Both pistols are capable of incredibly accuracy. I have a Glock26, don't especially love it because of its ultra small size, but rented a Beretta 92 (9mm, the 96 is .40 only, though you can get conversion kits to go from .22 to 9mm to .40) and loved it. Handgun Search; Tabletop Compare; Contribute; Contact; Beretta . FReepers, I went and checked out 9mm handguns today. The glocks are from West Palm beach police, the barrel's and triggers seem to be fine, no rust but a lot of dirt or gunk in the slide … Steampunk rifle - Fully functional! € 579,90 (2) Glock 34 Pistole Gen 4 M.O.S Kaliber 9 mm Luger - im Set € 926,95. I am not crazy about either. Joined: Nov 30, 2008 Location: Tampa. If God saw what any of us did that night he didn't seem to mind. Sig Sauer P226 vs. Beretta 92L: Which Is the Better Gun? Compare the dimensions and specs of Beretta PX4 Storm Full and Beretta 92FS. Beretta 92 - Colt 1911 - Glock 17. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Reccomend .40? No complaints about my fnx .40. Customary Metric . Choosing between the Beretta 92 and the Glock 17. Opinions and experiences welcome. Both pistols are capable of incredibly accuracy. Mitglied seit 16 Apr 2013 Beiträge 14 Gefällt mir 0. The Beretta instantly felt better in my hand (heavier, all metal, etc.) Handgun Search; Tabletop Compare; Contribute; Contact; Beretta . The Beretta 96 is what caused me not to give up on the .40 caliber cartridge. New For 2021. Themenstarter Neuling84; Beginndatum 24 Jul 2013; 1; 2; 3; Nächste. 1:17. Large - Nice for a range gun. Anyone could trust their lives with one without thinking twice. Striker-Fired Full-Sized Pistol *Buying ammo from helps support HandgunHero. Sats show that 8%-20% of officers are killed with there own weapon, a safety has bought people time in real life instances when a LEO has been disarmed. G33 Gen4. Pistole Beretta GLOCK Kahr Arms Kimber Polymerpistolen Ruger Smith & Wesson Taschenpistolen. Now glocks are also very good pistols that are also very accurate in the right hands and are extremely reliable. Simplify your logistics and lower your costs by purchasing 9mm. Everyone swears by Glocks but the grip angle has me shooting for the sky. 2:58. The most popular Beretta handguns for sale include the 92FS, 96, PX4 Storm, and the APX, as well as the pocket-sized BU9 Nano and Pico. What the pro's and con's of each. Haven't had a chance to get back to this sooner but, The dept actually isses G23's and B96's. Beretta 96 vs. Glock 22. Nächste Letzte. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. The manual of arms. I would choose my 1911's if given my choice, but I'll carry what is issued. Source(s): glock beretta 92 … Jared Zimmerman. I am a civilian looking to buy a home defense auto. If you're concerned about slide longevity, go with the Brigadier slide 9mmepiphany, Oct 14, 2013 #12. jeff-10 … Its a Border Marshal 96 Brigadier -F- Cal. 40. The High Road . Either one would do in a pinch, I wouldn't worry about the reliability of either. 0:38. Of course my duty pistol is a 92D and its what I'm used to. 159,90 € * zum Artikel. For carry, I like them equally. Will try to get a pic soon. Aug 8, 2008 #1/44 Have been contemplating purchasing one of these, and keep going back and forth. Smooth trigger. Facing In; Back-to-Back ; Facing Up; Back View; Choose View … FullAuto Madness with Krebs Custom and EveryDayCivilian. Compare Views. VDB, der Verband Deutscher Büchsenmacher und Waffenfachhändler e.V. The Glock 19X and Beretta M9A3. Wir von Holsterwelt bieten Ihnen weltbeste traditionelle Handwerkskunst zum günstigen Preis. The Glock was light, felt like plastic (or carbon)...what is that material? Messages: 7,125 Likes Received: 148. its a toss up for me but I like the feel of the me it is just VERY comfortable in my hand. Thanks, Tracy … Customary Metric . (Not a laughing matter, BUT LOL). Home. If I was shopping for a full size .40, I'd be buying a 96 in DAO. 96A1. I don't know if they've changed from mine, but mine can not be changed out as there is no dovetail. Me? im wondering what the magazine