That said, the EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) offers a static checklist tab. What does brt mean? A bit later I hear the aural MINIMUM in the cockpit. I did have an issue removing TOGA LK but having found the solution the model flew very well under autopilot control, being smooth and responsive and following inputs as expected. based on altitude, speed and weight. As previously said, this could be 1+F, 2 or 3. A nice virtual cockpit and a good outside model were added too. The aircraft has its own electrical hum, which all those who travel as passengers on commercial airlines will be familiar with, and the background noise and the initiation of systems adds to this. Check once more page 1 item 3 and then the second part that start with “for a more conservative figure, use the table corresponding to the pressure altitude immediatly above the airport pressure altitude.” This means that since our Pressure altitude (PA) is 500 feet, we need to use the table from 1000 feet and don’t forget the correct FLAP configuration thus the table with 1+F configuration. Taxi, takeoff and initial climb I only need the pages related to the A320, right? You do the take off almost on Direct Law and after approximately 10 seconds the system reverts to Normal Law. % using the trim units, applicable for the A330-200/-300 and the old A340. For now, see these possibilities as a challange while finding Nemo … oops, sorry, finding a V1 and FLEX TO temperature. Aerosoft Closed Thread Subscribe . Personally, I find it more logic when the link was pointed to the Aeroflot A320-214 models with has CFM56-5B4 engines. The model has its own flight model and a system depth never seen before on any flight sim. Oops, a small correction is needed regarding my CAT3 landing FMA indication. A CAE (Canadian Aviation Electronics) Level-D FSS A320 costs quickly somewhere between 15 and 25 million Canadian Dollars! Although it’s the same flight plan as I did before thus my own created LFBOAI02 (AI by the way stands for Airbus Industries) but it’s early in the evening. Inputs via the stick are send to the AutoFlight system and they control the flight controls. I got the impression that this isn’t simulated so it can’t be opened/closed. margin-left: 0; Learn how your comment data is processed. You’re a saviour! We need to drop roughly 12000 feet in a relatively short time. The THS position can be found at the EFB PERF DATA tab. As far as my knowledge goes, Air Corsica only has A320-216 models with different engines then the simulated FF A320 CFM56-5B4. For those who want, and own the ToLiss, they could decide to use that tutorial for the FF A320 Ultimate as a guideline. I need to enter the FLAPS for Take Off and the THS (Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer) position. Take-Off calculation can be used with other flight simulator A320 products as well. The vision section explains how the aircraft model was developed and why various options were taken when providing different systems and flight characteristics. I would like to highlight that normally first the right-hand engine is started, then the left-hand engine. text-align: center; It’s OK when you zoom in on the PFD, but then other contact with the cockpit is lost as well some of the external view. For my walk-around inspection I first needed to find out a bit more of the included ground equipment. Absolutely fantastic review. } And when you open the sliding window, you do hear the rattling sound of the track. From here, I walk to the aircraft tail and then, similarly, but using the other side of the aircraft, back to the NLG. They are all installed and there’s nothing broken. I was searching for something like that today, after having bought the FF A320 y’day. The sound package with the model is very realistic and convincing. Want to see some more exclusive screenshots? a320 detailed checklist/procedures. And before I forget the animations; the sunscreens for the windshield panels are animated, the inner armrests of the pilot seats, the left-hand sidestick, the folding tables, the modern version of the compass and the sliding windows. Just in case you’re lost or that you own the ToLiss A319, the CI lies between 0 and 100 therefore, 50 is a average good value and besides that, I’ve not tested yet if a low or high CI value really influences the overall fuel consumption. I’m quite sure that this has something to do with my AMD Vega Pro GPU driver or perhaps it’s the macOS High Sierra who’s responsible for these blue surrounding lines around buttons and switches. All data will be transferred to the MCDU. It might be more difficult if … Not a problem, but then the Aerosoft package will be installed one higher situated sub-folder. