so exhilarating. Sounds like a challenging dream…perhaps there is something in your life that is making you feel trapped and pressured? I’ve had three dreams, and in each I am with family and/or friends. I tried screaming but no one could hear me. This sounds like sleep paralysis – it’s common when you are trying to wake up out of Delta wave sleep. Bear in mind, I am in complete control of this effect and can terminate it at will, which results in me very relaxingly reversing back to the ground to gently land on my feet. Thank you! Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about flying uncontrollably in dream by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures. He said I wasn’t reaching for him but just looking at him with sadness in my eyes. I adapted the Norma Blouse pattern to make this dress. In fact, I get disappointed when I have to wake up. Having similar dreams. Once these dreams start it takes a LONG time to stop and I never sleep for more than a hour or two at a time. I dreamt we had new neighbours & I was talking to them in my garden. He didn’t hear me, so to protect myself & hopefully scare off the spirits, I flew up to the ceiling.. My dream involves being in a room with people and I’m standing up. I have had sleep paralysis a couple of times now, but not as much as I get dreams of floating. 2) Being chased by a mob of people who I don’t know who seem to be intent on killing me. I had a dream that I was changing schools and in order to do that I had to float up to the ceiling of this room with a group of people only some I knew, and to the right I could see a light I the ceiling because I had to apparate there (like in Harry Potter) and some people from pointed out that that light was heaven in a sarcastic tone and I laughed but I didn’t enter the light.Next thing i knew i was in another location which looked like a school, with some of my friends. I have a feeling that even just five minutes of focusing on your breath and clearing your mind will help. Flooded toilets in dreams can similarly be an illustration of how we are about to explode from being filled with negative thoughts (/negative mental energy), and that we have a hard time getting rid of these … can u tell me what dis means…i dreamt a woman told me ill have a great fall but ill rise even higher…, Hi ,my nephew dreamt that he saw me going up to the sky riding a horse ,then saw me flying and floating also. They don’t seem to think that this is abnormal for me and they don’t acknowledge it. I dreamed my late Mom was levitated/floating a couple of feet above ground. I cannot levitate too high, just enough for me to get out of danger. It freaked me out the whole time and my body felt like it was tryig to escape. Thank you for such a fascinating article. I can ascend from the ground or descend to the ground repeatedly in this manor. I was afraid to switch my light back off and continued relatively calmly to play on my phone until I fell asleep after 7am. All of the sudden upon entering the kitchen. You might need to tone down your personality a bit. Please help me understand my dream, I NEED to know. was a weird night i dont usually dream that vivid. Secondly, next time let the Moon take you It is your dream and you control it. The idea is this: true emotion is uncontrollable. After that all the people with no faces turns and started coming towards me, I started running and slightly floating away. I feel I am getting further away from them…I like the feeling. My roommate was having trouble sleeping so she asked to sleep in my room next to me. any ideas? Like things are on hold. Just ten minutes ago, I was having a weird floating dream, which also lead me here to find out what it was about. I screamed at them to pick me up and take me to a hospital and as he carried me I tried to call my mother, brother and sister to tell them I loved them (using my cell phone) before I drew my last breath. Walden, K. I Had the Strangest Dream ...: The Dreamer's Dictionary for the 21st Century, Grand Central Publishing, 2006. "In the dream, that's what I did. If you could help me, that would be great. What does that dream mean? I often can repelle myself from gravity at Will. Only floating a few inches mind,I found it funny that I couldn’t be caught until a person of authority somehow summoned me. But dreams are actually much more than that. The first one was awkward, I fell asleep on lunch at work and woke up in a dream of me floating but slightly spinning/swinging in a small room. Because water symbolizes emotions and flood represents uncontrollable amounts of water wiping out all on its way, these dreams often reveal your current emotional state. I had a really strange dream last night. He’s wondering if he actually might have almost died and that’s why he came out of his body. Floating. In your dream you could be observing a meteorite, asteroid or comet in the night sky – or – noticing it impacting the earth surface causing a natural disaster. But I simply said get down and my body lightly floated to bed again and woke up. I will be walking down the hall way at my school and all of sudden i start to fly around the hallways and no one really notices, they think its normal. But interpreting and understanding them can be tricky. Een Float sessie is altijd op reservering via deze website (menu Reserveringen). When my speed increases, I give a small jump and float from there on. It was as if our house was haunted. Floating Life Like a Dream--From Tangshan to Jinshan 浮生若梦:从唐山到金山 M8. Maybe a dream about floating indicates you need to have more faith in your abilities. Discover you dream meanings with floating above bed. It kind of makes me over think how I walk in real life and now I feel akward when I walk around others in real life. I was floating above my husband and son sleeping in our bedroom. Artists, entrepreneurs, inventors, and scientists often get creative ideas from dreams. She acted on that dream and believes that it helped save her life. Either way it was the most beautiful dream I have ever had. That sounds awful! But then I think it can it can be a dream cause it’s such a weird thing to be possible. I