capacity's are for each gun if you could please tell me i would appreciate it so much : … After shooting 200 practice rds, the RO says to put away the practice ammo (WW180) and get out the duty load(Win 165Gr SXT-Not a bad load for a 40). Home Forums > Tools and Technologies > Handguns: Autoloaders > sw40ve vs glock 19 or 22. It has hardly been used at all, picked it up for $450. Striker-Fired Competition Pistol *Buying ammo from helps support HandgunHero. From then on I knew... God doesn't make the world this way. Author Topic: Glock 22 or Beretta 96 Centurion (Read 3151 times) ShiWei. Es soll ein 9mm werden. Powerslave. Its a Border Marshal 96 Brigadier -F- Cal. The Beretta 96 is what caused me not to give up on the .40 caliber cartridge. JavaScript is disabled. But, at least the Glock has a consistent trigger. I like that it had a hammer, and I feel safe carrying it with a round in the chamber because of the decocker and safety. Aceman. A: Of those three, I would prefer the Springfield Armory XD series. The 96 was much more accurate and very smooth running. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. ", +1 on the Glock. G17 Gen4. I just traded my Beretta 96 vertec in for a Beretta 96g which is not on the approved roster list in my gun loving state of... Log in or Sign up. PX4 Storm Full. 4,5mm. Fit my hand great, shot great, and an action so smooth it made butter seem like gravel. Die Charakteristik des Abzugs erinnert ebenfalls an aktuelle Glock-, ... beretta 22.11.2019 Test: Beretta Vittoria 691 und 693 − Wie gut sind die beiden Flinten speziell für Jägerinnen? i never have problems with the beretta 96fs exept when i let it get too dirty. I was flinching sooooo bad from the blister, that I was aiming at the 8-9 ring to the right to place the shot in the 8-9 ring to the left!!! Dabei geht es weniger um die Optik, sondern viel mehr um die Anpassung … Beretta M9 A3 FM BlowBack FDE Co2 Pistole 4,5mm Stahl BBs . P229 comes with 2 mags, but has night sights. Compare Views. sofort verfügbar Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage**-15% Beretta M92 FS CO2 cal. Out of retirement comes the smaller and more accurate HK P7 to clean house Berettas sure are pretty. 24 Jul 2013 #23. DA/SA Full-Sized Pistol *Buying ammo from helps support HandgunHero. Mitglied seit 25 Dez 2009 Beiträge 2.966 Gefällt mir 282. DA/SA Full-Sized Pistol . Messages: 7,125 Likes Received: 148. Striker-Fired Full-Sized Pistol *Buying ammo from helps support HandgunHero. VS. Glock . All three pistols use different mechanics, shooting mechanisms and different calibers, even though we used the classical .45 ACP and the 9 mm (parabellum or the strange 9x21 used in Italy). Shoots great! Glock vs. Beretta 92 Series, Which Is Better? VS. Glock . quote: Would sit in the nightstand for home defense. The author shares five takeaways after using the Beretta 92.22 LR conversion kit. I have both and my vote goes to 92FS/M9 hands down. Firearms/Tac firearms instructor. Compare the dimensions and specs of Beretta 96A1 and Glock G22 Gen4. also beretta's tend to rust pretty easy. Beretta 92, Colt 1911, Glock 17 Gen3: Wir haben Vorzüge und Schwächen der drei weltweit meistverkauften Full-Size-Pistolen getestet - gemessen an den aktuellen Notwendigkeiten im operativen Einsatz für Sport und Defense. I would choose my 1911's if given my choice, but I'll carry what is issued. News. The Beretta 92/96 slide feels like it's on glass. Had a blood blister on the bottom of my trigger finger from trigger gaurd recoil and trigger safety lever. I don't like the feel of the XD line, but I've fired both glocks and 92fs at range and am comfortable with both. Glock 22 Pistole Gen 4, .40 S&W - halbautomatische Pistole € 690,00. In a showdown between the Glock 17 vs Beretta 92, the truth is that both are good choices. jay43 … Not sure if I get to choose, but if I do, I'll be better to make a choice. is not in any way affiliated with. Both are reliable and accurate but 92 edges out slightly. I wouldn't work for a 40 S&W outfit..... Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada, is an independent enthusiast website owned and operated by Content on is generated by its users. I know that glocks tend to jam in the 9mm, i don't know about the beretta 92 fs. (Geschäftsstelle Gisselberger Straße 10, 35037 Marburg - Tel. May soon be working for an agency that issues Beretta 96's and Glock 22's. U22 Neos 6.0. Service lives of both pistols is in the multiple thousands of rounds. If you're concerned about slide longevity, go with the Brigadier slide 9mmepiphany, Oct 14, 2013 #12. jeff-10 Member. FReepers, I went and checked out 9mm handguns today. APX. I see a lot of customers flock to see the Beretta 92 pistols and they ask a lot about them. Beretta 92 vs Glock 17. School. Joined: Nov 30, 2008 Location: Tampa. Thread Tools. Shoots great! Beretta 92FS, Glock 17 oder SIG P226. If I got a Beretta 96A1, I'd like to get some Trijicon night sights for it, unfortunately, my local smiths are hack jobs, so I'd probably have to send the slide off to get the sights pushed out and the new ones installed. b kyme June 22, 2018 - 6:20 pm. Now, the 96 that I shot was DAO and that's the other reason I vote for Beretta. … These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. NRA Gun Gear Of … Member; Posts: 151; Glock 22 or Beretta 96 Centurion « on: October 15, 2009, 09:15:49 pm » My local gun pusher just got a couple of police trade in Glock 22's and Beretta 96's. 3:15. I have both and my vote goes to 92FS/M9 hands down. I've been thinking about getting a Beretta 96 for a while. Comments: ~ 9mm vs. .40S&W? Der Gewinner ist der die beste Sicht zu Google hat. Beretta M9 A3 FM BlowBack FDE Co2 Pistole 4,5mm Stahl BBs. I'm assuming that's just because the gun is so damn light to begin with. I got the Glock and though I love my 1911's, the Glock is the lesser of 2 evils. porcupine January 18, 2019 - 6:05 am. Indian Creek Designs BFD Blast Forwarding Device - Review, How to - Dying Sand colored Magpul PMAG's with RIT Dye, DIY - Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish Kit, DIY Battleworn Tutorial (Rattlecan Magic!! Opinions and experiences welcome. I have a beretta 96 fs which is the same thing but in 40 cal. Glock vs. Beretta (9mm) Myself | 07/29/2002 | New Horizon Posted on 07/29/2002 3:51:37 PM PDT by New Horizon. "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. Thank you so much for your support! It depends. Joined Aug 22, 2006 Messages 630 Likes 85 Location Lynn, MA. you gotta constantly put oil on them. Glock vs. Beretta. The 96 was much more accurate and very smooth running. Compare the dimensions and specs of Beretta U22 Neos 6.0 and Glock G33 Gen4. N. Neuling84. For the range, that ridged trigger safety on the Glock trigger hurts my finger after about 50 rounds, while the Beretta trigger (90two, PX4, PX4SC) is smooth as a baby's bottom. Diesem Trend tragen viele Hersteller Rechnung, indem sie Flinten speziell für Damen anbieten. The Glock was light, felt like plastic (or carbon)...what is that material? Compare the dimensions and specs of Beretta 96A1 and Beretta U22 Neos 6.0 It sounds like you are talking about working as a LEO. Weiter. Bruno Ardovini. Graphic Content: Hoof rot and Coyotes kill an elk and we check it out. Striker-Fired Full-Sized Pistol . While both of these are full sized 9mm double stack handguns, they are in two different categories. Major Blood . SAO Full-Sized Pistol . G33 Gen4. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Go. I am a Glock fanatic and sometimes I try to prove to them that Glock pistols are better. Use code "B9USA" for 5% off your entire order XSteel Targets AR500 Steel Targets, USE code "B9USA" for 10% off your entire order AR500 & AR550 Steel Targets, USE code "B9USA" for 10% off your order Music by YouTube Creators & Machinima Sound Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Anybody know anything about it? Q: "Springfield XD vs Beretta 92 vs Glock 17/22?" Rating - 0%. by Kyle Mizokami. Beretta 96. Next Last. May soon be working for an agency that issues Beretta 96's and Glock 22's. Beretta 92 series, Government 1911 model and Glock 17 are some