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! With the SLATS and FLAPS extended, I’ll pass from the NLG to the engine. It is following all the signals/commands that the active AP is doing. What and where? More information about this X-Plane 10.50+ and X-Plane 11 aircraft can be found at the dedicated X-Plane.Org store page. Don’t worry to much. Then we need to do one thing and that’s to find out the pressure altitude. Since the EFB isn’t easy to access, you can also use its popup function. I click the CALCULATE button and all VSpeeds (V1, VR and V2 | 149/153/155) as well as the FLEX TO temp (59 Celsius) pop up. I used the same flight plan I also used to test the ToLiss A319. The review is based on model version 0.8.79. Clicking the PERF key on the MCDU brings me to the TAKE OFF page. On all Airbus the information goes to the computer and then to the surfaces. The services available to the aircraft include the GPU and Air Starter Unit and these add their own bespoke sounds when in use. No personal information is stored. Just as a reminder …. In case you think different; no, I’m using real weather and Toulouse/Blagnac area is known about windy conditions, but at this altitude – passing FL240 – it’s quite calm outside. As you can see, this online TO performance calculator can be used for the Airbus A319, A320 and A321. Airbus offers in this QRT also an example (page 3), but that’s to me and confirmed by the pilots, not as logical as intended! And something else, although all so simple, when you start the takeoff, slowly move the throttle forward till you see on the PFD left-hand upper corner FLEX TO. Try to fly the aircraft yourself. Walk Around Inspection For the moment I leave the STAR open as well as the landing runway and arrival airport QNH since there’s yet no need for this. Textures are modelled realistically and details such as belts, spare seats, door pins and fuse panels are convincing and add to the experience. So far, what’s my overall impression? I find it a good idea, something I’ve learn from pilots when I flew with them as ground engineer on the A310-200, to verify myself by selecting the PLAN ND mode, and scroll thrue the modified flight plan with SID NARAK6L and TRANS NARAK6L and see if it looks OK on the ND and if there are no “DISCONTINUITIES” added. Moving back towards the cabin the flight deck door does not operate but once in the passenger area the detail continues. A good training to learn to fly the FF A320 and you’ll experience yourself how easy it is. When you download the latest AIRAC from Aerosoft, it installs 2 files:
- cycle_info.txt (speaks for themselves)
- nav.db. In that case, at the bottom of each page you find some numbers. I make a couple of screenshots, and at the end I made a succesfull landing. The flight experience was very good although I perhaps did not follow every process correctly, nor use all systems to their full potential. #gallery-12 .gallery-item { For those simmers who would like to do this test flight too, check out the following entry:
RTE LFBOAI02 LFBO AGN DCT AUCHE DCT DISIS DCT ANETO DCT TURUV DCT MOPAS DCT OKABI DCT GEANT DCT KANIG DCT PORBU DCT BAMGO DCT BOLSA DCT BRUSC DCT DEPES DCT NARAK DCT LACOU DCT DEGUK DCT ALIVA LFBO. Officially, you and I should have a look into FCOM 3.04.70 pages 6 and 7. The systems react and change with inputs and updates in the MCDU and also to pilot input to the controls. What’s then different? I’m aware that you need to read the above once more, perhaps even twice and I hope you got the idea of this “EFB MCDU Preprations” section. Airbus A-319/A-320 . Version 1.0 Download 60369 File Size 94 KB Create Date November 2, 2017 Download Download our Airbus A319/320 Checklist for Normal Procedures. Descent, Approach and Landing All indications and aircraft behavior are, as far as I know, are expected. Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. I select ENG REVERSE THRUST and apply a bit of power. – Taxi, takeoff, Climb to Cruise It’s a bit fiddling around with the throttle to get it at that position unless you go for FULL TO thrust. When open, you have a good look of the cargo hold interior. The fuselage tail section with the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit), rear tail navigation light and strobe unit are well modeled as are the stabilizers. Please don’t hit the AP button ones you’re off the ground. A look over the edge of the closed MLG door shows me that the inside of the MLG wheel well is covered with photo-real material. (Courtesy of Wikipedia and Airbus Industries). We all know QPAC, so we all know that the ToLiss A319 has this unique FBW plugin. At approximately 30 feet RH, LAND is replaced by FLARE and when everything goes well, it will be replaced upon landing by ROLL OUT and as long as the AP is connected, it should keep the aircraft on the runway center line and AUTOBRAKE – oops, when it was selected and when I had followed the checklist – should decelerate the aircraft. It’s much appreciated. The Flight Factor A320 Ultimate simulates an Airbus A320-214 with CFM56-5B4. I had to do lot, much more then expected, and then also a dark cockpit with some lighting, and far in front of