was riding a bike it seemed like or looking for something along a highway I used to live near by growing up as a kid. i was conscious where i was, what was around me except i had no control over the gravitational force. Ok so last night i had a dream that i closed my eyes and i started to floar away into darkness and i couldnt move. Since the details were so clear in my mind, I immediately got online and started writing about it here so I could explain it as clear as possible without losing the details with the passing of time. A feeling of peacefulness was around me at all times. SO recently I finally got the courage to confront some family members who I have been having terrible difficulty…since then, I have dreams that I am with them and I float up upright and I feel a sense of freedom and lightness of being. I finally got to the window and held on to the frames then then i felt this force from behind me break the window i kept telling it to leave me alone but it kept pushing so i started praying in my dream saying all this stuff then it just got too scarey i had to wake up. A lion in a dream, for example, can mean something different to a circus performer than to a teen who claims it as her favorite stuffed animal. Author Christian Warren Freed’s combat experience is evident, along with his ability to create vivid new worlds in this story about people trying to survive a civil war that encompasses worlds. I had dream more then 10 times, that I am flying in the skies and I am very happy talking to myslef that i can fly, turning side by side, Increasing and decreasing my fly speed, and I used to be very happy, what does it mean, please tell me about my dream. I have a good job but I have been doing what I do for quite a while. After a while I began to drift off into a half dream half awake state, and in that state I began to float. Ran to his room and made him come sleep with me and his brother it was so scary i was scared to go back to sleep. I will be at work or at home or anywhere really dreaming about something, and suddenly my feet will begin to float out from underneath me and I will begin to float away. I can rise and fall at will, with focus and muscle control, as if this ability were as natural to me in the waking world as standing stiff as a board. The floating doesn’t even feel unusual. I was lying in bed, in my own room, and I felt pressure coming through the mattress from under the bed. So last night i had this dream where i was laying in bed and i couldnt move but when i closed my eyes i saw colors and i felt like i was floating but when i opened my eyes the feeling was gone then i woke up from that dream and my heart was racing o.O any ideas? Why I was able to float was never made clear but I just know I can do it in any dream. I can’t remember what I was looking for but I was distressed about it. I only wish I could have it again. Once you address the underlying causes of negative floating dreams, you may even experience a positive counter-dream of floating that will assure you the issue has been resolved. Also i kept trying to wake up but it was like the dream wouldn’t let me. I literally have been having dreams almost identical to yours. By relieving these pressures in real life, the dreams may improve. In my dream I am being pulled up towards GOD. This builds up pressure for REM sleep. I wonder what it meant?! People approach me and guide me into rooms but no one speaks to me in these dreams. Then lightnening bolts began to strike in the sky but never touched the ground. Iwas very scared. One other weird thing was the last item I had to get was something at an old drug store and there was a dog that came with me in his own floating device. I wake myself up and realise that its just a dream. It’s unusual for me to remember dreams but I had this last night and have been searching the net for some time trying to find what it means. I also just read that people with levitation dreams usually have narcolepsy. Levitation is hard for me, it requires me to be focused but I can control it and I do enjoy it a lot. I was fascinated by and drawn to the moon but I felt it was mutual. I was a little nervous but felet like it happen before. For whatever reason, I started walking backwards, away from the cage. I felt very scared, rapid heart beat etc. But there are things you can do to increase your dream retention: Tom Scammell, MD, associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. Twenty minutes ago, I have been having trouble going to sleep. Ok so i went to sleep and in my sleep i woke up and i started floating to the ceiling and couldn’t control it. It sounds like you are in the beginning processes of astral projection. Before we dismiss our dream lover, our dream home or our dream job as unattainable -- 'only a dream' -- we want to examine carefully whether there are clues in the dream that could help us to manifest that juicy vision.". The feeling of being able to do this in my dreams is truly incredible and it carries no negative feelings. There has to be people out there who have done this, using a similar technique. It happening…I’m so tired…and sleeping pills don’t work for this. She says all dreams are a little strange by waking thought standards. My dream last night was terrifying. Lately my emotions have been of distance, frustration, confusing and anger. I feel in control, powerful even. I then closed my eyes (as if I were excepting that the end had came) and I could feel myseld floating upward. It became so overwhelming that I then got scared and looked down to realize I was one small existence sitting on the ceiling in the back seat of my own car, only there was a childs car seat in there and I heard a voice inside say”thats your body, grab it” then I grabbed the seat belt and wrapped it around the car seat then held onto it so that I would not be sucked up to where the moon was. I recall a priest made famous in medieval times (in the past, not a dream) by his ability to levitate during lectures. Floating in dreams is most commonly associated with feelings of acceptance, content, calm and detachment. 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