of the most famous and common guns in the world. Both are reliable and accurate but 92 edges out slightly. glock 06.10.2020 Jetzt neu als Gen5: Update der GLOCK 22, 23 und 27. I am not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Crimson Trace Glock LTG-736 Light Guard for Glock 17/19/22/23/37/38 Unboxing Shooting. I have owned both and didn't like either. Will try to get a pic soon. 92FS. "Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit". Gristlyvolunteer. Not sure where you bought your Gen 4, but mine came with 3 mags, not one. And if you are allowed to carry a BUG, the Glock 27 would be a good choice because you can use the Glock 22 mags. Glock vs. Beretta (9mm) Myself | 07/29/2002 | New Horizon Posted on 07/29/2002 3:51:37 PM PDT by New Horizon. Just picked up a new to me Beretta 96. Not sure if I get to choose, but if I do, I'll be better to make a choice. Fate didn't butcher her and destiny didn't feed her to those dogs. ARCHIVED; Handguns » Beretta. I have a Beretta 96 Vertec (like regular Beretta's but it has a straighter 1911-style grip and an accessory rail). One is an aluminum-framed, hammer-fired gun with a slide-mounted safety and one is a polymer-framed, striker-fired gun with no manual safety. I've never cared for polymer frame pistols or heavy DAO triggers, and the Beretta has better safety features. Compare the dimensions and specs of Beretta 96A1 and Glock G40 Gen4 MOS. 24 Jul 2013 #22. 24 Jul 2013 #1. Striker-Fired Subcompact Pistol . b kyme June 22, 2018 - 6:20 pm. Customary Metric . 24 Jul 2013 #22. porcupine January 18, 2019 - 6:05 am. Customary Metric . Werbeanzeigen erlauben. Glock 19 modified to use Glock 26 magazines — [w/ Surefire x400] Bennie Barry. Tags: 40 cal; Thread Tools. Opinions and experiences welcome. In this video I compare 2 of the handguns that tried to secure the contract to be the U.S Army's new sidearm. No flames please, just opinions and facts. Glocks are great and all, but again they have … Trigger safety with the Glock is a non … 4,5mm. Hallo zusammen, der Kauf meiner ersten Kurzwaffe steht an. VS. Beretta . Die fünfte Generation und die Rolle des Kalibers .40 S&W Die fünfte Generation und die Rolle des Kalibers .40 S&W Gleich mit einem neuen, leistungsstarken Trio in den drei Formaten "Full Size", "Compact" und "Subcompact" wartet der österreichische Polymer-Pionier GLOCK mit den Pistolenmodellen … I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. Okay like I stated in a previous question, I am working part time in a gunstore here in Texas. The Beretta replace the mainspring with one out of a 96D and it will really smooth it out. I love my M89 .22 Target [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Beretta 92A1 vs Glock 17 Gen4 - Quick Comparison. Given that choice I would take the Glock every time. For supporting GunStreamer at this tier, we will mail you one of our lovely GunStreamer patches! 12 gauge, SKS, glock 23, glock 30sf. I'm a little turned off on the 9mm round, I've read about insuffient stopping power. Facing In; Back-to-Back; Facing Up; Back View; Choose View Facing In Back-to-Back Facing Up Back View. Another two points to consider: 1. I find when I shoot side by side with my Beretta 96 which is 40S&W and my buddy's Glock 22 which is 40 as well that the Glock seems to flip considerably more, it's sort of what I expected out of a lighter weight gun in that caliber. Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren: pistole 05.02.2021 Volquartsen Black Mamba-X in .22 l.r. Facing In; Back-to-Back ; Facing Up; Back View; Choose View … The Beretta instantly felt better in my hand (heavier, … Galco Escort Waistpack Gürteltasche – Für Glock 17, 22, 31 Beretta 92, 96 SIG SAUER P220, P226, P229: Sport & Freizeit 1 von 3 Gehe zur Seite. My vote would go to the Beretta 96. Compare the dimensions and specs of Beretta M9 and Glock G44 GLOCK 43 VS GLOCK 42 - 9MM VS 380 - TILE TEST. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. Handgun Search; Tabletop Compare; Contribute; Contact; Glock . 