me, LFBO. If this aircraft model is “the” ultimate representation of an A320 is difficult to say. I see the French coastline, and yes, it’s a flight with CAVOK conditions. – Airport pressure equals ISA thus Actual Altitude (AA) = Pressure Altitude (PA). Well done I must say. Sorry, but that’s something only real Airbus pilots can answer. Next you need to know the airport temperature. The CLB indication changes in OP CLB and yes, the NAV changes to HDG. Airbus has what we call “auto trim” and this is directly linked with the flight control laws. There you can see the trim wheels moving, but you can’t interact “command” them. The main landing gear (MLG). You and I could ask ourself the question if all those animations are needed or that it’s nice, but preferable a well modeled and realistically flying Airbus, isn’t that of more important? Whilst this method of using the aircraft is possible and, once airborne, very enjoyable, I agree with Angelique that this is not, by any means, the best use of an aircraft with many of its systems modelled so accurately. This gives the main wheel well a realistic look, although it’s only a photo with no real lines, valves, accumulators etc. The manual does include references to links for tutorials and documentation. Now you need to look it up in the Thales FMS manual hoping you find what you need. Basically, you need to perform three steps to determine the V1, VR and V2 as well as the FLEX TO temperature. It’s overall a good way to learn how to deal with the FF A320. Hello everyone,We published a new step-by-step beginner tutorial for the Airbus A320, explaining the most basic things for a successful flight from A to B.It contains instructions on how to manage the aircraft throughout the flight and how to fly a fully… Jun 20 @ 12:41pm I think it changes the brightness. This website uses cookies for the loadsheet display. The FADEC, in corporation with the FMGS, controls the actual thrust to the engines. This is the same as I know from real Airbuses or perhaps it’s better to say from real digital AP’s. You’ll notice that when the pressure at the airport is 1013.25 hPA (or 29.92″), the actual altitude is the same as the pressure altitude. It doesn’t mean that the brakes are responsible for the requested deceleration unless the brakes where the only deceleration source. all Aeroflot A320 Family members? The A320 Ultimate comes with a flight plan file named And don’t forget one very important question …. Yes, that’s it although there’s one thing I had seen before during the many hours of testing the FF A320. As I’ve said many times, writing reviews from commercial aircraft is difficult, especially when you’ve got no own flying experience on this or that aircraft. The name of the download suggests something else, but believe me, the package offers the FCOM volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 as well as the QRH for all Aeroflot A320 Family aircraft. When you look with a text editor in the file, it looks like that we’re dealing with a kind of RouteFinder txt format, but sorry to say, it’s a bit different and not “1 to 1” transferrable although it is possible. Todays question is … do you need to trim A320 Family aircraft or generally speaking, all modern FBW Airbus aircraft? Before initiating the takeoff, it good to check the ckecklist once more. Besides other info, you need to enter at INIT A page the CI (Cost Index) and the intended cruizing altitude. This means your actions aren’t verified by the EFB. Two aircraft were used in the flight test evaluation campaign – the prototype A320, which had been retained by Airbus for testing, and a new build aircraft which was fitted with both types of winglets before it was delivered to JetBlue. – Using the MCDU In other words, as an example, the following formats are possible and can be read by the FF A320 MCDU:
- RTE LFBO01 LFBO LFBO Therefore, always take the highest of the two! Only thing if you feel like that too that’s missing, is the MCDU, but when that one is also in view, then I don’t see my aircraft anymore. Let’s start from the top to the bottom. Under the About tab you find the following information “Take-Off Performance Calculator developed for the FSLABS A320. Just click outside the popup MCDU till the blue line is gone and you can or click the display and the popup disappears. In the LFBO02 I added one waypoint (VOR AGN) while in LFBO03 I added two waypoint (VORs TOU and AGN) connected to each other via the DCT (DIRECT) command, but that could be (not for this) also an airway. Then the MCDU will show you the latest active AIRAC period and the previous AIRAC cycle. They are the ultimate source for helping developers with all kind of system behavior issues, system operation and implementing the flight dynamics. Final assembly of the family takes place in Toulouse (France), and Hamburg (Germany). The EFB also has a settings menu which allows control of the panel quality of the model, toggling of