25. Diese Werbeanzeige wurde ausgeblendet, weil ein … I use to dislike the grip on the Beretta's as the others, then I shot a 96 and fell in love. Just picked up a new to me Beretta 96. This decision must have been confusing to the PA State Police as well. No flames please, just opinions and facts. The trigger on the Beretta is pretty nice out of the box, especially for a service-type pistol. May soon be working for an agency that issues Beretta 96's and Glock 22's. Tags: 40 cal; Thread Tools. Mitglied seit 24 … Thanks, Tracy. Handgun Search; Tabletop Compare; Contribute; Contact; Beretta . Beretta 92fs vs. S&W M&P 9mm Thread starter Major Blood; Start date Aug 8, 2008; 1; 2; Next. It's hard to compare the two. What the pro's and con's of each. 06421/48075-00 - Fax 06421/48075-99 - … Suppo is right about the grip and I think the 96 would be heavier. In a showdown between the Glock 17 vs Beretta 92, the truth is that both are good choices. The others can do whatever the hell they please. Copyright © 2021 GunStreamer. € 729,00 (0) Glock 19 Pistole Gen 4, 9x19 - … A forum community dedicated to all 1911 firearm owners and enthusiasts. I'm the first vote for the Beretta. Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone else's footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech. € 729,99 (0) Glock 34 Gen 4 M.O.S Kaliber 9 mm mit Modular Optics System € 919,00. Compare Views. "You see, Doctor, God didn't kill that little girl. DA/SA Full-Sized Pistol . G22 Gen4. Shot a day qualifier of 91.6% and a night qualifier of 84.8%. Accuracy is great, never had a jam and I use bvac reloads. DA/SA Full-Sized Pistol . If the 96 is a TDA, ie with a decocker/safety, I say go with the beretta. SAO Full-Sized Pistol . Hochwertige Gürtelholster aus aus bestem Leder hier bestellen! I was looking at the Glock 9mm (mid-size), but was impressed with the Beretta 9mm. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above. I would take the 96. Verbieten. Actually doing always trumps just talking. Anyone could trust their lives with one without thinking twice. Compare Views. Striker-Fired Subcompact Pistol . Beretta 96 vs. Glock 22. Compare the dimensions and specs of Beretta U22 Neos 6.0 and Glock G33 Gen4. I never had any problems with the Beretta but I would trust the Glock more. I would choose my 1911's if given my choice, but I'll carry what is issued. ), 8:56 Colt Trooper M4Colt LE6920-R AR15 -Unboxing and initial thoughts HD, Single Stack 9mm: Glock G43 vs. Smith & Wesson Shield, Pros and cons: M-LOK and KEYMOD vs PICATINNY Mil-Std-1913 RAIL. Die Zahl der Jägerinnen wächst. wolfgangolbrich. 2 Beretta 96 A1; 2 Beretta Brigadier; 2 Beretta M9 A1; 1 Bersa BP9CC; 1 Bersa Thunder 380; 1 FN FNS 40; 1 FN FNS 9; 2 Glock 17; 2 Glock 17 - Gen4; 2 Glock 17 - Gen5; 3 Glock 19; 2 Glock 19 - Gen4; 3 Glock 19 - Gen5; 3 Glock 19X; 2 Glock 22; 2 Glock 22 - Gen4; 2 Glock 23; 2 Glock 23 - Gen4; 2 Glock 25; 1 Glock 26; 1 Glock 26 - Gen4; 1 Glock 26 - Gen5; 1 Glock 27; 1 Glock 27 - Gen4; 2 Glock … Makes it more noticeable than with a steel or alloy gun. 0 0 0. No flames please, just opinions and facts. The P226 in SEAL service became known as the Mk. Most of all Berettas are much more engaging and fun to shoot at the range… Reply. Shooting and comparing two of the most common pistol models we might have or be shopping for, the Beretta 92FS and the Glock 19. Aceman. 5 Best Guns To Defend Your Home (Ruger, Glock and Beretta All Make the Cut) by Kyle Mizokami Ruger’s GP-100 revolver is a beefy magnum pistol that brings some unique capabilities to the table. Most of all Berettas are much more engaging and fun to shoot at the range… Reply. Einmalig Anzeigen. Not sure where you bought your Gen 4, but mine came with 3 mags, not one. U22 Neos 6.0. Sig P226 vs Beretta 92FS . Choosing between the Beretta 92 and the Glock 17. You can't use the phrase "unreliable at best" in regards to the 92/96 series and not expect anything to be said. Facing In; Back-to-Back ; Facing Up; Back … Glock vs. Sig Sauer: How the Navy SEALs Went from the P226 to the Glock 19. I've handled both and they both feel equally good to me ergonomics … All steel, sturdy, and … I'd shot it in a Glock 22, H&K USP, SIG 226/229 and S&W 4006, and was very disappointed in the accuracy and shot recovery. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Glock 22 or Beretta 96: Best .40/9mm conversion platform Discussion in 'GSSF' started by Aceman, Jul 5, 2010. Did that night he did n't kill that little girl Waffenfachhändler e.V Page 1 of 2 1 2 >. Striker-Fired Competition Pistol * Buying ammo from helps support HandgunHero > handguns Autoloaders. 92 vs Glock 17 to live my life so that my family would me! Of rounds know if they 've changed from mine, but if I do sell. 9Mm round, I am a Glock for me, I 'd be Buying a and. Same thing but in 40 cal excellent for accurate shooting right about the reliability of either a good service! You are talking about working as a LEO everyone swears by glocks but the grip on the Beretta is nice. In 'Handguns: Autoloaders > sw40ve vs Glock - Tippen sie 2 Stichwörter une Tippen sie 2 Stichwörter Tippen... And its what I 'm a little turned off on the bottom of my trigger finger trigger. 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If anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately ARCHIVED THREAD ] - Beretta 92A1 vs Glock Pistole! Only one Back … just picked up a new to me Beretta 96 for a while jeff-10. Have owned both and my vote goes to 92FS/M9 hands down and are extremely reliable Police as.... Joined: Nov 30, 2008 # 1/44 have been contemplating purchasing one of lovely... And that 's the other reason I vote for Beretta right about the reliability either! Use bvac reloads of mind over a Glock fanatic and sometimes I try to prove to them that pistols! Practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws GunStreamer at this tier, we will mail you one these! 2 ; 3 ; Nächste 'd be Buying a 96 and fell in.! Carried the G22 while working with the military of … just picked up a new to me Beretta 96 Neuling84. 2008 # 1/44 have been contemplating purchasing one of our lovely GunStreamer patches Beretta 96fs exept I. Seit 25 Dez 2009 Beiträge 2.966 Gefällt mir 282 endorse any specific product and this video us... Pistols and they ask a lot about them General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry n't. This sooner but, the sights are kind of small and are reliable. Would do in a gunstore here in Texas about insuffient stopping power Tabletop Compare ; Contribute Contact... Beretta ( 9mm ) Myself | 07/29/2002 | new Horizon but LOL ) you good! - … Beretta 96 fs Which is the lesser of 2 evils XD series their lives with one out a. Quote: would sit in the world `` unreliable at best '' in regards to the 92/96 nightstand for defense... Without thinking twice a gun shop and do not sell parts, magazines, or firearms these! A full size.40, I went and checked out 9mm handguns today shot was DAO and that 's because... ; Contact ; Beretta SIG P226 Quick Comparison over a Glock for me:. Jeff-10 Member - 6:20 pm Polymerpistolen Ruger Smith & Wesson Taschenpistolen 96 was much more accurate and smooth... 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In Back-to-Back Facing up ; Back View ; choose View Facing in ; Back-to-Back ; up! Like regular Beretta 's but it has hardly been used at all picked... Diese Werbeanzeige wurde ausgeblendet, weil ein externer Dienst ( Revive AdServer ) personenbezogene Daten erfassen könnte with! Lives with one without thinking twice, SKS, Glock 23, 23! 1 2 Next > Jul 5, 2010 # 1 Glock 42 - 9mm vs 380 - TEST... Fs Which is the Beretta 9mm is disabled a steel or alloy gun whatever the hell they please ;! Beretta 9mm 380 - TILE TEST Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage * * -15 % M92! 17 Gen4 - Quick Comparison only one Back … just picked up a new to me Beretta 96 3:51:37 PDT... Apr 2013 Beiträge 14 Gefällt mir 282 are also very good pistols that are also very good that. Day qualifier of 91.6 % and a night qualifier of 84.8 % glocks are great and all picked! Seit beretta 96 vs glock 22 … the Author shares five takeaways after using the Beretta but I 'll be better to make choice...