reflection effects, control of the rain effect and the IRS alignment speed. QRT FCOM A320-214 CFM56-5B4 Section 2.02.40 It could be that we’re presented with a message to introduce DRAG, but lets wait. Whenever you want to compare something, keep it on the same flight simulator platform! Keep in mind that the ultimate model is more then only how it looks like, how systems are simulated and how performance charts is implemented. The same for the MLG with it’s fixed and large door. They did put a lot of time in the engine to model it. Ho ho, hold on …. On purpose I write “static” since it’s not interactive. Besides the same tiny details you’ll find the brakes, hydraulic lines, tire pressure sensor and even the brake wear pin. If not, we leave without a serviceable APU. Just monitor the vertical speed indication on the PFD to find out what your actual vertical speed is. And yes, I know, it’s how your personal reporter Angelique sees it! The Ultimate A320 Simulation for X-Plane. The aircraft manual explains that the sounds used with the model are not from the X-Plane system and the model has its own sound engine that allows the use of custom sounds. So far, we have: The developers are clearly determined to create an aircraft with highly realistic systems and these manifest themselves not only in the aircraft displays and ground support but also in the way the aircraft behaves and reacts to changes in those systems. OK, first delete nav2.db. – Airport temperature via METAR, Honestly, I’ve seen during the years being a ground engineer flying to different places many types of ground equipment, but I’ve never seen such a GPU or that kind of fuel truck as part of the FF A320. – Runway 32R (3000 meter) thus 3000 (AR) = 3000 (CR) You would say … Why? If, for example the RA (Radio Altimeter) becomes unserviceable, the FMA will never show you CAT3, but instead CAT1, irrespective what the pilot had planned. There was even somebody who compared the FSLabs A320 with the Flight Factor A320. Next, rename nav1.db to nav2.db. It should be noted that whilst this is called a manual it relates to the aforementioned issues and is not a manual on how to use the model. This is the same for the EFB. Is that good news … yes, it is good news! And …. 2. Some of the popup panels I tested are the EFIS CPL, the FCU, the clock, all the EFIS and ECAM DU’s, EFB, MCDU’s and so, but there’s also a downside by doing this unlimited … FPS drop or perhaps not? It turns out that this results in a 80.2 MTOW with VSpeeds of 143/153/155 (V1/VR/V2). Necessary Manuals This will retrieve the last and up-to-date METAR information from LFBO. Links to an FCOM is nice, but don’t forget, most simmers are not trained pilots and the FCOM is intended for trained and licensed Airbus pilots. Oh yes, I wrote “we”. When you use the Aerosoft NavData Pro installer, it’s a bit easier, but keep in mind that you point the Aerosoft installer (macOS example shown) to /User//Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Flight Factor A320 Ultimate/Data. Also, since you’re sitting alone in the cockpit, it’s a good idea for yourself to refresh the takeoff in your mind including the initial climb and thus what to do. Africa & Middle east Livery Pack for FF A320 [10.0 Dollars] Asia livery pack for FF A320 [10.00 Dollars] Europe 1 Pack for FF A320 [10.00 Dollars] Europe 2 Pack for FF A320 [10.00 Dollars] Europe 3 Pack for FF A320 [10.00 Dollars] North America Pack for FF A320 [10.00 Dollars] Oceania Pack for FF A320 … Before you know, you give too much input and feel that this goes wrong, but try to correct eith your mind and don’t look to the runwat lights, just look to the PFD and watch closely the FD! One thing seems OK to me; all the necessary input data to calculate the Vspeeds and FLEX TO temp are needed. Now that we know this, let me give you what I see and feel about the modeled 3D cockpit. Feel free to contact me if you’ve got additional questions related to this impression. The interesting part is that you’re able to use the official FCOM, but immediately it must be said that it’s far from accurate, and it should be noted that the QRT doens’t offer any charts (1+F) with runways longer then 3250 meters. Informed that it is also following at this point the computer and then went through the engine volume from. Trim A320 family if this is the section “ how to Proceed.... Verified by the AWIATOR programme the indications different then with an AP connected you never... Ecam you see a red AP off message be seen on the PFD FMA shows DES and OP! The NLG are also present for the Vspeeds and FLEX to temperature clearly see cargo... Check that the PFD FMA ( flight mode Annunciator ) the ToLiss test flight where I made screenshots. Abnormal situations and how the modseled FMGS is functioning with ff a320 checklist Factor passenger and to... Long checklist built for the CI via the stick are send to the 757 do... 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